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Automatically scroll to load all images and then download original size images from Unsplash pages

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Unsplash图集下载器
// @namespace    Tampermonkey Scripts
// @version      1.21
// @description  Automatically scroll to load all images and then download original size images from Unsplash pages
// @author       宇泽同学、FOK
// @match        https://unsplash.dogedoge.com/collections/*
// @match        https://unsplash.com/collections/*
// @grant        GM_download
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Variables to keep track of download progress
let downloadedCount = 0;
let totalImages = 0;
let progressText;
// Function to update the on-screen progress indicator
function updateProgressText() {
if (progressText) {
progressText.textContent = `已下载:${downloadedCount}/${totalImages}`;
// Function to download an image with a given URL and name
function downloadImage(url, name) {
url: url,
name: name,
onerror: function(error) {
console.error(`Download failed:`, error);
ontimeout: function() {
console.error(`Download timed out:`, url);
onload: function() {
// Function to get URLs of all downloadable images on the page
function getImageUrls() {
const downloadLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-test="non-sponsored-photo-download-button"]');
return Array.from(downloadLinks).map(link => link.href.replace(/&/g, '&'));
// Function to scroll to the bottom of the page, click the 'Load More' button, and download all images
function startDownloadProcess() {
autoScroll(() => {
const imageUrls = getImageUrls();
totalImages = imageUrls.length; // Update the total images count
downloadedCount = 0; // Reset the downloaded count
updateProgressText(); // Update the progress text
imageUrls.forEach((url, index) => {
const nameMatch = /\/photos\/([^/?#]+)\//.exec(url);
const name = nameMatch ? `unsplash-${nameMatch[1]}-original.jpg` : `unsplash-original-${index + 1}.jpg`;
// Delay added to prevent rate limiting or server side blocking
setTimeout(() => downloadImage(url, name), index * 1000);
// Function to automatically scroll down and load more images
function autoScroll(callback) {
let currentPosition = 0;
const distanceToScroll = 1000;
const intervalDelay = 750;
const scrollInterval = setInterval(() => {
window.scrollTo(0, currentPosition);
currentPosition += distanceToScroll;
// 检查是否存在加载更多的按钮,并尝试点击
let loadMoreButton = document.querySelector('.CwMIr.DQBsa.p1cWU.jpBZ0.AYOsT.Olora.I0aPD.dEcXu.WMIal.KHq0c');
if (loadMoreButton) {
if (currentPosition >= document.documentElement.scrollHeight) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0); // Scroll back to the top of the page
if (typeof callback === "function") {
setTimeout(callback, 3500); // Wait 3 seconds before callback to ensure all images are loaded
}, intervalDelay);
// Function to add the download button to the page, next to the collection name
function addDownloadButton() {
const collectionNameElement = document.querySelector('.BkvN1');
if (collectionNameElement) {
const downloadBtnContainer = document.createElement('div');
downloadBtnContainer.style.display = 'inline-flex';
downloadBtnContainer.style.alignItems = 'center';
downloadBtnContainer.style.marginLeft = '-10px';
const downloadBtn = document.createElement('button');
downloadBtn.textContent = '下载合集';
downloadBtn.id = 'downloadBtn';
Object.assign(downloadBtn.style, {
fontSize: '16px',
color: 'white',
background: 'Tan',
border: 'none',
borderRadius: '50px',
cursor: 'pointer',
padding: '8px 15px',
margin: '0 10px'
progressText = document.createElement('span');
progressText.id = 'downloadProgressText';
progressText.textContent = '下载进度:0%';
progressText.style.fontSize = '14px';
downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', startDownloadProcess);
collectionNameElement.parentNode.insertBefore(downloadBtnContainer, collectionNameElement.nextSibling);
} else {
console.error('Collection name element not found.');
// Try to add the download button, or set an interval if the collection name element is not immediately available
setInterval(() => {
if (document.querySelector('.BkvN1') && !document.getElementById('downloadBtn')) {
}, 1000); // Check every second