// ==UserScript== // @name SJTU Grad student classtable to iCalendar // @name:zh-CN SJTU研究生课表导出到iCalendar // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.2.0 // @description Export the SJTU graduate school schedule to an iCalendar file. Initial support for iOS calendar locations is currently available. // @description:zh-CN 将研究生课表导出到iCalendar文件。目前初步支持iOS日历位置。 // @author Victrid // @match http://yjs.sjtu.edu.cn/gsapp/sys/wdkbapp* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=github.com // @run-at document-end // @license GPL-3.0 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect plus.sjtu.edu.cn // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/FileSaver.min.js // ==/UserScript== /*jshint esversion: 8 */ (function () { 'use strict'; // This part is modified from https://github.com/nwcell/ics.js, licensed under MIT. // MIT License // Copyright (c) 2018 Travis Krause // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // -------------------------------ICS.js start----------------------------------- const ics = function (prodId, uidDomain) { var SEPARATOR = '\n'; var calendarEvents = []; var calendarStart = [ 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR', 'PRODID:' + prodId, 'VERSION:2.0' ].join(SEPARATOR); var calendarEnd = SEPARATOR + 'END:VCALENDAR'; function GetTimeDate(date_object) { // Return the UTC ICS compatible TIME-DATE of a Date object. UTC part here is critical const yy = ("0000" + (date_object.getUTCFullYear().toString())).slice(-4); const MM = ("00" + ((date_object.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString())).slice(-2); const dd = ("00" + ((date_object.getUTCDate()).toString())).slice(-2); const hh = ("00" + (date_object.getUTCHours().toString())).slice(-2); const mm = ("00" + (date_object.getUTCMinutes().toString())).slice(-2); const ss = ("00" + (date_object.getUTCSeconds().toString())).slice(-2); return `${yy}${MM}${dd}T${hh}${mm}${ss}Z`; } // DTSTAMP const now = GetTimeDate(new Date()); const geolocation = { // ios map related private annotations "东上院": { handle: `CAES8AIIl8QDEK/e9djnpP4BGhIJnrRwWYUFP0ARTaCIRQxc XkAiogEKBuS4reWbvRICQ04yCeS4iua1t+W4gkIJ6Ze16KGM5Yy6Uj7kuJzlt53ot684MDDl j7fkuIrmtbfkuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLrlhoUo6L+R5Lic5LiL6ZmiKWI+5Lic 5bed6LevODAw5Y+35LiK5rW35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m6Ze16KGM5qCh5Yy65YaFKOi/keS4nOS4 i+mZoikqJ+S4iua1t+S6pOmAmuWkp+WtpumXteihjOagoeWMuuS4nOS4iumZojJW5Lit5Zu9 5LiK5rW35biC6Ze16KGM5Yy65Lic5bed6LevODAw5Y+35LiK5rW35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m6Ze1 6KGM5qCh5Yy65YaFKOi/keS4nOS4i+mZoik4L1ABWiMKIQiv3vXY56T+ARISCZ60cFmFBT9A EU2giEUMXF5AGJfEAw==`.replace(/\s/g, ""), radius: "95.46661055183932", geo: "31.021566,121.438249" }, "东中院": { handle: `CAESvQIIl8QDEKuT1MbnpP4BGhIJpkboZ+oFP0ARO/4LBAFcXkAigAE KBuS4reWbvRICQ04yCeS4iua1t+W4gkIJ6Ze16KGM5Yy6Ui3kuJzlt53ot684MDDlj7fkuIr mtbfkuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLpiLeS4nOW3nei3rzgwMOWPt+S4iua1t+S6pOm AmuWkp+WtpumXteihjOagoeWMuion5LiK5rW35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m6Ze16KGM5qCh5Yy65Li c5Lit6ZmiMkXkuK3lm73kuIrmtbfluILpl7XooYzljLrkuJzlt53ot684MDDlj7fkuIrmtbf kuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLo4L1ABWiMKIQirk9TG56T+ARISCaZG6GfqBT9AETv +CwQBXF5AGJfEAw==`.replace(/\s/g, ""), radius: "116.1443983019585", geo: "31.023108,121.437562" }, "东下院": { handle: `CAESzAIIl8QDEOvX+8HnpP4BGhIJjx1U4joGP0ARFokJavhbXkAi igEKBuS4reWbvRICQ04yCeS4iua1t+W4gkIJ6Ze16KGM5Yy6UjLkuJzlt53ot684MDDlj7fk uqTpgJrlpKflrablhoUo6L+R5Lqk5aSn5Zu+5Lmm6aaGKWIy5Lic5bed6LevODAw5Y+35Lqk 6YCa5aSn5a2m5YaFKOi/keS6pOWkp+WbvuS5pummhikqJ+S4iua1t+S6pOmAmuWkp+WtpumX teihjOagoeWMuuS4nOS4i+mZojJK5Lit5Zu95LiK5rW35biC6Ze16KGM5Yy65Lic5bed6Lev ODAw5Y+35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m5YaFKOi/keS6pOWkp+WbvuS5pummhik4L1ABWiMKIQjr1/vB 56T+ARISCY8dVOI6Bj9AERaJCWr4W15AGJfEAw==`.replace(/\s/g, ""), radius: "86.83563332157695", geo: "31.024336,121.437" }, "上院": { handle: `CAESwwIIl8QDEJfTiujYgf4BGhIJokW28/0EP0ARDHVY4ZZbXkAihg EKBuS4reWbvRICQ04yCeS4iua1t+W4gkIJ6Ze16KGM5Yy6UjDkuJzlt53ot684MDDlj7fkuI rmtbfkuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLrlhoViMOS4nOW3nei3rzgwMOWPt+S4iua1t+ S6pOmAmuWkp+WtpumXteihjOagoeWMuuWGhSok5LiK5rW35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m6Ze16KGM5q Ch5Yy65LiK6ZmiMkjkuK3lm73kuIrmtbfluILpl7XooYzljLrkuJzlt53ot684MDDlj7fkuI rmtbfkuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLrlhoU4L1ABWiMKIQiX04ro2IH+ARISCaJFtv P9BD9AEQx1WOGWW15AGJfEAw==`.replace(/\s/g, ""), radius: "79.62744974845103", geo: "31.019500,121.431084" }, "中院": { handle: `CAESsAIIl8QDELDRiujYgf4BGhIJ8pTVdD0FP0ARgSOBBptbXkAiegoG 5Lit5Zu9EgJDTjIJ5LiK5rW35biCQgnpl7XooYzljLpSKuS4nOW3nei3rzgwMOS4iua1t+S6 pOmAmuWkp+WtpumXteihjOagoeWMumIq5Lic5bed6LevODAw5LiK5rW35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m 6Ze16KGM5qCh5Yy6KiTkuIrmtbfkuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLrkuK3pmaIyQuS4 reWbveS4iua1t+W4gumXteihjOWMuuS4nOW3nei3rzgwMOS4iua1t+S6pOmAmuWkp+WtpumX teihjOagoeWMujgvUAFaIwohCLDRiujYgf4BEhIJ8pTVdD0FP0ARgSOBBptbXkAYl8QD`.replace(/\s/g, ""), radius: "389.6329066623545", geo: "31.020469,121.431337" }, "下院": { handle: `CAESsAIIl8QDEJrTiujYgf4BGhIJ7rPKTGkFP0ARdxGmKJdbXkAiegoG 5Lit5Zu9EgJDTjIJ5LiK5rW35biCQgnpl7XooYzljLpSKuS4nOW3nei3rzgwMOS4iua1t+S6 pOmAmuWkp+WtpumXteihjOagoeWMumIq5Lic5bed6LevODAw5LiK5rW35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m 6Ze16KGM5qCh5Yy6KiTkuIrmtbfkuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLrkuIvpmaIyQuS4 reWbveS4iua1t+W4gumXteihjOWMuuS4nOW3nei3rzgwMOS4iua1t+S6pOmAmuWkp+WtpumX teihjOagoeWMujgvUAFaIwohCJrTiujYgf4BEhIJ7rPKTGkFP0ARdxGmKJdbXkAYl8QD`.replace(/\s/g, ""), radius: "371.4202884635783", geo: "31.021138,121.431101" }, "陈瑞球楼": { handle: `CAEStgIIl8QDEOCelMTnpP4BGhIJ6e3PRUMGP0ARjnVxGw1cXkAiegoG5Lit5Zu9E gJDTjIJ5LiK5rW35biCQgnpl7XooYzljLpSKuS4iua1t+S6pOmAmuWkp+WtpumXteihjOago eWMuumZiOeRnueQg+alvGIq5LiK5rW35Lqk6YCa5aSn5a2m6Ze16KGM5qCh5Yy66ZmI55Ge5 5CD5qW8KirkuIrmtbfkuqTpgJrlpKflrabpl7XooYzmoKHljLrpmYjnkZ7nkIPmpbwyQuS4r eWbveS4iua1t+W4gumXteihjOWMuuS4iua1t+S6pOmAmuWkp+WtpumXteihjOagoeWMuumZi OeRnueQg+alvDgvUAFaIwohCOCelMTnpP4BEhIJ6e3PRUMGP0ARjnVxGw1cXkAYl8QD`.replace(/\s/g, ""), radius: "371.4202884635783", geo: "31.021138,121.431101" }, }; function FormatXAppleStructuredLocation(building, room) { function fxa(str, len) { const size = Math.ceil(str.length / len); const r = Array(size); let offset = 0; for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { r[i] = str.substr(offset, len); offset += len; } return r; } var t; if (building in geolocation) { t = `-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS="闵行校区${building}"; X-APPLE-MAPKIT-HANDLE=${geolocation[building].handle};X-APPLE-RADIUS=${geolocation[building].radius}; X-APPLE-REFERENCEFRAME=2;X-TITLE="${room}":geo:${geolocation[building].geo}`.replace(/\s/g, ""); } else { // default to 陈瑞球楼 t = `-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS="闵行校区${building}"; X-APPLE-MAPKIT-HANDLE=${geolocation["陈瑞球楼"].handle};X-APPLE-RADIUS=${geolocation["陈瑞球楼"].radius}; X-APPLE-REFERENCEFRAME=2;X-TITLE="${room}":geo:${geolocation["陈瑞球楼"].geo}`.replace(/\s/g, ""); } // icloud exported calendar have them. var chunk = fxa(t, 72); chunk[0] = "X" + chunk[0]; for (var i = 1; i < chunk.length; i++) { chunk[i] = " " + chunk[i]; } return chunk.join(SEPARATOR); } function FormatGEO(building, room) { var geo; if (building in geolocation) { geo = geolocation[building].geo.split(",") } else { geo = geolocation["陈瑞球楼"].geo.split(",") } return `GEO:${geo[0]};${geo[1]}` } return { 'addPeriods': function (subject, description, building, room, location, start_date, period_list, ios) { // Utilize RDATE periods. Best option if your calendar supports this. // Note: Apple calendar cannot understand RDATE. if (ios) { console.error("iOS calendar does not support RDATE"); return; } const start = GetTimeDate(new Date(start_date.getTime() + period_list[0].start)); const end = GetTimeDate(new Date(start_date.getTime() + period_list[0].end)); var period_strings = []; for (const period of period_list) { const start_time = GetTimeDate(new Date(start_date.getTime() + period.start)); const end_time = GetTimeDate(new Date(start_date.getTime() + period.end)); period_strings.push(`${start_time}/${end_time}`); } const RDATE_PERIOD = period_strings.join(","); var calendarEvent = [ 'BEGIN:VEVENT', 'UID:' + calendarEvents.length + "@" + uidDomain, 'CLASS:PUBLIC', 'DESCRIPTION:' + description, 'DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:' + now, 'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:' + start, 'DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:' + end, 'LOCATION:' + location, FormatGEO(building, room), "RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD:" + RDATE_PERIOD, 'SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=zh-CN:' + subject, 'TRANSP:OPAQUE', 'END:VEVENT' ]; calendarEvent = calendarEvent.join(SEPARATOR); calendarEvents.push(calendarEvent); return; }, 'addSingle': function (subject, description, building, room, location, start_date, period, ios) { // Compatible option const start = GetTimeDate(new Date(start_date.getTime() + period.start)); const end = GetTimeDate(new Date(start_date.getTime() + period.end)); var calendarEvent = [ 'BEGIN:VEVENT', 'UID:' + calendarEvents.length + "@" + uidDomain, 'CLASS:PUBLIC', 'DESCRIPTION:' + description, 'DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:' + now, 'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:' + start, 'DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:' + end, 'LOCATION:' + location + (ios ? SEPARATOR + FormatXAppleStructuredLocation(building, room) : SEPARATOR + FormatGEO(building, room)), 'SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=zh-CN:' + subject, 'TRANSP:OPAQUE', 'END:VEVENT' ]; calendarEvent = calendarEvent.join(SEPARATOR); calendarEvents.push(calendarEvent); return calendarEvent; }, 'download': function (filename) { if (calendarEvents.length < 1) { return; } var calendar = calendarStart + SEPARATOR + calendarEvents.join(SEPARATOR) + calendarEnd; var blob = new Blob([calendar]); saveAs(blob, filename + ".ics"); // clear after saving calendarEvents = []; }, }; }(`SJTUGraduateiCalendar ${GM_info.script.version}`, `SGics${GM_info.script.version}`); // -------------------------------ICS.js end----------------------------------- function ParseWeek(week_notation) { var weeks = []; for (var i = 0; i < week_notation.length; i++) { weeks.push(week_notation.charAt(i) == "1"); } return weeks; } async function GetStartDay(semester) { // get the start date from sjtu plus const sjtu_plus_url = "https://plus.sjtu.edu.cn/course-plus-data/lessonData_index.json"; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: sjtu_plus_url, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/application/json" }, onload: function (req) { var r###lt = new Date(0); if (req.status != 200) { console.log(req.status); return new Date(0); } const data = JSON.parse(req.responseText); const semester_start_month = parseInt(semester) % 100; var semester_year = ((parseInt(semester) - semester_start_month) / 100) | 0; var year_json, semester_json; switch (semester_start_month) { case 8: case 9: case 10: year_json = semester_year.toString() + "-" + (semester_year + 1).toString(); semester_json = 1; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: year_json = (semester_year - 1).toString() + "-" + semester_year.toString(); semester_json = 2; break; case 5: case 6: case 7: year_json = (semester_year - 1).toString() + "-" + semester_year.toString(); semester_json = 3; break; default: console.log(`Error finding semester: how can a semester starts in ${semester_start_month}?`); r###lt = new Date(0); } for (const item of data) { if (item.year == year_json && item.semester == semester_json) { if ("first_day" in item) { r###lt = new Date(Date.parse(item.first_day + " 00:00:00 GMT+0800")); resolve(r###lt); return; } else { console.log("Error finding semester: first_day not defined by SJTU-plus, maybe too old or too new?"); r###lt = new Date(0); resolve(r###lt); return; } } } console.log("Error finding semester: semester not defined by SJTU-plus, maybe too old or too new?"); r###lt = new Date(0); resolve(r###lt); } }); }); } function ExpandSchedInfoAndCombine(schedinfo, start_date) { var full_timetable = []; for (const sched of schedinfo) { for (var week = 0; week < sched.weeks.length; week++) { if (sched.weeks[week]) { const si = { week: week, day: sched.weekday, start: sched.timeslot, end: sched.timeslot + 1, building: sched.building, room: sched.room, // Content shown at iCalendar locatable_loc: `${sched.room}\\n闵行校区${sched.building}`, // Unique location stored in course scheduling system _location_cmp: sched._location_cmp, // Days after Day 0 (1st week's monday) _daydelta: week * 7 + sched.weekday, // Comparable value to check whether two time slot are continuous _tsstart: (week * 7 + sched.weekday) * 24 + sched.timeslot, _tsend: (week * 7 + sched.weekday) * 24 + sched.timeslot + 1, }; full_timetable.push(si); } } } // Sort the table, make sure continuous slot finds themselves function cont(si1, si2) { return si1._tsstart - si2._tsstart; } full_timetable.sort(cont); //condensed timetable groups continuous slot together var condensed_timetable = []; var current; for (const si of full_timetable) { if (current != undefined && current._tsend == si._tsstart && current._location_cmp == si._location_cmp) { current._tsend = si._tsend; current.end = si.end; } else { if (current != undefined) { condensed_timetable.push(current); } current = si; } } if (current != undefined) { condensed_timetable.push(current); } // vevent dict groups them by location var vevent_dict = {}; for (const si of condensed_timetable) { if (!(si._location_cmp in vevent_dict)) { vevent_dict[si._location_cmp] = { locatable_loc: si.locatable_loc, building: si.building, room: si.room, timeslots: [] }; } const absolute_days = si.week * 7 + si.day; const timeslot = GetHM(si.start, si.end); vevent_dict[si._location_cmp].timeslots.push({ start: absolute_days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + timeslot.start * 60 * 1000, end: absolute_days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + timeslot.end * 60 * 1000 }); } var vevent_list = []; for (const key in vevent_dict) { vevent_list.push(vevent_dict[key]); } return vevent_list; } const timeStart = [ '08:00', '08:55', '10:00', '10:55', '12:00', '12:55', '14:00', '14:55', '16:00', '16:55', '18:00', '18:55', '19:41', '20:25', "21:15" ]; const timeEnd = [ '08:45', "09:40", "10:45", "11:40", "12:45", "13:40", "14:45", "15:40", "16:45", "17:40", "18:45", "19:40", "20:20", "21:10", "22:00" ]; function GetHM(start, end) { var start_info = timeStart[start - 1].split(":"); var start_m = parseInt(start_info[0]) * 60 + parseInt(start_info[1]); var end_info = timeEnd[end - 2].split(":"); var end_m = parseInt(end_info[0]) * 60 + parseInt(end_info[1]); return { start: start_m, end: end_m, }; } async function GetCourseInfo() { // Dirty thingy, use their JS to do var course_info = {}; const bld_regex = /[-0-9]*$/i; const semester = $('#myXnxqSelect').val(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { requirejs(["/gsapp/sys/wdkbapp/*default/modules/xskcb/xskcbBS.js"], function (bs) { bs.getXspkjgList(semester, "").done(function (pkjgList) { //console.log(pkjgList); for (const course_raw of pkjgList) { //console.log(course_raw); if (course_raw["XNXQDM"] != semester) { console.info("Received erranous value", course_raw["XNXQDM"], semester); continue; } const schedinfo = { weeks: ParseWeek(course_raw["ZCBH"]), weekday: course_raw["XQ"] - 1, timeslot: course_raw["JSJCDM"], building: course_raw["JASMC"].replace(bld_regex, ""), room: course_raw["JASMC"], _location_cmp: course_raw["JASDM"], }; if (!(course_raw["BJDM"] in course_info)) { course_info[course_raw["BJDM"]] = { name: course_raw["KCMC"], course_code: course_raw["KCDM"], class_code: course_raw["BJMC"], teacher: course_raw["JSXM"], scheds: [] }; } course_info[course_raw["BJDM"]]["scheds"].push(schedinfo); } for (let idx in course_info) { let ci = course_info[idx]; let newscheds = ExpandSchedInfoAndCombine(ci.scheds); ci.scheds = newscheds; } resolve(course_info); }); }); }); } function RDATE_method(info, start_date, ios) { for (const key in info) { const course = info[key]; for (const sched of course.scheds) { ics.addPeriods(course.name, `${course.course_code} ${course.name}\\n教师:${course.teacher}\\n班级号:${course.class_code}`, sched.building, sched.room, sched.locatable_loc, start_date, sched.timeslots, ios); } } } function SINGLE_method(info, start_date, ios) { for (const key in info) { const course = info[key]; for (const sched of course.scheds) { for (const time of sched.timeslots) { ics.addSingle(course.name, `${course.course_code} ${course.name}\\n教师:${course.teacher}\\n班级号:${course.class_code}`, sched.building, sched.room, sched.locatable_loc, start_date, time, ios); } } } } async function GenerateIOS() { // This function generates calendar const info = await GetCourseInfo(); const semester = $('#myXnxqSelect').val(); const start_date = await GetStartDay(semester); SINGLE_method(info, start_date, true); ics.download("iOS"); } async function GenerateNormal() { // This function generates calendar const info = await GetCourseInfo(); const semester = $('#myXnxqSelect').val(); const start_date = await GetStartDay(semester); SINGLE_method(info, start_date, false); ics.download("Normal"); } async function GenerateRDATE() { // This function generates calendar const info = await GetCourseInfo(); const semester = $('#myXnxqSelect').val(); const start_date = await GetStartDay(semester); RDATE_method(info, start_date, false); ics.download("RDATE"); } function delayedRegistration() { $(`<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bh-btn bh-btn-default" id="genios" title="iOS日历,含苹果特定地图信息。每次课均作为单独事件。">导出含iOS位置日历 </a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bh-btn bh-btn-default" id="gennormal" title="常规日历,含GPS信息。每次课均作为单独事件。">导出常规日历 </a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bh-btn bh-btn-default" id="genrdate" title="日历条目设置为重复项,支持关联批量编辑,含GPS信息。大多数日历程序无法正确解析RDATE,请测试后使用。">导出RDATE日历 </a>`).insertAfter($("#xsXx").children().find("a")); $("#genios").click(GenerateIOS); $("#gennormal").click(GenerateNormal); $("#genrdate").click(GenerateRDATE); } let retries = 50; const intervalID = setInterval(_ => { // TODO: Try to check if the label is loaded, not very effective const match = ($("#myXnxqSelect").length != 0); if (match != 0) { delayedRegistration(); } retries--; if (retries == 0 || (match != 0)) clearInterval(intervalID); }, 100); })();