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verpeliculasonline.org subtituladas.com link shortener auto-bypass

Redirects to URL the destination URL bypassing the link shorteners

// ==UserScript==
// @name         verpeliculasonline.org subtituladas.com link shortener auto-bypass
// @version      1.2
// @description  Redirects to URL the destination URL bypassing the link shorteners
// @author       Rust1667
// @match        https://subtituladas.com/enlace/*
// @match        https://verpeliculasonline.org/enlace/*
// @grant        none
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/980489
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Find the URL within the <a> element
var linkElement = document.getElementById('link');
if (linkElement) {
var linkUrl = linkElement.href;
// Check if '?s=' exists in the URL
if (linkUrl.includes('?s=')) {
var sIndex = linkUrl.indexOf('?s=') + 3; // 3 is the length of '?s='
var extractedUrl = linkUrl.substring(sIndex);
// Redirect to the extracted URL
window.location.href = extractedUrl;
//Stop the now useless timer
window.setTimeout = function() {};
window.setInterval = function() {};
document.addEventListener = function() {};
} else {
// Redirect to the full URL
window.location.href = linkUrl;
} else {
console.log("Link element not found.");