Twitter/X(网页版)视频/图片/gif一键下载.[limbopro] / 一键下载推文4k/原始图片并按用户名进行保存
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
暂时移除不可用的下载器:[VID] Temporarily remove unavailable downloader: [VID]
暂时移除:下载器;新增:下载器 ;如有任何问题或建议请留言反馈; Temporarily removed: downloader; new: downloader; if you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message;
当你点击下载图片按钮时 When you click the download image button
下载多张图片时,默认间隔2.5秒下载下一张(如果图片大小大于1MB,则下载下一张的间隔时间在 2.5秒的基础上 追加 0.25秒乘以图片大小数值,单位为MB) When downloading multiple pictures, the default interval is 2.5 seconds before downloading the next one.(If the image size is larger than 1MB, the interval for downloading the next image will be 2.5 seconds, plus 0.25 seconds multiplied by the image size, in MB.)
请尽快点击保存/下载按钮,以免错过 Please click the SAVE/DOWNLOAD button as soon as possible to avoid missing out
调整下载图片时间循环间隔;解决移动端浏览器崩溃问题(canvas 占用内存较大!);Adjust the time cycle interval for downloading images; solve the mobile browser crash problem (canvas takes up a lot of memory!);
参数修正:4k(4096x4096)Parameter correction: 4k (4096x4096)
不同设备显示图片大小不一Different devices display different image sizes本次版本更新:默认下载最大尺寸图片,large(small/medium/large)This version update: Download the largest size image by default, large (small/medium/large)
优化手机端用户下载图片逻辑 Optimize the logic of downloading pictures for mobile phone users 为初次使用本脚本的手机用户提供一定的提示信息,使其更好的使用本脚本下载推特图片 Provide certain prompt information for mobile phone users who are using this script for the first time so that they can better use this script to download Twitter images.
优化手机端(iOS/Android)使用体验,每隔2.5秒下载一张图片;iOS/Android 用户务必在浏览器提示保存时,尽快点击确认。 Optimize the mobile phone (iOS/Android) experience, downloading a picture every 2.5 seconds; iOS/Android users must click to confirm as soon as possible when the browser prompts to save.
除了 PC/Mac,iOS / Android 上也可以批量下载图片了 In addition to PC/Mac, you can also download pictures in batches on iOS/Android
一些逻辑块修复Some logic blocks have been fixed
little bug fixed.
更新下载按钮的样式[缩小]Update download button style [zoom out]
a little bug fixed.
一键下载推文图片一键下载推文视频一键下载推文动图Download tweet images with one clickDownload Tweet Videos with One ClickDownload Tweet GIFs with one click
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