// ==UserScript== // @name NexusPHP PT 一键认# // @name:en NexusPHP PT torrents claim // @version 0.0.2 // @description 一键认# // @description:en one key claim all the seeding torrents in NexusPHP PT. // @author mintiang // @match https://*/userdetails.php?id=* // @license MIT // @grant unsafeWindow // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/920757 // ==/UserScript== /** * 改自HDTIME一键认#, 原网址: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/469883 */ (function () { 'use strict'; // Your code here... function wait(time) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)).catch((e) => { console.log(e); }); } window.onload = function () { if (!jQuery || !layer) { alert('站点无法使用该脚本') } let url = new URL(window.location.href); let params = url.searchParams; if (jQuery("a[href='claim.php?uid=" + params.get("id") + "']").length) { let aTag = '<a id="claimAllTorrents" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.manualClaimTorrents();" style="margin-left:10px;font-weight:bold;color:red" title="认#全部当前做种(运行后无法停止,强制停止可关闭页面)">一键认#</a><br>' jQuery('#ka1').parent().prepend(aTag) } } unsafeWindow.manualClaimTorrents = async function () { var msg = "确定要认#全部种子吗?\n种子越多越要等捏(每个种子访问间隔5000ms)\n停止脚本刷新当前页面即可。"; if (!confirm(msg)) return; jQuery('#claimAllTorrents').css("pointer-events",'none'); jQuery('#ka1').parent().find('a')[1].click() layer.msg('脚本开始执行', { icon: 6, time: 4000 }) await wait(3000) let buttonArr = new Array(...(jQuery('#ka1').find('[data-action="addClaim"]').length ? jQuery('#ka1').find('[data-action="addClaim"]') : [])) buttonArr = buttonArr.filter(x => jQuery(x).css('display') !== 'none') if (!buttonArr || !buttonArr.length) { alert('未检测到可以认#的种子\n请打开当前做种列表, 若列表没有种子您无法认#!\n若您已经全部认#请无视!') return } let total = 0, success = 0; for (let el of buttonArr) { total++ let torrentId = jQuery(el).attr("data-torrent_id") let action = jQuery(el).attr("data-action") let param = { "action": action, "params": { torrent_id: torrentId } } new Promise((resolve) => { jQuery.post("ajax.php", param, function (response) { if (response.ret == 0) { success++ } }, "json") }) layer.msg(`正在认#第${total}/${buttonArr.length}个,成功认#${success}个`, { icon: 6, time: 4000 }) await wait(5000) } alert(`共计可认#${total}个种子,本次成功认#${success}个。`); jQuery('#claimAllTorrents').css("pointer-events",''); } })();