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Remove screen space wasting "Visitors are in this meeting" warning icon
// ==UserScript==// @name Hide Google Meet Visitor Icon// @namespace @version 0.5// @description Remove screen space wasting "Visitors are in this meeting" warning icon// @author Mark Zinzow// @match*// @icon @supportURL @license MIT// @grant none// @run-at document-end// ==/UserScript==// If you wish to remove the visitor div manually, paste this one line into the console:// document.querySelector('div[jscontroller="hVZhab"][data-side="1"]').remove();(function() {'use strict';var removed = 0;function killIconDiv() {const firstDiv = document.querySelector('div[jscontroller="hVZhab"][data-side="1"]'); //This should prevent deleting the controls!if (firstDiv && !removed) {console.log("Div found.");removed = 1;firstDiv.remove();}}// Didn't work unless a visitor was already in the meetingfor (let i = 0; i < 600 ; i++) { //600 keeps trying to remove this icon every 2 seconds for 20 minutesif (removed) break;setTimeout(killIconDiv, i*2000);}})();