Greasy Fork is available in English.
adds "add to list" buttons (edit the variable "listNames"!)
// ==UserScript== // @name twitter-add-to-list-button // @name:ja twitter-add-to-list-button // @namespace NegUtl // @version 0.2.2 // @description adds "add to list" buttons (edit the variable "listNames"!) // @description:ja リストにワンクリックで追加するボタンを表示します(変数"listNames"を必ず編集してください) // @author NegUtl // @match* // @match* // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // be sure to change to the name of your lists (not IDs) const listNames = ['list1', 'list2', 'list3']; const addButtonsInterval = 512; // ms const tryClickInterval = 32; // ms function onClick(userProfileURL, listName) { const newTab = open(userProfileURL); const steps = [ () => { // open meatballs menu const target = newTab.document.querySelector('[data-testid="userActions"]'); if (target === null) return false;; return true; }, () => { // click "Add/remove @xxxx from Lists" const target = newTab.document.querySelector('[href="/i/lists/add_member"]'); if (target === null) return false;; return true; }, () => { // click the list const listCells = newTab.document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="listCell"]'); if (listCells.length == 0) return false; for (const listCell of listCells) { const labelSpan = listCell.querySelector('span'); if (labelSpan.textContent !== listName) continue; if (listCell.ariaChecked === 'true') { newTab.alert(`The user is already in "${listName}"`); newTab.close(); return true; }; return true; } newTab.alert(`"${listName}" was not found`); newTab.close(); return true; }, () => { // click "Save" button if (newTab.closed === true) return true; let modal = newTab.document.querySelector('div[aria-modal="true"]'); if (modal === null) modal = newTab.document.querySelector('main'); const target = modal.querySelectorAll('button')[1];; return true; }, () => { // close the tab if (newTab.closed !== true) newTab.close(); return true; } ]; let current_step = 0; const intervalID = setInterval(() => { if (steps[current_step]()) ++current_step; if (current_step === steps.length) clearInterval(intervalID); }, tryClickInterval); } function ListButton(userProfile, listName) { const button = document.createElement('button'); const styles = { fontSize: '82%', margin: '0 0.25em', }; for (const prop in styles) {[prop] = styles[prop]; } button.textContent = listName; button.addEventListener('click', onClick.bind(null, userProfile, listName)); return button; } function ListButtons(userProfile) { const buttons = document.createElement('div'); const styles = { position: 'absolute', left: '50%', transform: 'translateX(-50%)', }; for (const prop in styles) {[prop] = styles[prop]; } for (const listName of listNames) { buttons.appendChild(ListButton(userProfile, listName)); } buttons.classList.add('listButtons'); return buttons; } function isMyAccount(node) { // check if the node is one of the "Change Account" item const parent = node.parentNode; if (parent.nodeName === 'DIV' && parent.dataset.testid === 'HoverCard') return true; if (parent.nodeName === 'BODY') return false; return isMyAccount(parent); } function getUserProfileURL(node) { for (const child of node.children) { if (child.nodeName === 'A') return child.href; const r###lt = getUserProfileURL(child); if (r###lt) return r###lt; } return false; } function addButtons() { const selector = '[data-testid="UserCell"]:not(:has(.listButtons))'; const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector); for (const node of nodes) { if (isMyAccount(node)) continue; const userProfileURL = getUserProfileURL(node); node.appendChild(ListButtons(userProfileURL)); } } setInterval(addButtons, addButtonsInterval) })();