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Standard for hooking into the client -> server connection in arras.io

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/483575/1304377/APMU.js

/* ==UserScript==
// @name         APMU
// @version      1.2.1
// @author       ABC & Ray Adams
// @namespace    https://github.com/ABCxFF
// @description  Standard for hooking into the client -> server connection in arras.io
// @match        *://arras.io/*
// @match        *://arras.netlify.app/*
// @homepageURL  https://github.com/Ray-Adams/Arras-Archive
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      GPL-3.0
* Copyright (C) 2021  ABC & Ray Adams
* Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0
const arras = (() => {
// API
const gamemodeTable = [
id: 'x',
u: 'Private'
id: 'e',
Hb: 'word'
id: 'w',
Hb: 'words'
id: 'p',
u: 'Portal'
id: 'o',
u: 'Open'
id: 'm',
u: 'Maze',
delay: !0,
remove: 'f'
id: 'f',
u: 'FFA'
id: 'd',
u: 'Duos'
id: 's',
u: 'Squads'
id: '1',
u: '1 Team',
advance: !0
id: '2',
u: '2 Team',
advance: !0,
end: '2TDM'
id: '3',
u: '3 Team',
advance: !0,
end: '3TDM'
id: '4',
u: '4 Team',
advance: !0,
end: '4TDM'
id: 'd',
u: 'Domination'
id: 'm',
u: 'Mothership',
remove: '2'
id: 'a',
u: 'Assault',
remove: ['2', 'm']
id: 's',
u: 'Siege',
remove: '1'
id: 't',
u: 'Tag',
remove: ['o', '4']
id: 'p',
u: 'Pandemic',
remove: ['o', '2']
id: 'z',
u: 'Sandbox'
const regionTable = {
xyz: ['Local', 'Localhost', null],
unk: ['Unknown', 'Unknown', null],
svx: ['US West', 'Silicon Valley, CA, US', -7],
lax: ['US West', 'Los Angeles, CA, US', -7],
dal: ['USA', 'Dallas, TX, US', -5],
kci: ['USA', 'Kansas City, MO, US', -5],
vin: ['US East', 'Vint Hill, VA, US', -4],
mtl: ['US East', 'Montreal, CA', -4],
lon: ['Europe', 'London, UK', 1],
fra: ['Europe', 'Frankfurt, DE', 2],
sgp: ['Asia', 'Singapore', 8]
const hostTable = {
z: ['Private', null],
x: ['Local', null],
glitch: ['Glitch', 10],
vultr: ['Vultr', 30],
buyvm: ['BuyVM', 15],
extravm: ['ExtraVM', 40],
ovh: ['OVH', 45],
wsi: ['WSI', 50]
class Server {
static parseGamemode(code) {
if ('%' === code) return 'Unknown';
let tags = [];
let filter = [];
let at = 0;
for (const games of gamemodeTable) {
for (const game of games) {
if (game.id === code.charAt(at)) {
if (Array.isArray(game.remove)) {
filter.push.apply(filter, game.remove);
} else if (game.remove) {
tags.push(Object.assign({}, game));
if (tags.length == 0) return 'Unknown';
return tags.map((n, i, l) => l[Math.min(i + Math.pow(-1, i), l.length - 1)]).filter(({ id }) => !filter.includes(id)).map(data => data.u).join(' ');
static parseRegion(code) {
return regionTable[code][0];
static parseHost(code) {
return hostTable[code][0];
static parseCode(code) {
const [host, region, gamemode] = code.split('-');
return [Server.parseHost(host), Server.parseRegion(region), Server.parseGamemode(gamemode)].join(' - ');
const u32 = new Uint32Array(1);
const u16 = new Uint16Array(1);
const c16 = new Uint8Array(u16.buffer);
const c32 = new Uint8Array(u32.buffer);
const f32 = new Float32Array(u32.buffer);
Array.prototype.remove = function (index) {
if (index === this.length - 1) return this.pop();
this[index] = this.pop();
function encode(message) {
let headers = [];
let headerCodes = [];
let contentSize = 0;
let lastTypeCode = 0b1111;
let repeatTypeCount = 0;
for (let block of message) {
let typeCode = 0;
if (block === 0 || block === false) {
typeCode = 0b0000;
} else if (block === 1 || block === true) {
typeCode = 0b0001;
} else if (typeof block === 'number') {
if (!Number.isInteger(block) || block < -0x100000000 || block >= 0x100000000) {
typeCode = 0b1000;
contentSize += 4;
} else if (block >= 0) {
if (block < 0x100) {
typeCode = 0b0010;
} else if (block < 0x10000) {
typeCode = 0b0100;
contentSize += 2;
} else if (block < 0x100000000) {
typeCode = 0b0110;
contentSize += 4;
} else {
if (block >= -0x100) {
typeCode = 0b0011;
} else if (block >= -0x10000) {
typeCode = 0b0101;
contentSize += 2;
} else if (block >= -0x100000000) {
typeCode = 0b0111;
contentSize += 4;
} else if (typeof block === 'string') {
let hasUnicode = false;
for (let i = 0; i < block.length; i++) {
if (block.charAt(i) > '\xff') {
hasUnicode = true;
} else if (block.charAt(i) === '\x00') {
console.error('Null containing string', block);
throw new Error('Null containing string');
if (!hasUnicode && block.length <= 1) {
typeCode = 0b1001;
} else if (hasUnicode) {
typeCode = 0b1011;
contentSize += block.length * 2 + 2;
} else {
typeCode = 0b1010;
contentSize += block.length + 1;
} else {
console.error('Unencodable data type', block);
throw new Error('Unencodable data type');
if (typeCode === lastTypeCode) {
} else {
if (repeatTypeCount >= 1) {
while (repeatTypeCount > 19) {
repeatTypeCount -= 19;
if (repeatTypeCount === 1)
else if (repeatTypeCount === 2)
else if (repeatTypeCount === 3)
else if (repeatTypeCount < 20) {
headerCodes.push(repeatTypeCount - 4);
repeatTypeCount = 0;
lastTypeCode = typeCode;
if (repeatTypeCount >= 1) {
while (repeatTypeCount > 19) {
repeatTypeCount -= 19;
if (repeatTypeCount === 1)
else if (repeatTypeCount === 2)
else if (repeatTypeCount === 3)
else if (repeatTypeCount < 20) {
headerCodes.push(repeatTypeCount - 4);
if (headerCodes.length % 2 === 1)
let output = new Uint8Array((headerCodes.length >> 1) + contentSize);
for (let i = 0; i < headerCodes.length; i += 2) {
let upper = headerCodes[i];
let lower = headerCodes[i + 1];
output[i >> 1] = (upper << 4) | lower;
let index = headerCodes.length >> 1;
for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
let block = message[i];
switch (headers[i]) {
case 0b0000:
case 0b0001:
case 0b0010:
case 0b0011:
output[index++] = block;
case 0b0100:
case 0b0101:
u16[0] = block;
output.set(c16, index);
index += 2;
case 0b0110:
case 0b0111:
u32[0] = block;
output.set(c32, index);
index += 4;
case 0b1000:
f32[0] = block;
output.set(c32, index);
index += 4;
case 0b1001:
let byte = block.length === 0 ? 0 : block.charCodeAt(0);
output[index++] = byte;
case 0b1010:
for (let i = 0; i < block.length; i++) {
output[index++] = block.charCodeAt(i);
output[index++] = 0;
case 0b1011:
for (let i = 0; i < block.length; i++) {
let charCode = block.charCodeAt(i);
output[index++] = charCode & 0xff;
output[index++] = charCode >> 8;
output[index++] = 0;
output[index++] = 0;
return output;
function decode(packet) {
let data = new Uint8Array(packet);
if (data[0] >> 4 !== 0b1111)
return null;
let headers = [];
let lastTypeCode = 0b1111;
let index = 0;
let consumedHalf = true;
while (true) {
if (index >= data.length)
return null;
let typeCode = data[index];
if (consumedHalf) {
typeCode &= 0b1111;
} else {
typeCode >>= 4;
consumedHalf = !consumedHalf;
if ((typeCode & 0b1100) === 0b1100) {
if (typeCode === 0b1111) {
if (consumedHalf)
let repeat = typeCode - 10; // 0b1100 - 2
if (typeCode === 0b1110) {
if (index >= data.length)
return null;
let repeatCode = data[index];
if (consumedHalf) {
repeatCode &= 0b1111;
} else {
repeatCode >>= 4;
consumedHalf = !consumedHalf;
repeat += repeatCode;
for (let i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
} else {
lastTypeCode = typeCode;
let output = [];
for (let header of headers) {
switch (header) {
case 0b0000:
case 0b0001:
case 0b0010:
case 0b0011:
output.push(data[index++] - 0x100);
case 0b0100:
c16[0] = data[index++];
c16[1] = data[index++];
case 0b0101:
c16[0] = data[index++];
c16[1] = data[index++];
output.push(u16[0] - 0x10000);
case 0b0110:
c32[0] = data[index++];
c32[1] = data[index++];
c32[2] = data[index++];
c32[3] = data[index++];
case 0b0111:
c32[0] = data[index++];
c32[1] = data[index++];
c32[2] = data[index++];
c32[3] = data[index++];
output.push(u32[0] - 0x100000000);
case 0b1000:
c32[0] = data[index++];
c32[1] = data[index++];
c32[2] = data[index++];
c32[3] = data[index++];
case 0b1001:
let byte = data[index++];
output.push(byte === 0 ? '' : String.fromCharCode(byte));
case 0b1010:
let string = '';
let byte = 0;
while (byte = data[index++]) {
string += String.fromCharCode(byte);
case 0b1011:
let string = '';
let byte = 0;
while (byte = data[index++] | (data[index++] << 8)) {
string += String.fromCharCode(byte);
return output;
function rotator(packet) {
return {
i: 0,
arr: packet,
get(index) {
return packet[index];
set(index, value) {
return (packet[index] = value);
nex() {
if (this.i === this.arr.length) {
console.error(new Error('End reached'), this.arr);
return -1;
return packet[this.i++];
class BroadcastParser {
constructor() {
this.leaderboard = [];
this.teamMinimap = [];
this.globalMinimap = [];
parse(packet) {
const rot = rotator(packet);
if (rot.nex() !== 'b') throw new TypeError('Invalid packet header; expected packet `b`');
this._array(rot, () => {
const del = rot.nex();
this.globalMinimap.remove(this.globalMinimap.findIndex(({ id }) => id === del));
this._array(rot, () => {
const dot = {
id: rot.nex(),
type: rot.nex(),
x: rot.nex(),
y: rot.nex(),
color: rot.nex(),
size: rot.nex()
let index = this.globalMinimap.findIndex(({ id }) => id === dot.id);
if (index === -1) index = this.globalMinimap.length;
this.globalMinimap[index] = dot;
this._array(rot, () => {
const del = rot.nex();
this.teamMinimap.remove(this.teamMinimap.findIndex(({ id }) => id === del));
this._array(rot, () => {
const dot = {
id: rot.nex(),
x: rot.nex(),
y: rot.nex(),
color: rot.nex()
let index = this.teamMinimap.findIndex(({ id }) => id === dot.id);
if (index === -1) index = this.teamMinimap.length;
this.teamMinimap[index] = dot;
this._array(rot, () => {
const del = rot.nex();
this.leaderboard.remove(this.leaderboard.findIndex(({ id }) => id === del));
this._array(rot, () => {
const champ = {
id: rot.nex(),
score: rot.nex(),
index: rot.nex(),
name: rot.nex(),
color: rot.nex(),
barColor: rot.nex()
let index = this.leaderboard.findIndex(({ id }) => id === champ.id);
if (index === -1) index = this.leaderboard.length;
this.leaderboard[index] = champ;
this.leaderboard.sort((c1, c2) => c2.score - c1.score);
return this;
_array(rot, read, length = rot.nex()) {
const out = Array(Math.max(0, length));
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) out[i] = read.call(this, i, rot);
return out;
class RecordParser {
constructor() {
this.score = null;
this.seconds = null;
this.killCount = {
players: null,
assists: null,
bosses: null
this.killersLength = null;
this.killers = [];
this.baseCooldown = null;
parse(packet) {
const rot = rotator(packet);
if (rot.nex() !== 'F') throw new TypeError('Invalid packet header; expected packet `F`');
this.score = rot.nex();
this.seconds = rot.nex();
this.killCount.players = rot.nex();
this.killCount.assists = rot.nex();
this.killCount.bosses = rot.nex();
this.killersLength = rot.nex();
for (let i = 0; i < this.killersLength; i++) {
this.baseCooldown = rot.nex();
return this;
class UpdateParser {
constructor(doEntities = true) {
this.camera = { x: null, y: null, vx: null, vy: null, fov: null };
this.now = 0;
this.player = {
fps: 1,
body: {
type: null,
color: null,
id: null,
score: null,
points: null,
upgrades: [],
stats: [],
skills: null,
accel: null,
top: null,
party: null
this.entities = doEntities ? [] : false;
parse(packet) {
const rot = rotator(packet);
if (rot.nex() !== 'u') throw new TypeError('Invalid packet header; expected packet `u`');
this.now = rot.nex();
const version = this.now === 0 ? 2 : 1;
this.camera.x = rot.nex();
this.camera.y = rot.nex();
this.camera.fov = rot.nex();
this.camera.vx = rot.nex();
this.camera.vy = rot.nex();
const flags = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0001) this.player.fps = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0002) {
this.player.body.type = rot.nex();
this.player.body.color = rot.nex();
this.player.body.id = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0004) this.player.score = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0008) this.player.points = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0010) this.player.upgrades = Array(Math.max(0, rot.nex())).fill(-1).map(() => rot.nex());
if (flags & 0x0020) this.player.stats = Array(30).fill(0).map(() => rot.nex());
if (flags & 0x0040) {
const result = parseInt(rot.nex(), 36);
this.player.skills = [
(result / 0x1000000000 & 15),
(result / 0x0100000000 & 15),
(result / 0x0010000000 & 15),
(result / 0x0001000000 & 15),
(result / 0x0000100000 & 15),
(result / 0x0000010000 & 15),
(result / 0x0000001000 & 15),
(result / 0x0000000100 & 15),
(result / 0x0000000010 & 15),
(result / 0x0000000001 & 15)
if (flags & 0x0080) this.player.accel = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0100) this.player.top = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0200) this.player.party = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0400) this.player.speed = rot.nex();
if (version === 2 && this.entities !== false) {
} else if (version !== 2 && this.entities !== false) {
this.entities = false;
console.error('Invalid version, expected version 2. Disabling entities');
return this;
_table(rot, read) {
const out = [];
for (let id = rot.nex(); id !== -1; id = rot.nex()) {
out[out.length] = read.call(this, id, rot);
return out;
_parseEnts(rot) {
if (rot.nex() !== -1) return console.warn('uhhhh-cancelling', rot.arr);
this._table(rot, (id) => {
const index = this.entities.findIndex(ent => ent.id === id);
if (index === -1) {
return console.warn('Possible desync, deletion of non existent entity ' + id);
this.entities[index] = this.entities[this.entities.length - 1];
this._table(rot, (id) => {
let index = this.entities.findIndex(ent => ent.id === id);
if (index === -1) this.entities[index = this.entities.length] = { id };
const ent = this.entities[index];
this._parseEnt(ent, rot);
_parseEnt(ent, rot) {
const flags = rot.nex();
if (!ent) console.log(this.entities.length, rot.get(rot.i - 1));
if (flags & 0x0001) {
let { x: lastX, y: lastY } = ent;
ent.x = rot.nex() * 0.0625;
ent.y = rot.nex() * 0.0625;
if (typeof lastX !== 'undefined') {
ent.vx = (ent.x - lastX);
ent.vy = (ent.y - lastY);
} else ent.vx = ent.vy = 0;
if (flags & 0x0002) ent.facing = rot.nex() * (360 / 256);
if (flags & 0x0004) ent.flags = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0008) ent.health = rot.nex() / 255;
if (flags & 0x0010) ent.shield = Math.max(0, rot.nex() / 255);
if (flags & 0x0020) ent.alpha = rot.nex() / 255;
if (flags & 0x0040) ent.size = rot.nex() * 0.0625;
if (flags & 0x0080) ent.score = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0100) ent.name = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0200) ent.mockupIndex = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0400) ent.color = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x0800) ent.layer = rot.nex();
if (flags & 0x1000) {
if (!ent.guns) ent.guns = [];
this._table(rot, (index) => {
const flag = rot.nex();
if (!ent.guns[index]) ent.guns[index] = {};
if (flag & 1) ent.guns[index].time = rot.nex();
if (flag & 2) ent.guns[index].power = Math.sqrt(rot.nex()) / 20;
if (flags & 0x2000) {
if (!ent.turrets) ent.turrets = [];
ent.turrets = this._table(rot, (index) => {
let i = ent.turrets.findIndex(ent => ent.index === index);
if (i === -1) ent.turrets[i = ent.turrets.length] = { index };
const turret = ent.turrets[i];
return this._parseEnt(turret, rot);
return ent;
class MockupsParser {
constructor() {
this.entries = [];
parse(packet) {
if (packet[0] !== 'J') throw new TypeError('Invalid packet header; expected packet `J`');
return this;
get(index) {
const idx = this.entries.indexOf(index) + 1;
if (idx === 0) return console.error(`Index ${index} not present in mockups`, this.entries);
return JSON.parse(this.entries[idx]);
const coder = { encode, decode };
const hijack = () => {
if (window['%arras']) return window['%arras'];
window['%arras'] = new Promise(r => {
const _send = WebSocket.prototype.send;
window.WebSocket = class ArrasSocket extends WebSocket {
constructor(...args) {
this.isntArras = true;
if (Array.isArray(args[1]) && !(args[2] && args[2] === 'apm-ignore')) {
this.isntArras = false;
this.onopen = () => r(this);
this.sendHooks = [];
this.msgHooks = [];
_hook() {
if (this.isntArras) throw 'sus';
let send = this.send;
this.send = function (buf) {
return send.call(this, coder.encode(this.sendHooks.reduce((data, hook) => hook(data) || data, coder.decode(buf))));
let adv = this.addEventListener;
this.addEventListener = function (type, cb, pro = false) {
if (pro) return adv.call(this, type, cb, pro);
if (type === 'message') {
adv.call(this, 'message', (event) => {
this.msgCallback = cb;
cb(new MessageEvent('message', {
data: coder.encode(this.msgHooks.reduce((data, hook) => hook(data) || data, coder.decode(new Uint8Array(event.data)))).buffer
} else return adv.call(this, type, cb, pro);
hookSend(...funcs) {
this.sendHooks.push.apply(this.sendHooks, funcs);
return this.sendHooks.length - 1;
hookMsg(...funcs) {
this.msgHooks.push.apply(this.msgHooks, funcs);
return this.msgHooks.length - 1;
directTalk(...data) {
_send.call(this, coder.encode(data));
talk(...data) {
receive(...data) {
this.msgCallback(new MessageEvent('message', { data: coder.encode(data) }));
return window['%arras'];
return { encode, decode, BroadcastParser, RecordParser, UpdateParser, MockupsParser, hijack, Server };