Greasy Fork is available in English.
Auto-click the buttons and redirect to the download link.
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name -and others- link shortener auto-skipper
- // @version 1.2
- // @description Auto-click the buttons and redirect to the download link.
- // @author Rust1667
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @match *://*
- // @grant none
- // @namespace
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- // Variable to store the interval ID
- var intervalId;
- // Variable to track whether the link is found
- var linkFound = false;
- // Function to check and redirect, and simulate a click if 'rd_btn' is found
- function checkRedirectAndClick() {
- // If the link is found, stop the interval
- if (linkFound) {
- clearInterval(intervalId);
- return;
- }
- // Find the element with class 'rd_btn'
- var rdBtnElement = document.querySelector('.rd_btn');
- // Check if the element is found and contains an href attribute
- if (rdBtnElement && rdBtnElement.href) {
- var rdBtnHref = rdBtnElement.href;
- if (rdBtnHref.includes("/?re=")) {
- // Show the link in an alert
- alert("Download link: " + rdBtnHref);
- }
- // Redirect the current window to the href link
- window.location.href = rdBtnHref;
- // Set the linkFound variable to true
- linkFound = true;
- // Stop the interval once the link is found
- clearInterval(intervalId);
- } else if (rdBtnElement) {
- console.log("trying to click...");
- // Simulate a click on the 'rd_btn' element
- }
- }
- // Start the interval and store the interval ID
- intervalId = setInterval(checkRedirectAndClick, 1000); // Check every 1000 milliseconds (1 second)
- })();