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Changes the link of the story to go to the work page of the story on AO3 instead of the navigate page
// ==UserScript== // @name Worm Story Search: Link AO3 Stories to Work Page // @namespace // @version 1.0.2-20240823_161521 // @description Changes the link of the story to go to the work page of the story on AO3 instead of the navigate page // @author w4tchdoge // @homepage // @match *://* // @match *://* // @icon // @run-at document-idle // @license AGPL-3.0-or-later // @history 1.0.2 — Remove the `if (el.href.includes('archiveofourown'))` in favour of moving the check to the selector of `storyELM.querySelectorAll` // @history 1.0.1 — Fix script replacing non-AO3 links in the blue tag boxes // @history 1.0.0 — Initial Release // ==/UserScript== (function () { `use strict`; // Get Table Rows const table_rows = document.querySelector('#stories-searchable-table tbody.rows'); // Get Array of Stories const stories_arr = Array.from(table_rows.children); // Iterate on the array of Stories stories_arr.forEach((storyELM) => { // Try to get the blue box next to the title that says AO3 const AO3_tag = (() => { const xpath = `.//td[contains(concat(" ",normalize-space(@class)," ")," title ")]//a[contains(@href,"")]`; const out_elm = document.evaluate(xpath, storyELM, null, XPathR###lt.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; return out_elm; })(); if (Boolean(AO3_tag)) { // Run only if said blue box exists // Regex for extracting work URL without specific chapter const re_wu = /(^https?:\/\/)(.*\.)?(archiveofourown\.org)(.*?)(\/works\/\d+)\/?.*$/gmi; // Get the AO3 link and all extraneous parts of the URL, leaving you with a URL in the format{WORK_ID} const AO3_link = AO3_tag.getAttribute('href').replace(re_wu, '$1$3$5'); // Replace all instances of old AO3 URL with the new one Array.from(storyELM.querySelectorAll('td.title a[data-track][href*=""]')).forEach((el) => { el.href = AO3_link; }); // Make the title link also go to the AO3 work instead of SB or any other source storyELM.querySelector('td.title a[data-track]').href = AO3_link; // Debug line of code, you can ignore it // console.log(`${storyELM.querySelector('td.title a[data-track]').href} - ${storyELM.querySelector('td.title a[data-track]').textContent}`); } }); })();