// ==UserScript== // @name Tieba Remix: 贴吧网页端重塑 // @namespace https://github.com/HacksawBlade/Tieba-Remix // @version 0.4.6-beta // @author 锯条 // @description 贴吧网页端重塑 // @license MIT // @icon https://gitee.com/HacksawBlade/Tieba-Remix/raw/master/assets/images/main/icon16.png // @icon64 https://gitee.com/HacksawBlade/Tieba-Remix/raw/master/assets/images/main/icon64.png // @match *://tieba.baidu.com/ // @match *://tieba.baidu.com/index.* // @match *://tieba.baidu.com/?* // @match *://tieba.baidu.com/p/* // @match *://tieba.baidu.com/f?* // @match *://jump.bdimg.com/safecheck/* // @match *://jump2.bdimg.com/safecheck/* // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/vue.global.prod.js // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/lib/marked.umd.min.js // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/lodash.min.js // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (n=>{if(typeof GM_addStyle=="function"){GM_addStyle(n);return}const e=document.createElement("style");e.textContent=n,document.head.append(e)})(` @charset "UTF-8";.user-button { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 4px 12px; border: none; border-radius: 6px; background: none; background-color: var(--default-background); box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--border-color); color: var(--default-fore); cursor: pointer; transition: var(--default-duration); } .user-button:hover:not([disabled]) { background-color: var(--default-hover); } .user-button:active:not([disabled]) { background-color: var(--default-active); } .user-button:focus:not([disabled]) { border-color: var(--tieba-theme-color); box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--tieba-theme-color); } .theme-style.user-button { color: var(--default-background) !important; } .theme-style.user-button { background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color); } .theme-style.user-button:hover { background-color: var(--tieba-theme-hover); } .theme-style.user-button:active { background-color: var(--tieba-theme-active); } .unset-background.user-button { background-color: transparent; background-color: initial; } .no-border.user-button { box-shadow: none; } .no-border-all.user-button { box-shadow: none; } .no-border-all.user-button:hover, .no-border-all.user-button:focus { box-shadow: none; }@keyframes stretch-f69d853b { 0% { padding: 0 12px; opacity: 0; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 100% { padding: 8px 12px; } } .check[data-v-f69d853b] { color: var(--level-green-fore); } .warning[data-v-f69d853b] { color: var(--warning-color); } .error[data-v-f69d853b] { color: var(--error-color); } .toast-container[data-v-f69d853b] { position: fixed; z-index: 999; bottom: 96px; left: 50%; display: flex; max-height: 60vh; align-items: center; padding: 8px 12px; border: 1px solid var(--border-color); border-radius: 16px; animation: stretch-f69d853b 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.18, 0.89, 0.32, 1.6); background-color: var(--default-background); box-shadow: 0 10px 24px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); gap: 6px; text-overflow: ellipsis; transform: translateX(-50%); transition: var(--default-transition); } .toast-container .toast-icon[data-v-f69d853b] { font-size: 18px; } .toast-container .toast-content[data-v-f69d853b] { overflow: hidden; max-width: 80vw; max-height: 60vh; padding: 0 6px; text-align: left; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: pre-wrap; } .toast-container span[data-v-f69d853b] { color: var(--minimal-fore); font-size: 12px; } .toast-container .toast-controls .close-button[data-v-f69d853b] { padding: 6px; color: var(--error-color); font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); } .toast-container .toast-controls .close-button[data-v-f69d853b]:not(:active):not(:focus) { box-shadow: none; } .blur-effect[data-v-f69d853b] { background-color: var(--trans-default-background); } html:not([perf-saver]) .blur-effect[data-v-f69d853b] { -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(24px); backdrop-filter: blur(24px); } html.dark-theme .blur-effect[data-v-f69d853b] { -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(24px) brightness(0.8); backdrop-filter: blur(24px) brightness(0.8); }@keyframes kf-fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes kf-fade-out { 0% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } @keyframes kf-slide-in { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(20%); 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--minimal-fore: rgb(118, 118, 118); --highlight-fore: rgb(0, 0, 0); --border-color: rgba(185, 185, 185, 0.6); --light-border-color: rgba(185, 185, 185, 0.2); --tieba-theme-color: rgb(97, 78, 194); --trans-tieba-theme-color: rgba(97, 78, 194, 0.6); --tieba-theme-hover: rgb(119, 105, 194); --tieba-theme-active: rgb(150, 134, 232); --tieba-theme-background: rgba(97, 78, 194, 0.2); --tieba-theme-fore: rgb(58, 46, 116); --level-green-background: rgba(84, 130, 53, 0.1); --level-green-fore: rgb(51, 78, 32); --level-blue-background: rgba(0, 153, 213, 0.1); --level-blue-fore: rgb(0, 81, 111); --level-yellow-background: rgba(164, 139, 63, 0.1); --level-yellow-fore: rgb(124, 105, 46); --level-orange-background: rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.1); --level-orange-fore: rgb(178, 104, 0); --check-color: green; --error-color: darkred; --warning-color: darkorange; color-scheme: "light"; }:root { --xfast-duration: 0.1s; --fast-duration: 0.2s; --default-duration: 0.4s; --slow-duration: 0.6s; --xslow-duration: 0.8s; }.user-dialog-modal[data-v-cd3f22c1] { position: fixed; z-index: var(--790b06c2); display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .user-dialog-modal .user-dialog.default[data-v-cd3f22c1] { box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); display: flex; max-height: calc(100% - 32px); box-sizing: border-box; flex-direction: column; border: 1px solid var(--light-border-color); border-radius: 12px; margin: 16px; background-color: var(--default-background); font-size: 16px; transition: var(--default-duration); } html.dark-theme .user-dialog-modal .user-dialog.default[data-v-cd3f22c1] { box-shadow: 0 0 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } .user-dialog-modal .user-dialog.dialog-enter-active[data-v-cd3f22c1] { animation: var(--416ec384); } .user-dialog-modal .user-dialog.dialog-leave-active[data-v-cd3f22c1] { animation: var(--07d22c3b); } .user-dialog-modal .user-dialog.default.force-alert[data-v-cd3f22c1] { box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--error-color) !important; 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height: 64px; } .about-wrapper .main-title .title[data-v-08c54454] { color: var(--highlight-fore); font-size: 32px; font-style: italic; font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); } .about-wrapper .script-info[data-v-08c54454] { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; color: var(--minimal-fore); gap: 8px; } .about-wrapper .script-info .author-info[data-v-08c54454] { display: flex; align-items: baseline; gap: 8px; } .about-wrapper .about-controls[data-v-08c54454] { display: flex; margin-top: 16px; gap: 8px; } .about-wrapper .about-controls .about-button[data-v-08c54454] { padding: 6px 10px; font-size: 14px; }.update-wrapper[data-v-c359521c] { display: flex; max-width: 100%; flex-direction: column; gap: 8px; } .update-wrapper .latest-info[data-v-c359521c] { display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 2px 8px; border-radius: 16px; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 12px; background-color: var(--level-blue-background); color: var(--level-blue-fore); gap: 6px; } .update-wrapper .latest-info.is-latest[data-v-c359521c] { background-color: var(--level-green-background); color: var(--level-green-fore); } .update-wrapper .title-container[data-v-c359521c] { display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 10px; } .update-wrapper .title-container .title[data-v-c359521c] { flex-shrink: 1; font-size: 20px; font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); } .update-wrapper .title-container .is-pre-release[data-v-c359521c] { min-width: -moz-max-content; min-width: max-content; padding: 2px 8px; border-radius: 16px; background-color: var(--level-orange-background); color: var(--level-orange-fore); font-size: 14px; } .update-wrapper .main-info[data-v-c359521c] { display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 8px; } .update-wrapper .main-info .avatar[data-v-c359521c] { width: 32px; height: 32px; border-radius: 32px; } .update-wrapper .main-info .release-time[data-v-c359521c] { margin-left: auto; } .update-wrapper .update-controls[data-v-c359521c] { display: flex; align-items: center; margin-top: 8px; gap: 8px; } .update-wrapper .update-controls .up-button[data-v-c359521c] { padding: 4px 8px; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 15px; font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); } .update-wrapper .update-controls .up-name[data-v-c359521c] { font-family: var(--code-monospace); } .forbidden-wrapper[data-v-c359521c] { display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .forbidden-wrapper .icon[data-v-c359521c] { font-size: 64px; }.layout-custom-back[data-v-fcb5c431] { display: flex; width: 100%; flex-direction: column; gap: 8px; } .layout-custom-back .custom-image[data-v-fcb5c431] { max-width: 100%; max-height: 320px; border-radius: 8px; margin: 0 auto; } .layout-custom-back .custom-back-buttons[data-v-fcb5c431] { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-end; gap: 6px; } .layout-custom-back .adjust-controls[data-v-fcb5c431] { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 8px; } .layout-custom-back .adjust-controls .control-set[data-v-fcb5c431] { display: flex; align-items: baseline; gap: 6px; } .layout-custom-back .adjust-controls .control-set .editor[data-v-fcb5c431] { width: auto; font-family: var(--code-zh); }.color-picker[data-v-faec1870] { display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 8px; } .color-picker .color-input[data-v-faec1870] { width: 24px; height: 24px; }.theme-color-component[data-v-17596762] { display: flex; width: 100%; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; gap: 6px; } .theme-color-component .reset-button[data-v-17596762] { margin-left: auto; }.theme-picker { z-index: 9999 !important; }.toggle-button[data-v-6728dba5] { color: var(--default-fore); } .toggle-button .icon[data-v-6728dba5], .toggle-button .outline-icon[data-v-6728dba5] { color: var(--minimal-fore); } .toggle-button.toggle-on[data-v-6728dba5] { background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color); color: var(--default-background); }.user-check[data-v-48d9506d] { display: flex; align-items: center; } .user-check .check-button[data-v-48d9506d] { width: 16px; min-width: 16px; height: 16px; min-height: 16px; padding: 0; border-radius: 4px; color: var(--tieba-theme-color); font-size: 14px; font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); } .user-check .check-label[data-v-48d9506d] { display: flex; align-items: center; color: var(--light-fore); cursor: pointer; font-size: 16px; } .user-check .label-text[data-v-48d9506d] { padding-left: 6px; }@keyframes select-arrow-down-7da72ee3 { 0% { transform: translateY(0); } 70% { transform: translateY(10%); } 100% { transform: translateY(0); } } .user-select[data-v-7da72ee3] { position: relative; } .user-select .select-toggle[data-v-7da72ee3] { display: flex; width: 100%; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; gap: 8px; text-align: justify; } .user-select .select-toggle.toggle-on[data-v-7da72ee3] { background-color: var(--default-background); box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--tieba-theme-color); color: var(--default-fore); } .user-select .select-toggle.toggle-on .icon[data-v-7da72ee3] { animation: select-arrow-down-7da72ee3 var(--fast-duration) cubic-bezier(0.18, 0.89, 0.32, 1.6); color: var(--tieba-theme-color); font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); } .user-select .select-toggle.toggle-off[data-v-7da72ee3] { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--border-color); } .user-select .select-container[data-v-7da72ee3] { position: absolute; top: calc(100% + 4px); left: 0; display: flex; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; flex-direction: column; border: 1px solid var(--border-color); border-radius: 6px; background-color: var(--default-background); box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); transform-origin: top; } .user-select .select-container.select-enter-active[data-v-7da72ee3], .user-select .select-container.select-leave-active[data-v-7da72ee3] { transition: transform var(--fast-duration), opacity var(--fast-duration); } .user-select .select-container.select-enter-from[data-v-7da72ee3], .user-select .select-container.select-leave-to[data-v-7da72ee3] { opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.95) translateY(-4px); } .user-select .select-container .select-button[data-v-7da72ee3] { border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; text-align: justify; } .user-select .select-container .select-desc[data-v-7da72ee3] { padding: 4px 14px; border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color); color: var(--light-fore); font-size: 14px; }.user-textbox[data-v-a690d550] { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 4px; border: 2px solid var(--border-color); border-radius: 6px; background-color: var(--default-background); outline: none; transition: all var(--default-duration), width 0s, height 0s; } .user-textbox[data-v-a690d550]:hover { border-color: var(--light-background); } .user-textbox[data-v-a690d550]:focus { border-color: var(--tieba-theme-color); } .lodash-style.user-textbox[data-v-a690d550] { padding: 0; border: none; border-radius: 0; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--border-color); }@keyframes content-in-ae6e43ab { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(20px); } 100% { opacity: 1; } } .key-button[data-v-ae6e43ab] { display: flex; overflow: hidden; min-width: 120px; align-items: center; padding: 12px; border-radius: 0; font-size: 16px; gap: 12px; text-align: justify; transition: var(--default-duration); white-space: nowrap; } .key-button .icon[data-v-ae6e43ab] { font-size: 20px; font-variation-settings: "FILL" 0, "wght" 300; transition: all var(--default-duration), margin-left var(--fast-duration) ease-out; } .key-button .key-info[data-v-ae6e43ab] { display: flex; width: calc(100% - 32px); flex-direction: column; } .key-button .key-title[data-v-ae6e43ab], .key-button .key-desc[data-v-ae6e43ab] { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .key-button .key-desc[data-v-ae6e43ab] { color: var(--minimal-fore); font-size: 14px; } .key-button.main-key[data-v-ae6e43ab] { box-sizing: content-box; } .key-button.main-key .main-key-selected[data-v-ae6e43ab] { position: relative; width: 0; height: 100%; border-radius: 24px; margin-left: -12px; background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color); } .key-button.main-key .main-key-selected[data-v-ae6e43ab]::after { position: absolute; top: 0; width: 0; height: 100%; border-radius: 24px; background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color); content: ""; } .key-button.main-key.selected[data-v-ae6e43ab] { color: var(--tieba-theme-fore) !important; } .key-button.main-key.selected .main-key-selected[data-v-ae6e43ab] { padding-right: 4px; } .key-button.main-key.selected .main-key-selected[data-v-ae6e43ab]::after { width: 4px; } .key-button.main-key.selected .icon[data-v-ae6e43ab] { margin-left: 4px; font-variation-settings: "FILL" 1, "GRAD" 48, "wght" 300; font-weight: var(--font-weight-normal); } .key-button.main-key.selected .key-desc[data-v-ae6e43ab] { color: var(--tieba-theme-color); } .key-button.sub-key[data-v-ae6e43ab] { -webkit-text-decoration: none; text-decoration: none; transition: var(--default-duration); } .key-button.sub-key.selected[data-v-ae6e43ab] { color: var(--tieba-theme-fore); -webkit-text-decoration: underline var(--tieba-theme-color) 2px; text-decoration: underline var(--tieba-theme-color) 2px; } .settings-wrapper[data-v-ae6e43ab] { display: flex; width: 100%; max-width: var(--content-max); height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } .settings-wrapper .left-container[data-v-ae6e43ab] { display: flex; width: 30%; max-width: 280px; flex-direction: column; border-right: 2px solid var(--light-border-color); 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gap: 8px; } .shield-container .shield-controls .shield-input[data-v-1dec7a04] { width: 100%; height: auto; max-height: 6em; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 6px; font-size: 16px; resize: none; } .shield-container .shield-controls .submit-controls[data-v-1dec7a04] { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-end; gap: 12px; } .shield-container .shield-controls .submit-controls .submit-button[data-v-1dec7a04] { padding: 4px 12px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); }.images-viewer .head-controls .head-btn.toggle-on[data-v-f4016c3f] { font-family: "Material Symbols", monospace !important; } .images-viewer .head-controls .head-btn.toggle-on[data-v-f4016c3f] { font-variation-settings: "FILL" 1, "wght" 400, "GRAD" 0, "opsz" 40; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .images-viewer[data-v-f4016c3f] { position: fixed; display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; 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flex-direction: column; border: 1px solid var(--border-color); border-radius: 6px; margin-top: 4px; background-color: var(--default-background); box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); animation: kf-fade-in 0.2s; } .index-wrapper .grid-container .head-controls .search-controls .search-suggestions .search-elem[data-v-763b23df] { display: flex; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; padding: 8px; border: none; border-radius: 0; animation: stretch-763b23df 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.22, 0.61, 0.36, 1); gap: 8px; text-align: justify; } @keyframes stretch-763b23df { 0% { padding: 4px 8px; } 100% { padding: 8px; } } .index-wrapper .grid-container .head-controls .search-controls .search-suggestions .search-elem .sugg-img[data-v-763b23df] { width: 42px; height: 42px; border-radius: 8px; } .index-wrapper .grid-container .head-controls .search-controls .search-suggestions .search-elem .sugg-content[data-v-763b23df] { position: relative; display: flex; width: calc(100% - 42px - 8px); flex-direction: column; 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GM_setValue : undefined)(); const _sfc_main$q = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "user-button", props: { isAnchor: { type: Boolean }, shadowBorder: { type: Boolean }, unsetBackground: { type: Boolean }, themeStyle: { type: Boolean }, noBorder: { type: [Boolean, String] } }, emits: ["click"], setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { const props = __props; const emit = __emit; return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.isAnchor ? "a" : "button"), { class: vue.normalizeClass(["user-button", { "shadow-border": props.shadowBorder, "unset-background": props.unsetBackground, "theme-style": props.themeStyle, "no-border": props.noBorder, "no-border-all": props.noBorder === "all" }]), onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => emit("click", $event)) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["class"]); }; } }); const _hoisted_1$l = { class: "toast-controls" }; const _sfc_main$p = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "toast", props: { message: {}, duration: { default: 6e3 }, icon: {}, type: {}, blurEffect: { type: Boolean } }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const toastContainer = vue.ref(); function chooseIcon() { if (props.icon) { return props.icon; } else { if (props.type) { switch (props.type) { case "basic": return undefined; case "check": return "check"; case "warning": return "warning"; case "error": return "error"; default: return undefined; } } } } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { ref_key: "toastContainer", ref: toastContainer, class: vue.normalizeClass(["toast-container", { "blur-effect": props.blurEffect }]) }, [ chooseIcon() ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, class: vue.normalizeClass(["toast-icon icon", props.type]) }, vue.toDisplayString(chooseIcon()), 3)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: vue.normalizeClass(["toast-content", props.type]) }, vue.toDisplayString(props.message), 3), _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "|", -1)), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$l, [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "close-button icon", "shadow-border": true, onClick: vue.unref(passToNextToast) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = [ vue.createTextVNode("close") ])), _: 1 }, 8, ["onClick"]) ]) ], 2); }; } }); const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => { const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc; for (const [key, val] of props) { target[key] = val; } return target; }; const toastVue = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$p, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f69d853b"]]); function parseMultiCSS(cssObject) { return _2.flatMapDeep(cssObject, (value, key) => { return [ `${key} {`, ..._2.flatMapDeep(value, (v, k) => `${_2.startsWith(k, "--") ? k : _2.kebabCase(k)}: ${v};`), "}", "" ]; }).join("\n"); } function parseCSSRule(cssRule) { let css = ""; _2.forOwn(cssRule, (value, key) => { css += `${_2.kebabCase(key)}:${value};`; }); return css; } function injectCSSRule(selector, cssRule) { return _GM_addStyle(`${selector}{${parseCSSRule(cssRule)}}`); } function insertCSS(style) { return _GM_addStyle(style); } function overwriteCSS(...style) { const styles = []; _2.forEach(style, (styleElement) => { styles.push(insertCSS(styleElement)); }); waitUntil(() => !_2.isNil(document.body)).then(() => { _2.forEach(styles, (styleElement) => { document.head.appendChild(styleElement); }); }); return styles; } const baseStyle = "html {\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n text-align: justify;\n}\n\nbody {\n overflow-x: hidden;\n overflow-y: scroll;\n overflow: hidden scroll;\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n font-family: 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var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n\n.search_bright .search_btn_enter_ba {\n /* “进入贴吧”按钮 */\n background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color);\n border-bottom-left-radius: 0;\n border-top-left-radius: 0;\n color: var(--default-background);\n}\n\n.search_bright .search_btn:visited {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n\n.search_bright .search_btn_enter_ba:visited {\n background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color);\n color: var(--default-background);\n}\n\n.search_bright .search_btn_enter_ba:hover {\n background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color);\n color: var(--default-background);\n}\n\n.suggestion {\n border-color: var(--border-color) !important;\n border-radius: 6px !important;\n background-color: var(--elem-color) !important;\n box-shadow: none !important;\n color: var(--default-fore) !important;\n}\n\n.suggestion {\n transform: translateY(4px);\n}\n\n.suggestion .break_tip {\n background-color: var(--default-background) !important;\n}\n\n.suggestion .highlight {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-color) 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/* 分隔线 */\n display: none;\n}\n\n.p_tools .p_putup::before,\n.p_tools .tb_icon_ypic::before,\n.p_tools .tb_icon_turnleft::before,\n.p_tools .tb_icon_turnright::before {\n margin-right: 4px;\n font-family: "Material Symbols", system-ui, -apple-system, Segoe UI, Roboto, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Noto Sans, sans-serif;\n font-size: 14px;\n vertical-align: bottom;\n}\n\n.p_tools .p_putup::before {\n /* 收起 */\n content: "zoom_out";\n}\n\n.p_tools .tb_icon_ypic::before {\n /* 查看大图 */\n content: "zoom_out_map";\n}\n\n.p_tools .tb_icon_turnleft::before {\n /* 左转 */\n content: "turn_left";\n}\n\n.p_tools .tb_icon_turnright::before {\n /* 右转 */\n content: "turn_right";\n}'; const tiebaThreadStyle = '@charset "UTF-8";\n.d_name a:hover,\n#container .content a.at:hover {\n -webkit-text-decoration: none;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.l_reply_num {\n color: inherit !important;\n}\n\n.l_reply_num {\n /* 回帖信息 */\n}\n\n#j_navtab_game,\n.nav_list .more-config-navtab {\n /* 游戏 tab */\n display: 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text-align: center;\n}\n\n.cancel_focus::after {\n content: "已关注";\n}\n\n.card_top_right {\n /* 签到按钮 container */\n margin-top: 20px;\n}\n\n.sign_box_bright {\n width: 140px !important;\n height: 40px !important;\n}\n\n.sign_box_bright {\n /* 签到按钮 */\n border: 2px solid var(--trans-tieba-theme-color);\n border-radius: 24px;\n background: none;\n background-color: var(--tieba-theme-color);\n color: var(--default-background);\n font-size: 18px;\n line-height: 40px;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n.sign_btn_bright::before {\n color: var(--elem-color);\n content: "签到";\n}\n\n.sign_box_bright_signed {\n /* 签到按钮:已签到 */\n background-color: var(--tieba-theme-background);\n text-align: inherit;\n}\n\n.sign_today_date,\n.sign_month_lack_days {\n /* 签到日期等 */\n display: none;\n}\n\n.sign_keep_span {\n width: 140px !important;\n}\n\n.sign_keep_span {\n height: 40px;\n}\n\n.sign_keep_span,\n.sign_mod_bright .sign_keep_span {\n /* 已签到按钮文本 */\n margin: 0;\n margin: initial;\n color: 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*/\n background-color: var(--tieba-theme-background);\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n\n.d_badge_lv,\n.user_level .badge_index {\n top: auto !important;\n top: initial !important;\n left: 60px !important;\n width: auto !important;\n width: initial !important;\n height: 8px !important;\n padding: 0 4px !important;\n margin: 12px 4px !important;\n font-family: inherit !important;\n line-height: 2px !important;\n}\n\n.d_badge_lv,\n.user_level .badge_index {\n border-radius: 16px;\n font-size: 14px;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n.d_badge_icon1 .d_badge_lv,\n.tieba-lvl-green {\n background-color: var(--level-green-background) !important;\n color: var(--level-green-fore) !important;\n}\n\n.d_badge_icon1 .d_badge_lv,\n.tieba-lvl-green {\n /* 绿牌 */\n}\n\n.d_badge_icon2 .d_badge_lv,\n.d_badge_icon2_1 .d_badge_lv,\n.d_badge_icon2_2 .d_badge_lv,\n.tieba-lvl-blue {\n background-color: var(--level-blue-background) !important;\n color: var(--level-blue-fore) !important;\n}\n\n.d_badge_icon2 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*/\n}\n\n.d_author .d_pb_icons {\n /* 印记 */\n display: none;\n}\n\n.icon_book_link_icon {\n /* 查看我的印记 */\n display: none;\n}\n\n.region_bright {\n /* 右侧信息 */\n border: none;\n margin-top: 12px;\n background: none;\n background-color: var(--elem-color);\n}\n\n.region_bright .region_title {\n color: var(--default-fore) !important;\n}\n\n#celebrity {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.balv_mod .media_left,\n.balv_mod .media-left {\n /* 我的头像 */\n border: none;\n}\n\n.right_section .tieba_notice {\n /* 右侧反馈 */\n background: none;\n}\n\n.topic_list_box {\n /* 右侧贴吧热议榜 */\n display: none;\n background-color: var(--default-background);\n}\n\n.pb_content {\n /* 容器:右侧剩余部分 */\n border: none;\n background: none;\n background-color: var(--elem-color);\n}\n\n.notice-icon,\n.right_section .tieba_notice {\n padding-left: 0 !important;\n padding-left: initial !important;\n background: none !important;\n}\n\n.notice-icon,\n.right_section .tieba_notice {\n /* 右侧反馈 */\n}\n\n.tieba_notice li {\n background: 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border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; */\n}\n\n.core_reply_content li {\n border-top: 0;\n border-top: initial;\n}\n\n.lzl_content_main {\n /* 回复文字 */\n color: var(--default-fore);\n}\n\n.l_post_bright .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_border_top,\n.core_reply_border_bottom,\n.l_post_bright .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content {\n border: none;\n background: none;\n}\n\n/* 收起回复 */\n.lzl_link_fold {\n width: auto;\n height: auto;\n border: none;\n background: none;\n color: var(--minimal-fore);\n}\n\n.core_reply div.hideLzl {\n /* 加载回复 */\n background: none;\n background-color: var(--very-light-background);\n}\n\n.core_reply_wrapper .loading_reply {\n /* 加载动画 */\n display: none;\n}\n\n.lzl_cnt .lzl_s_r {\n /* 回复超链接 */\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n\n.j_lzl_container .lzl_li_pager_s {\n overflow: visible;\n}\n\n.lzl_li_pager_s .lzl_more,\n.lzl_more span {\n /* 还有x条回复 */\n color: var(--light-fore);\n}\n\n.j_lzl_m {\n /* 点击查看 */\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n\n.lzl_cnt 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waitUntil(() => !_2.isNil(document.body)).then(function() { if (customBackground.get()) { document.body.classList.add("custom-background"); } else { document.body.classList.remove("custom-background"); } }); } marked2.marked.setOptions({}); function currentPageType() { if (location.hostname.toLowerCase() !== "tieba.baidu.com") return "unhandled"; const pathname = location.pathname.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (_2.includes(["/", "/index.html"], pathname)) return "index"; if (/\/p\/\d+/.test(pathname)) return "thread"; if (pathname === "/f") return "forum"; if (pathname === "/home/main") return "user"; return "unhandled"; } async function getLatestReleaseFromGitee(forceUpdate = false) { if (latestRelease.get() && !forceUpdate) { return latestRelease.get(); } else { const TTL = function() { switch (updateConfig.get().time) { case "1h": return 1; case "3h": return 3; case "6h": return 6; case "never": return -1; } }(); if (TTL < 0) return; const updateUrl = `https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/${Owner}/${RepoName}/releases/latest/`; const response = await fetch(updateUrl); if (response.ok) { const r###lt = await response.json(); if (r###lt.message) return; latestRelease.set(r###lt, spawnOffsetTS(0, 0, 0, TTL)); return r###lt; } else { return; } } } function checkUpdateAndNotify(showLatest = false) { if (updateConfig.get().time === "never") return; if (!updateConfig.get().notify) return; if (!showUpdateToday.get()) return; if (_GM_info.script.version === "developer-only") return; getLatestReleaseFromGitee().then((latestRelease2) => { if (latestRelease2 && latestRelease2.tag_name.slice(1) !== _GM_info.script.version) { if (ignoredTag.get() === latestRelease2.tag_name) return; userDialog(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "markdown", "innerHTML": marked2.marked(latestRelease2.body), "style": parseCSSRule({ maxWidth: "600px" }) }, null), { title: latestRelease2.name, dialogButtons: [{ text: "安装", event() { installFromRelease(latestRelease2); return true; }, style: "themed" }, { text: "今日不再提醒", event() { showUpdateToday.set(false); return true; } }, { text: "跳过该版本", event() { ignoredTag.set(latestRelease2.tag_name); return true; } }] }); } else { if (showLatest) messageBox({ title: "检查更新", content: "当前已是最新版本", type: "okCancel" }); } }); } function installFromRelease(release) { function notFound() { toast({ message: "安装失败:未找到可用的资源", type: "error", duration: 6e3, blurEffect: true }); } if (!release.assets || release.assets.length <= 0) { notFound(); return; } const asset = function() { for (const asset2 of release.assets) { if (asset2.name && asset2.name.endsWith(".user.js")) { return asset2.browser_download_url; } } }(); if (asset) { _GM_openInTab(asset, { active: true }); } else { notFound(); return; } } function getResource(path) { return `${GiteeRepo}/raw/beta/${path}`; } function setTheme(theme) { switch (theme) { case "dark": darkTheme(); break; case "light": lightTheme(); break; case "auto": default: darkPrefers.matches ? darkTheme() : lightTheme(); break; } function lightTheme() { document.documentElement.classList.add("light-theme"); 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__publicField(this, "options"); __publicField(this, "initEvent"); __publicField(this, "events", []); this.selector = selector; this.options = options; this.initEvent = initEvent; } observe() { const eventFuncs = () => { this.events.forEach((func) => { func(); }); }; if (typeof this.initEvent === "undefined") { eventFuncs(); } else { window.addEventListener(this.initEvent, eventFuncs); } const observer = new MutationObserver(eventFuncs); const obsElem = dom(this.selector); if (obsElem) observer.observe(obsElem, this.options); } addEvent(...events) { _2.forEach(events, (event) => { if (this.events.includes(event)) return; if (typeof this.initEvent === "undefined") { event(); } else { window.addEventListener(this.initEvent, event); } this.events.push(event); }); } } const threadFloorsObserver = new TbObserver("#j_p_postlist", { childList: true }); const threadCommentsObserver = new TbObserver("#j_p_postlist", { childList: true, subtree: true }); const legacyIndexFeedsObserver = new TbObserver("#new_list", { childList: true }); const forumThreadsObserver = new TbObserver("#pagelet_frs-list\\/pagelet\\/thread", { attributes: true }, "load"); function loadPerf() { setPerfAttr(); setThreadLazyload(); } function setPerfAttr() { const perfAttr = { default: "perf-default", saver: "perf-saver", performance: "perf-performance" }; _2.forEach(document.documentElement.attributes, (attr) => { if (_2.startsWith(attr.name, "perf-")) { document.documentElement.removeAttribute(attr.name); } }); document.documentElement.toggleAttribute(perfAttr[perfProfile.get()]); } async function setThreadLazyload() { if (currentPageType() !== "thread") return; const lazyloadDiff = { default: 1e3, saver: 500, performance: 9999 }; await waitUntil(() => typeof datalazyload !== "undefined"); threadFloorsObserver.addEvent(setDiff); function setDiff() { setTimeout(() => { datalazyload.userConfig.diff = lazyloadDiff[perfProfile.get()]; }, 500); } } const MainTitle = "Tieba Remix"; const Owner = "HacksawBlade"; const RepoName = "Tieba-Remix"; const GithubRepo = `https://github.com/${Owner}/${RepoName}`; const GiteeRepo = `https://gitee.com/${Owner}/${RepoName}`; const BaiduPassport = "https://passport.baidu.com/"; const REMIXED = "\n██████╗ ███████╗███╗ ███╗██╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ \n██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗ ████║██║╚██╗██╔╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗\n██████╔╝█████╗ ██╔████╔██║██║ ╚███╔╝ █████╗ ██║ ██║\n██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██╔██╗ ██╔══╝ ██║ ██║\n██║ ██║███████╗██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║██╔╝ ██╗███████╗██████╔╝\n╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝ \n"; class UserKey { constructor(key, defaultValue, listeners, migration) { __publicField(this, "key"); __publicField(this, "defaultValue"); __publicField(this, "listeners"); __publicField(this, "migration"); this.key = key; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.listeners = { getter: (listeners == null ? undefined : listeners.getter) ? [listeners.getter] : [], setter: (listeners == null ? undefined : listeners.setter) ? [listeners.setter] : [] }; this.migration = migration; } dispatchEvent(event, value) { _2.forEach(this.listeners[event], (listener) => listener(value)); } get() { let value = _GM_getValue(this.key, this.defaultValue); if (isLiteralObject(value) && _2.keys(value).length < _2.keys(this.defaultValue).length) { value = _2.merge(this.defaultValue, value); } if (this.migration) { value = this.migration(value); _GM_setValue(this.key, value); } this.dispatchEvent("getter", value); return value; } set(value) { _GM_setValue(this.key, value); this.dispatchEvent("setter", value); } remove() { _GM_deleteValue(this.key); } merge(value) { if (isLiteralObject(value)) { const merged = { ...this.get(), ...value }; this.set(merged); this.dispatchEvent("setter", merged); } } mergeDeeply(value) { if (isLiteralObject(value)) { const merged = _2.merge(this.get(), value); this.set(merged); this.dispatchEvent("setter", merged); } } } class UserKeyTS extends UserKey { constructor(key, defaultValue, invalidfn, listeners, migration) { super(key, defaultValue, listeners, migration); __publicField(this, "defaultInvalid", () => spawnOffsetTS(0, 0, 0, 12)); this.defaultInvalid = invalidfn ? invalidfn : this.defaultInvalid; } get() { let value = getUserValueTS(this.key, this.defaultValue); if (isLiteralObject(value) && _2.keys(value).length < _2.keys(this.defaultValue).length) { value = _2.merge(this.defaultValue, value); } if (this.migration) value = this.migration(value); this.dispatchEvent("getter", value); return value; } /** * 设置时间敏感的用户 key * @param value 需要设置的值 * @param invalidTime 失效时间,默认为函数执行 12 小时后 */ set(value, invalidTime) { setUserValueTS(this.key, value, invalidTime ? invalidTime : this.defaultInvalid()); this.dispatchEvent("setter", value); } merge(value, invalidTime) { if (isLiteralObject(value)) { const merged = { ...this.get(), ...value }; this.set(merged, invalidTime ? invalidTime : this.defaultInvalid()); this.dispatchEvent("setter", merged); } } mergeDeeply(value, invalidTime) { if (isLiteralObject(value)) { const merged = _2.merge(this.get(), value); this.set(merged, invalidTime ? invalidTime : this.defaultInvalid()); this.dispatchEvent("setter", merged); } } } const perfProfile = new UserKey("perfProfile", "default", { setter() { setPerfAttr(); } }); const disabledModules = new UserKey("disabledModules", []); const unreadFeeds = new UserKeyTS("unreadFeeds", []); const experimental = new UserKey("experimental", { moreBlurEffect: false, rasterEffect: false }); const latestRelease = new UserKeyTS("latestRelease", undefined); const updateConfig = new UserKey("updateConfig", { time: "6h", notify: true }); const showUpdateToday = new UserKeyTS("showUpdateToday", true, () => (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3); const ignoredTag = new UserKey("ignoredTag", ""); const themeType = new UserKey( "themeType", "auto", { setter(value) { setTheme(value); } } ); const compactLayout = new UserKey("compactLayout", false); const wideScreen = new UserKey("wideScreen", { maxWidth: 1080, noLimit: false }); const themeColor = new UserKey("themeColor", { light: "#614ec2", dark: "#7161c1" }); const customBackground = new UserKey( "customBackground", undefined, { setter() { setCustomBackground(); } } ); const pageExtension = new UserKey("pageExtension", { index: true, thread: true }); const userFonts = new UserKey("userFonts", []); const monospaceFonts = new UserKey("monospaceFonts", [ "Consolas", "JetBrains Mono", "Fira Code", "Menlo", "monospace" ]); const navBarHideMode = new UserKey("navBarHideMode", "fold"); const customStyle = new UserKey("customStyle", ""); const fontWeights = new UserKey("fontWeights", { "normal": 400, "bold": 700 }); function getUserValueTS(key, def) { try { const valueTS = _GM_getValue(key, { value: def, invalidTime: 0 }); const timeStamp = Date.now(); if (valueTS.invalidTime >= timeStamp) { return valueTS.value; } else { return def; } } catch (error) { return def; } } function setUserValueTS(key, value, invalidTime) { try { if (invalidTime) { _GM_setValue(key, { value, invalidTime }); } else { _GM_setValue(key, value); } } catch (error) { console.warn("setUserValueTS", error); } } class Queue { constructor(items) { __publicField(this, "items", []); if (items) this.items = items; } /** 队首 */ peek() { return this.items[0] ? this.items[0] : undefined; } /** 队列长度 */ length() { return this.items.length; } /** 入队 */ enqueue(...elements) { this.items.push(...elements); } /** 出队 */ dequeue() { return this.items.shift(); } /** 队列是否为空 */ isEmpty() { return this.items.length === 0; } /** 清空队列 */ clear() { this.items = []; } } let publicToastInstance; let isToasting = false; const toastsQueue = new Queue(); function toast(props) { toastsQueue.enqueue([{ blurEffect: perfProfile.get() === "performance", ...props }, -1]); const interval = setInterval(() => { if (!isToasting) { const peek = toastsQueue.peek(); if (peek) renderToast(peek[0]); clearInterval(interval); } }, 100); } function renderToast(toastProps) { isToasting = true; publicToastInstance = vue.createApp(toastVue, toastProps); if (!document.getElementById( "t-wrapper" /* toast-wrapper */ )) { document.body.insertBefore(domrd("div", { "id": "t-wrapper" }), document.body.firstChild); } const vm = publicToastInstance.mount("#t-wrapper"); const peek = toastsQueue.peek(); if (!peek) return; peek[1] = setTimeout(() => { publicToastInstance.unmount(); toastsQueue.dequeue(); isToasting = false; }, toastProps.duration ? toastProps.duration : 6e3); return vm; } function passToNextToast() { publicToastInstance.unmount(); const peek = toastsQueue.peek(); if (peek) { clearTimeout(peek[1]); } toastsQueue.dequeue(); isToasting = false; const next = toastsQueue.peek(); if (next) { setTimeout(() => { renderToast(next[0]); }, 10); } } async function requestInstance(api) { try { const response = await api; if (response.ok) { return await response.json(); } } catch (error) { toast({ message: errorMessage(error), type: "error", duration: 6e3 }); } } const modules = []; function AllModules() { return modules; } function errorMessage(error) { const errBody = error.stack ? error.stack : error.message; return `${_GM_info.script.name} ${_GM_info.script.version} ${errBody}`; } function spawnOffsetTS(year = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0) { const now = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); const offset = new Date( now.getFullYear() + year, now.getMonth() + month, now.getDate() + day, now.getHours() + hours, now.getMinutes() + minutes, now.getSeconds() + seconds, 0 ); return offset.getTime(); } function requestBody(body) { let reqBody = ""; _2.forOwn(body, (value, key) => { if (!value) value = ""; reqBody += `${key}=${value}&`; }); return reqBody.slice(0, -1); } function waitUntil(pred, timeout2 = Infinity) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const startTime = performance.now(); let id = -1; function tick() { if (pred()) { cancelAnimationFrame(id); resolve(); } else if (performance.now() - startTime >= timeout2) { cancelAnimationFrame(id); reject(new Error("等待超时")); console.warn("[waitUntil] 等待超时,该函数未在指定时间内得到期望值:", pred); console.trace("发生错误的调用者:"); if (_GM_info.script.version === "developer-only") { alert(`等待超时,该函数未在指定时间内得到期望值:${pred}`); } } else { id = requestAnimationFrame(tick); } } id = requestAnimationFrame(tick); }); } function isLiteralObject(obj) { return obj && typeof obj === "object" && !Array.isArray(obj); } function outputFile(filename, content) { const blob = new Blob([content], { type: "text/plain" }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = url; link.download = filename; link.click(); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } async function selectLocalFile(mode = "text") { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "file"; input.addEventListener("change", function() { if (!input.files) return; const file = input.files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() { const base64String = reader.r###lt; resolve(base64String); }); reader.addEventListener("error", function() { reject(new Error()); }); switch (mode) { case "text": { reader.readAsText(file); break; } case "base64": { reader.readAsDataURL(file); break; } } }); input.click(); }); } const fadeInElems = []; const fadeInClass = "fade-in-elem"; function dom(selector, arg1, arg2) { if (!arg1) { return document.querySelector(selector) ?? undefined; } if (Array.isArray(arg1)) { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); } if (!arg2) { return arg1.querySelector(selector) ?? undefined; } return Array.from(arg1.querySelectorAll(selector)); } async function asyncdom(selector, parent, timeout2 = Infinity) { return waitUntil(() => !_2.isNil(dom(selector, parent)), timeout2).then(() => dom(selector, parent)); } function afterHead(callbackfn) { callbackfn(); } function mergeNodeAttrs(node, attrs) { _2.forOwn(attrs, (value, key) => { if (value !== node.getAttribute(key)) { if (isLiteralObject(value)) { node.setAttribute(key, JSON.stringify(attrs[key])); } else { node.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]); } } }); } function domrd(tag, attrs, children = [], doc) { const DOC = document; const elem = DOC.createElement(tag); if (attrs) { mergeNodeAttrs(elem, attrs); } if (typeof children === "string") { elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(children)); } else { _2.forEach(children, (child) => { if (typeof child === "string") { elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child)); } else { elem.appendChild(child); } }); } return elem; } function findParent(el, trait, mode = "className") { const verifier = (() => { switch (mode) { case "selector": { const allValid = new Set(dom(trait, [])); return (parent) => { return allValid.has(parent); }; } case "className": { return (parent) => parent.classList.contains(trait) ?? false; } case "id": { return (parent) => parent.id === trait; } case "tagName": { return (parent) => parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === trait.toLowerCase(); } } })(); while (el.parentElement && !verifier(el.parentElement)) { el = el.parentElement; } return el.parentElement ? el.parentElement : undefined; } function fadeInLoad(selector) { dom(selector, []).forEach((elem) => { elem.classList.add(fadeInClass); elem.addEventListener("animationend", () => { elem.style.opacity = "1"; elem.classList.remove(fadeInClass); }); }); } class EventProxy { constructor() { __publicField(this, "records", []); } /** * 注册事件 * @param target 事件目标 * @param type 事件类型 * @param callback 事件回调函数 * @param options 选项 */ on(target, type, callback, options) { if (!target) return; target.addEventListener(type, callback, options); this.records.push({ target, type, callback, options }); } /** 销毁通过该代理注册的所有事件 */ release() { _2.forEach(this.records, ({ target, type, callback, options }) => { target.removeEventListener(type, callback, options); }); this.records = []; } } const USER_DIALOG_ABNORMAL_TYPES = ["duplicate"]; const _hoisted_1$k = ["data-unique"]; const _hoisted_2$h = { key: 0, class: "dialog-title" }; const _hoisted_3$e = { class: "dialog-content" }; const _hoisted_4$9 = { key: 1, class: "dialog-button-panel" }; const _sfc_main$o = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "user-dialog", props: { modal: { type: Boolean, default: true }, force: { type: Boolean, default: false }, lockScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true }, animation: { type: Boolean, default: true }, blurEffect: { type: Boolean }, title: {}, dialogButtons: { default: () => [] }, shadowMode: { type: Boolean }, modalStyle: { default: () => ({}) }, zIndex: { default: 2025 }, contentStyle: { default: () => ({}) }, clickModalToUnload: { type: Boolean, default: true }, pressEscapeToUnload: { type: Boolean, default: true }, defaultPayload: {}, renderAnimation: { default: "kf-dialog-in var(--default-duration)" }, unloadAnimation: { default: "kf-dialog-out var(--default-duration)" }, uniqueName: {} }, emits: ["unload", "abnormalUnload"], setup(__props, { expose: __expose, emit: __emit }) { vue.useCssVars((_ctx) => ({ "790b06c2": _ctx.$props.zIndex, "416ec384": _ctx.$props.renderAnimation, "07d22c3b": _ctx.$props.unloadAnimation })); const props = __props; const emit = __emit; const evproxy = new EventProxy(); const dialogTrigger = vue.ref(false); const dialogModal = vue.ref(); const userDialog2 = vue.ref(); const currentPayload = vue.ref(props.defaultPayload); const abnormal = _2.zipObject( USER_DIALOG_ABNORMAL_TYPES, _2.fill(Array(USER_DIALOG_ABNORMAL_TYPES.length), false) ); let focusRelatedTarget = undefined; let focusRelatedDialog = undefined; vue.onBeforeMount(function() { if (props.uniqueName) { abnormal.duplicate = !!dom(`.user-dialog[data-unique="${props.uniqueName}"]`); } }); vue.onMounted(async function() { dialogTrigger.value = true; await vue.nextTick(); if (_2.some(abnormal)) { abnormalUnload(_2.findKey(abnormal, (val) => val === true)); return; } if (!dialogModal.value) return; if (!userDialog2.value) return; if (props.modal) { evproxy.on(userDialog2.value, "focusin", (e) => { focusRelatedTarget = e.relatedTarget ?? undefined; if (focusRelatedTarget) focusRelatedDialog = findParent(focusRelatedTarget, "user-dialog"); }, { once: true }); userDialog2.value.focus(); evproxy.on(userDialog2.value, "focusout", (e) => { var _a, _b; const modalDialogs = dom(".user-dialog-modal", []); if (!modalDialogs[modalDialogs.length - 1].contains(userDialog2.value)) return; if (_2.isNil(e.relatedTarget) || !((_a = userDialog2.value) == null ? undefined : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { (_b = userDialog2.value) == null ? undefined : _b.focus(); evproxy.on(window, "focusin", function() { var _a2; (_a2 = userDialog2.value) == null ? undefined : _a2.focus(); }, { once: true }); } }); } if (props.lockScroll) { document.body.setAttribute("no-scrollbar", ""); document.body.style.paddingRight = `${scrollbarWidth()}px`; } if (props.force) { const FORCE_ALERT_CLASS = "force-alert"; evproxy.on(dialogModal.value, "mousedown", (e) => { var _a, _b; if (e.target !== dialogModal.value) return; if ((_a = userDialog2.value) == null ? undefined : _a.classList.contains(FORCE_ALERT_CLASS)) return; (_b = userDialog2.value) == null ? undefined : _b.classList.add(FORCE_ALERT_CLASS); if (userDialog2.value) { evproxy.on(userDialog2.value, "transitionend", function() { var _a2; (_a2 = userDialog2.value) == null ? undefined : _a2.classList.remove(FORCE_ALERT_CLASS); }, { once: true }); } }); } else { if (props.clickModalToUnload) { evproxy.on(dialogModal.value, "mousedown", (e) => { if (e.target !== dialogModal.value) return; unload(props.defaultPayload); }); } if (props.pressEscapeToUnload) { evproxy.on(dialogModal.value, "keydown", (e) => { if (e.key === "Escape") { unload(props.defaultPayload); } }); } } }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(function() { evproxy.release(); }); function unload(payload) { currentPayload.value = payload; dialogTrigger.value = false; } function unloadDialog() { if (props.modal) { if (focusRelatedTarget && document.body.contains(focusRelatedTarget)) { focusRelatedTarget.focus(); } else if (focusRelatedDialog && document.body.contains(focusRelatedDialog)) { focusRelatedDialog.focus(); } } if (currentPayload.value) { emit("unload", currentPayload.value); return; } emit("unload"); } function handleButtonEvent(eventfn) { if (eventfn == null ? undefined : eventfn()) { unload(); } } function abnormalUnload(abnormal2) { emit("abnormalUnload", abnormal2); } __expose({ unload, abnormalUnload }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.Teleport, { to: "body" }, [ !vue.unref(_2).some(vue.unref(abnormal)) ? 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(vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("footer", _hoisted_4$9, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(_ctx.dialogButtons, (button) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { class: vue.normalizeClass(["dialog-button", { "icon": button.icon }]), "shadow-border": "", "theme-style": button.style === "themed", onClick: ($event) => handleButtonEvent(button.event) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(button.icon ? button.icon : button.text), 1) ]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["theme-style", "onClick", "class"]); }), 256)) ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ], 14, _hoisted_1$k), [ [vue.vShow, dialogTrigger.value] ]) ]), _: 3 }) ], 4)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]); }; } }); const UserDialog = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$o, [["__scopeId", "data-v-cd3f22c1"]]); function _isSlot(s) { return typeof s === "function" || Object.prototype.toString.call(s) === "[object Object]" && !vue.isVNode(s); } function renderComponent(root, container, rootProps) { const app = vue.createApp(root, rootProps); return { app, instance: app.mount(container) }; } const scrollbarWidth = _2.once(function() { return window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth; }); function renderPage(root, rootProps) { if (document.getElementsByTagName("body").length === 0) { document.documentElement.appendChild(domrd("body")); } removeDefault(); const page = domrd("div", { id: "remixed-page" }); document.body.insertBefore(page, document.body.firstChild); document.body.appendChild(domrd("div", { "id": "carousel_wrap" })); injectCSSRule("#spage-tbshare-container, .tbui_aside_float_bar", { display: "none !important" }); return renderComponent(root, page, rootProps); } function renderDialog(content, opts, events) { var _a, _b; (_a = events == null ? undefined : events.beforeRender) == null ? undefined : _a.call(events); const dialogWrapper = document.body.appendChild(domrd("div", { class: "dialog-wrapper" })); const dialogApp = vue.createApp(content, { ...opts, onUnload(payload) { var _a2, _b2; (_a2 = events == null ? undefined : events.beforeUnload) == null ? undefined : _a2.call(events, rendered); _unload(); (_b2 = events == null ? undefined : events.unloaded) == null ? undefined : _b2.call(events, payload); }, onAbnormalUnload(abnormal) { var _a2; _unload(); (_a2 = events == null ? undefined : events.abnormalUnload) == null ? undefined : _a2.call(events, abnormal); } }); const rendered = { app: dialogApp, instance: dialogApp.mount(dialogWrapper) }; (_b = events == null ? undefined : events.rendered) == null ? undefined : _b.call(events, rendered); return rendered; function _unload() { dialogApp.unmount(); if (dom("[aria-modal]", []).length === 0) { document.body.removeAttribute("no-scrollbar"); document.body.style.paddingRight = ""; } dialogWrapper.remove(); } } function userDialog(content, dialogOpts, opts) { let _slot; return renderDialog(vue.createVNode(UserDialog, dialogOpts, _isSlot(_slot = vue.h(content, opts)) ? _slot : { default: () => [_slot] })); } function removeDefault() { _2.forEach(document.head.children, (el) => { if (el && el.tagName.toUpperCase() === "LINK" && _2.includes(el.getAttribute("href"), "static-common/style")) { el.remove(); } if (el && el.tagName.toUpperCase() === "SCRIPT" && _2.includes(el.getAttribute("src"), "static-common/lib")) { el.remove(); } }); _2.forEach(document.body.children, (el) => { if (el && el.tagName.toUpperCase() === "STYLE") { el.remove(); } if (el && el.tagName.toUpperCase() === "SCRIPT") { el.remove(); } if (el && el.tagName.toUpperCase() === "IFRAME") { el.remove(); } if (el && _2.includes(el.className, "translatorExtension")) { el.remove(); } if (el && _2.includes(el.className, "dialogJ")) { el.remove(); } }); } const _hoisted_1$j = { ref: "messageWrapper", class: "message-wrapper" }; const _sfc_main$n = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "message-box", props: { title: {}, content: {}, type: { default: "okOnly" } }, setup(__props, { expose: __expose }) { const props = __props; const positiveButton = { response: "positive", text: "确定", event: () => unloadHandler("positive"), style: "themed" }; const negativeButton = { response: "cancel", text: "取消", event: () => unloadHandler("cancel") }; const forceTrueButton = { response: "positive", text: "接受", event: () => unloadHandler("positive"), style: "themed" }; const forceFalseButton = { response: "negative", text: "拒绝", event: () => unloadHandler("negative") }; const dialog = vue.ref(); const response = vue.ref("cancel"); const dialogOpts = { animation: true, lockScroll: true, modal: true, title: props.title, force: props.type === "forceTrueFalse", dialogButtons: (() => { switch (props.type) { case "okOnly": return [positiveButton]; case "okCancel": return [positiveButton, negativeButton]; case "forceTrueFalse": return [forceTrueButton, forceFalseButton]; } })(), defaultPayload: response.value }; function unloadHandler(_response, event) { var _a; response.value = _response; (_a = dialog.value) == null ? undefined : _a.unload(_response); } __expose({ response }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(UserDialog), vue.mergeProps({ ref_key: "dialog", ref: dialog }, dialogOpts, { onUnload: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unloadHandler(response.value)) }), { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$j, [_ctx.content ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, [typeof _ctx.content === "string" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, ref: "messageContent", class: "message markdown" }, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.content), 513)) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.content), { key: 1 }))], 64)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, undefined, true)], 512)]), _: 3 }, 16); }; } }); const MessageBox = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$n, [["__scopeId", "data-v-39288ca3"]]); async function messageBox(opts) { return new Promise((resolve) => { renderDialog(MessageBox, opts, { beforeUnload(rendered) { const response = rendered.instance.response; resolve(response); } }); }); } const _hoisted_1$i = { class: "about-wrapper" }; const _hoisted_2$g = { class: "main-title" }; const _hoisted_3$d = ["src"]; const _hoisted_4$8 = { class: "title" }; const _hoisted_5$7 = { class: "script-info" }; const _hoisted_6$6 = { class: "author-info" }; const _hoisted_7$5 = { class: "version" }; const _hoisted_8$4 = { class: "author" }; const _hoisted_9$4 = { class: "about-desc" }; const _hoisted_10$4 = { class: "line" }; const _hoisted_11$4 = { class: "about-controls" }; const _sfc_main$m = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "about.detail", emits: ["changeView"], setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { const scriptInfo = _GM_info; const emit = __emit; return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$i, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$g, [ vue.createElementVNode("img", { src: vue.unref(getResource)("/assets/images/main/icon.png"), alt: "icon", class: "main-icon" }, null, 8, _hoisted_3$d), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$8, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(MainTitle)), 1) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$7, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$6, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$5, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(scriptInfo).script.version), 1), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$4, "@" + vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(scriptInfo).script.author), 1) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9$4, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(`本开源项目使用 MIT 协议`.split("\n"), (line) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10$4, vue.toDisplayString(line), 1); }), 256)) ]) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11$4, [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "about-button github", "is-anchor": true, href: vue.unref(GithubRepo), "shadow-border": true, target: "_balnk" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = [ vue.createTextVNode("开放源代码 ") ])), _: 1 }, 8, ["href"]), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "about-button update", "shadow-border": true, onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => emit("changeView", "about", "update")) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" 检查更新 ") ])), _: 1 }) ]), _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "about-desc" }, null, -1)) ]); }; } }); const AboutDetail = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$m, [["__scopeId", "data-v-08c54454"]]); const _hoisted_1$h = { key: 0, class: "update-wrapper" }; const _hoisted_2$f = { class: "icon" }; const _hoisted_3$c = { class: "content" }; const _hoisted_4$7 = { class: "title-container" }; const _hoisted_5$6 = { class: "title" }; const _hoisted_6$5 = { key: 0, class: "is-pre-release" }; const _hoisted_7$4 = { class: "main-info" }; const _hoisted_8$3 = ["src"]; const _hoisted_9$3 = { class: "owner" }; const _hoisted_10$3 = ["innerHTML"]; const _hoisted_11$3 = { class: "update-controls" }; const _hoisted_12$2 = { key: 1, class: "forbidden-wrapper" }; const _sfc_main$l = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "about.update", setup(__props) { const release = vue.ref(); const forbidden = vue.ref(false); const isLatest = vue.ref(); const scriptInfo = _GM_info; vue.onMounted(async () => { const latest = await getLatestReleaseFromGitee(); if (latest) { forbidden.value = false; release.value = latest; isLatest.value = `v${scriptInfo.script.version}` >= release.value.tag_name; } else { forbidden.value = true; } }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h; return !forbidden.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$h, [ isLatest.value !== undefined ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { key: 0, class: vue.normalizeClass(["latest-info", { "is-latest": isLatest.value }]) }, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$f, vue.toDisplayString(isLatest.value ? "check" : "warning"), 1), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$c, vue.toDisplayString(isLatest.value ? "当前是最新版本" : "检测到新版本"), 1) ], 2)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$7, [ vue.createElementVNode("h2", _hoisted_5$6, vue.toDisplayString((_a = release.value) == null ? undefined : _a.name), 1), ((_b = release.value) == null ? undefined : _b.prerelease) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6$5, "预览版")) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$4, [ ((_c = release.value) == null ? undefined : _c.author.avatar_url) ? 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"", title: "自定义背景", alt: "自定义背景", style: vue.normalizeStyle(`opacity: ${+alphaValue.value / 100}`) }, null, 12, _hoisted_2$e), [ [vue.vShow, imageData.value] ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$b, [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { onClick: clearImage }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = [ vue.createTextVNode("清除") ])), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { onClick: selectImageFile }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = [ vue.createTextVNode("上传图片") ])), _: 1 }) ]) ]); }; } }); const LayoutCustomBack = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$k, [["__scopeId", "data-v-fcb5c431"]]); const _hoisted_1$f = { class: "color-picker" }; const _hoisted_2$d = { key: 0 }; const DEBOUNCE_TIME = 500; const _sfc_main$j = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "color-picker", props: /* @__PURE__ */ vue.mergeModels({ text: { default: "" } }, { "modelValue": { required: true }, "modelModifiers": {} }), emits: /* @__PURE__ */ vue.mergeModels(["change"], ["update:modelValue"]), setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { const model = vue.useModel(__props, "modelValue"); const emit = __emit; const debouncedUpdate = _2.debounce(() => { emit("change", model.value); }, DEBOUNCE_TIME); vue.onBeforeUnmount(function() { debouncedUpdate.cancel(); }); vue.watch(model, function() { debouncedUpdate(); }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("label", _hoisted_1$f, [ vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", { class: "color-input", type: "color", "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => model.value = $event) }, null, 512), [ [vue.vModelText, model.value] ]), _ctx.text ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_2$d, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]); }; } }); const ColorPicker = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$j, [["__scopeId", "data-v-faec1870"]]); const _hoisted_1$e = { class: "theme-color-component" }; const _sfc_main$i = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "theme.color", setup(__props) { const lightTheme = vue.ref(themeColor.get().light); const darkTheme = vue.ref(themeColor.get().dark); function changeThemeColor() { themeColor.set({ dark: darkTheme.value, light: lightTheme.value }); } function resetThemeColor() { themeColor.remove(); lightTheme.value = themeColor.get().light; darkTheme.value = themeColor.get().dark; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$e, [ vue.createVNode(ColorPicker, { text: "浅色主题", modelValue: lightTheme.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => lightTheme.value = $event), onChange: changeThemeColor }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(ColorPicker, { text: "深色主题", modelValue: darkTheme.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => darkTheme.value = $event), onChange: changeThemeColor }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "reset-button", onClick: resetThemeColor }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = [ vue.createTextVNode("重置") ])), _: 1 }) ]); }; } }); const ThemeColor = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$i, [["__scopeId", "data-v-17596762"]]); const getUserSettings = _2.once(() => ({ "visibility": { name: "显示", icon: "visibility", description: "主题、显示设置", sub: { "theme": { name: "主题", content: { "switch-theme": { title: "主题偏好设置", description: `在自动模式下,将根据当前系统设置自动选择合适的主题。你也可以手动应用某一种主题。`, widgets: [{ type: "select", content: [{ value: "auto", text: "自动", desc: "根据系统设置自动切换主题。" }, { value: "dark", text: "深色", desc: "使用深色主题。" }, { value: "light", text: "浅色", desc: "使用浅色主题。" }], init() { return themeType.get(); }, event(theme) { themeType.set(theme); } }] }, "color": { title: "主题颜色", description: `自定义主题色。由于存在深浅两种主题,需要设置两种主题色。`, widgets: [{ type: "component", component: vue.markRaw(ThemeColor) }] } } }, "layout": { name: "页面布局", content: { "compact-layout": { title: "紧凑布局", widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `在尽量保证视觉观感的请款下,针对部分页面应用更加紧凑的布局,以提高信息密度。当前会受到影响的页面有:新版看贴页面。`, init() { return compactLayout.get(); }, event() { compactLayout.set(!compactLayout.get()); document.body.toggleAttribute("compact-layout"); return compactLayout.get(); } }] }, "custom-background": { title: "自定义背景图", description: `上传图片作为页面背景图`, widgets: [{ type: "component", component: vue.markRaw(LayoutCustomBack) }] }, "wide-screen-title": { title: "宽屏设置", description: `针对宽屏设备进行配置`, widgets: [{ type: "subTitle", content: "强制拉伸画幅" }, { type: "toggle", content: `对于宽屏设备,不一定需要页面内容宽度始终等于屏幕宽度。如果你想应用强制宽屏,可以开启此项。`, init() { return wideScreen.get().noLimit; }, event() { const value = wideScreen.get().noLimit; wideScreen.merge({ noLimit: !value }); return !value; } }, { type: "subTitle", content: "最大宽度" }, { type: "desc", content: `配置页面元素跟随屏幕拉伸的最大宽度,若开启了 “强制拉伸画幅” 则此项失效` }, { type: "textbox", placeHolder: "输入最大宽度像素值", init() { return String(wideScreen.get().maxWidth); }, event(e) { const newValue = e.target.value; if (!isNaN(+newValue)) { wideScreen.merge({ maxWidth: +newValue }); } } }] } } }, "page-extension": { name: "页面扩展", content: { "index": { title: "首页扩展", widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `首页扩展旨在提供更纯粹的浏览体验,提供管理关注的吧、贴吧热议、瀑布流推送等功能。`, init() { return pageExtension.get().index; }, event() { pageExtension.merge({ index: !pageExtension.get().index }); return pageExtension.get().index; } }] }, "thread": { title: "帖子浏览页面扩展", widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `使用全新的 UI 简化帖子浏览,并改进屏幕空间利用率。`, init() { return pageExtension.get().thread; }, event() { pageExtension.merge({ thread: !pageExtension.get().thread }); return pageExtension.get().thread; } }] } } }, "fonts": { name: "字体", content: { "code-zh": { title: "主要字体组合", description: `应用在贴吧绝大多数场景的字体组合。`, widgets: [{ type: "textarea", placeHolder: "写入字体名,以换行分隔。若需要中英文混排,需将英文字体写在中文字体之前。", init() { return _2.join(userFonts.get(), "\n"); }, event(e) { userFonts.set(_2.split(e.target.value, "\n")); return _2.join(userFonts.get(), "\n"); } }] }, "code-monospace": { title: "等宽字体组合", description: `应用在数据显示等场景的等宽字体组合。`, widgets: [{ type: "textarea", placeHolder: "写入字体名,以换行分隔。建议在此处写入等宽字体。", init() { return _2.join(monospaceFonts.get(), "\n"); }, event(e) { monospaceFonts.set(_2.split(e.target.value, "\n")); return _2.join(monospaceFonts.get(), "\n"); } }] }, "font-weights": { title: "字重调整", description: `设置字体的字重。`, widgets: [{ type: "subTitle", content: "默认字重" }, { type: "textbox", placeHolder: "默认字重", init() { return fontWeights.get().normal; }, event(e) { const newValue = e.target.value; fontWeights.merge({ normal: +newValue }); } }, { type: "subTitle", content: "粗体字重" }, { type: "textbox", placeHolder: "粗体字重", init() { return fontWeights.get().bold; }, event(e) { const newValue = e.target.value; fontWeights.merge({ bold: +newValue }); } }] } } }, "nav-bar": { name: "导航栏", content: { "nav-bar-mode": { title: "导航栏隐藏模式", description: `设置导航栏的隐藏模式。`, widgets: [{ type: "select", content: [{ value: "fold", text: "滚动折叠", desc: "当页面以一定速度向下滚动时,会将导航栏折叠,只会占据很小的屏幕空间,但能更方便地重新访问导航栏。" }, { value: "alwaysFold", text: "始终折叠", desc: "导航栏始终保持折叠状态。" }, { value: "hideWhenScroll", text: "滚动隐藏", desc: "当页面以一定速度向下滚动时,彻底隐藏导航栏,重新访问导航栏则需要以一定速度向上滚动页面。" }, { value: "fixedOnTop", text: "顶部固定", desc: "导航栏不会在视图上跟随移动,仅在页面最顶部固定。" }, { value: "never", text: "始终显示", desc: "始终显示完整的导航栏。" }], init() { return navBarHideMode.get(); }, event(hideMode) { navBarHideMode.set(hideMode); } }] } } } } }, "modules": { name: "模块", icon: "deployed_code", description: "用户模块管理及部署", sub: AllModules().reduce((accu, curr, index2) => { function toSubSettingKey(module) { return { name: module.name, description: module.brief, content: { "module-info": { title: module.name, description: `${module.id} ${module.version}`, widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: module.description, init() { return _2.includes(disabledModules.get(), module.id) ? false : true; }, event() { if (_2.includes(disabledModules.get(), module.id)) { const newSet = new Set(disabledModules.get()); newSet.delete(module.id); disabledModules.set([...newSet]); return true; } else { disabledModules.set([module.id, ...disabledModules.get()]); return false; } } }] }, ...module.settings } }; } if (index2 === 1) { const accuObject = toSubSettingKey(accu); accu = {}; accu[accuObject.name] = accuObject; } accu[curr.name] = toSubSettingKey(curr); return accu; }) }, "performance": { name: "性能", icon: "speed", description: "硬件性能与流量相关", sub: { "perfPresets": { name: "性能预设", content: { "persets": { title: "性能预设", description: "从以下预设性能等级选择其一,将会自动对相关场景进行行为调整。", widgets: [{ type: "select", content: [{ value: "default", text: "默认" }, { value: "saver", text: "节能" }, { value: "performance", text: "高性能" }], init() { return perfProfile.get(); }, event(perf) { perfProfile.set(perf); } }] } } } } }, "enhanced": { name: "高级", icon: "labs", description: "提前测试一些尚不稳定的新功能", sub: { "experimental": { name: "实验性功能", content: { "title": { title: "实验室", description: `本版块列举了一些实验性功能,这些功能正处于开发阶段,它们当中的大部分都是默认关闭的。 这些功能可能会产生已知、未知的错误或性能问题,如果这些问题能被更及时全面地反馈,将有助于整个项目的发展。 需要注意的是,这些特性并不保证会保留到后续版本中。`, widgets: [{ type: "icon", content: "lab_research" }] }, "moreBlurEffect": { title: "更多模糊效果", widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `优先考虑提供更多的模糊效果。仅当性能预设为“高性能”时,才会生效。`, init() { return experimental.get().moreBlurEffect; }, event() { experimental.merge({ moreBlurEffect: !experimental.get().moreBlurEffect }); } }] }, "rasterEffect": { title: "栅格特效", widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `将部分场景的模糊效果替换为栅格特效。可能会使文字可见度降低。存在性能问题。`, init() { return experimental.get().rasterEffect; }, event() { experimental.merge({ rasterEffect: !experimental.get().rasterEffect }); } }] } } }, "backup-recover": { name: "备份与恢复", content: { "data-backup": { title: "数据备份", description: `备份脚本所有自定义配置`, widgets: [{ type: "button", content: "备份", event() { backupUserConfigs(); } }] }, "recover-backup": { title: "数据恢复", description: `从备份文件中恢复脚本所有自定义配置`, widgets: [{ type: "button", content: "恢复", event() { restoreUserConfigs(); } }] } } }, "custom-style": { name: "自定义样式", content: { "content": { title: "自定义样式", description: `你可以在这里添加一些自定义的CSS代码,用以覆盖脚本内置的一些样式。`, widgets: [{ type: "textarea", init() { return customStyle.get(); }, event(e) { customStyle.set(e.target.value); } }] } } }, "factory-reset": { name: "重置所有配置", content: { "title": { title: "重置所有配置", description: `如果你需要将脚本的一切配置恢复默认,请使用此功能。` }, "reset": { widgets: [{ type: "button", content: "重置", async event() { if (await messageBox({ title: "重置所有配置", content: "该操作是不可逆的,请做最后一次确认。", type: "forceTrueFalse" }) === "positive") { _2.forEach(_GM_listValues(), (key) => { _GM_deleteValue(key); }); location.reload(); } } }] } } } } }, "about": { name: "关于", icon: "person", description: "开发信息与检查更新", sub: { "update": { name: "检查更新", content: { "update-time": { title: "检查更新设置", description: `发行信息追踪频率`, widgets: [{ type: "select", content: [{ value: "1h", text: "1 小时" }, { value: "3h", text: "3 小时" }, { value: "6h", text: "6 小时" }, { value: "never", text: "从不" }], init() { return updateConfig.get().time; }, event(updateTime) { updateConfig.merge({ time: updateTime }); } }] }, "update-notify": { widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `启用一个对话框提示用户更新。该对话框可以立即安装更新,也可以推迟更新操作。`, init() { return updateConfig.get().notify; }, event() { updateConfig.merge({ notify: !updateConfig.get().notify }); } }] }, "update-component": { widgets: [{ type: "component", component: vue.markRaw(AboutUpdate) }] } } }, "about": { name: "关于项目", content: { "about-component": { widgets: [{ type: "component", component: vue.markRaw(AboutDetail) }] } } } } } })); const TOGGLE_ON_CLASS = "toggle-on"; const TOGGLE_OFF_CLASS = "toggle-off"; const _sfc_main$h = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "toggle-button", props: { "modelValue": { type: Boolean, ...{ required: true, default: false } }, "modelModifiers": {} }, emits: ["update:modelValue"], setup(__props) { const model = vue.useModel(__props, "modelValue"); const toggleClass = vue.computed(() => { return model.value ? TOGGLE_ON_CLASS : TOGGLE_OFF_CLASS; }); function toggle() { model.value = !model.value; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { class: vue.normalizeClass(["toggle-button", toggleClass.value]), onClick: toggle }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, undefined, true) ]), _: 3 }, 8, ["class"]); }; } }); const ToggleButton = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$h, [["__scopeId", "data-v-6728dba5"]]); const _hoisted_1$d = { class: "user-check" }; const _hoisted_2$c = ["for"]; const _hoisted_3$a = { class: "label-text" }; const _sfc_main$g = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "user-check", props: /* @__PURE__ */ vue.mergeModels({ id: {}, text: { default: "" } }, { "modelValue": { type: Boolean, ...{ required: true, default: false } }, "modelModifiers": {} }), emits: /* @__PURE__ */ vue.mergeModels(["change"], ["update:modelValue"]), setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { const model = vue.useModel(__props, "modelValue"); const emit = __emit; return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$d, [vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: _ctx.id, class: "check-label" }, [vue.createVNode(ToggleButton, { modelValue: model.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": [_cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => model.value = $event), _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => emit("change", model.value))], id: _ctx.id, class: "check-button icon", "theme-style": model.value }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(model.value ? "check" : ""), 1)]), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue", "id", "theme-style"]), vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_3$a, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 1)], 8, _hoisted_2$c)]); }; } }); const UserCheck = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$g, [["__scopeId", "data-v-48d9506d"]]); const _hoisted_1$c = { class: "user-select" }; const _hoisted_2$b = { class: "current-text" }; const _sfc_main$f = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "user-select", props: /* @__PURE__ */ vue.mergeModels({ data: {}, defaultValue: {} }, { "value": {}, "valueModifiers": {} }), emits: /* @__PURE__ */ vue.mergeModels(["change"], ["update:value"]), setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { const props = __props; vue.useModel(__props, "value"); const emit = __emit; const selectToggle = vue.ref(); const selectContainer = vue.ref(); const useSelect = vue.ref(false); const currentIndex = vue.ref(function() { if (!props.defaultValue) return 0; const index2 = _2.findIndex(props.data, (d) => d.value === props.defaultValue); return index2 === -1 ? 0 : index2; }()); const hoverIndex = vue.ref(currentIndex.value); vue.watch(useSelect, function() { hoverIndex.value = currentIndex.value; }); vue.watch(currentIndex, (index2) => { emit("change", props.data[index2].value); }); function selectFocusout(e) { var _a; ((_a = selectContainer.value) == null ? undefined : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget)) ? useSelect.value = true : useSelect.value = false; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$c, [vue.createVNode(ToggleButton, { ref_key: "selectToggle", ref: selectToggle, modelValue: useSelect.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => useSelect.value = $event), class: "select-toggle", onFocusout: selectFocusout }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_2$b, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.data[currentIndex.value].text), 1), _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "icon" }, "keyboard_arrow_down", -1))]), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, { name: "select" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", { ref_key: "selectContainer", ref: selectContainer, class: "select-container" }, [(vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(_ctx.data, (value, i) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { "theme-style": currentIndex.value === i, class: "select-transition select-button", onClick: ($event) => (currentIndex.value = i, useSelect.value = false), onMouseenter: ($event) => hoverIndex.value = i, onFocusout: selectFocusout }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(value.text), 1)]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["theme-style", "onClick", "onMouseenter"]); }), 256)), vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "select-transition select-desc", tabindex: "-1", onFocusout: selectFocusout }, vue.toDisplayString(useSelect.value ? _ctx.data[hoverIndex.value].desc : ""), 545), [[vue.vShow, _ctx.data[hoverIndex.value].desc]])], 512), [[vue.vShow, useSelect.value]])]), _: 1 })]); }; } }); const UserSelect = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$f, [["__scopeId", "data-v-7da72ee3"]]); const _sfc_main$e = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "user-textbox", props: { modelValue: { default: "" }, mutiLines: { type: Boolean }, lodashStyle: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, emits: ["update:modelValue"], setup(__props) { const props = __props; return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(props.mutiLines ? "textarea" : "input"), { class: vue.normalizeClass(["user-textbox", { "lodash-style": props.lodashStyle }]), type: "text", value: _ctx.modelValue, onInput: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("update:modelValue", $event.target.value)), autocomplete: "off" }, null, 40, ["class", "value"]); }; } }); const UserTextbox = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$e, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a690d550"]]); const _hoisted_1$b = { class: "settings-wrapper remove-default" }; const _hoisted_2$a = { class: "left-container" }; const _hoisted_3$9 = { class: "search-controls" }; const _hoisted_4$6 = { class: "left-panel" }; const _hoisted_5$5 = { class: "icon" }; const _hoisted_6$4 = { class: "key-info" }; const _hoisted_7$3 = { class: "key-title" }; const _hoisted_8$2 = { class: "key-desc" }; const _hoisted_9$2 = { class: "middle-container" }; const _hoisted_10$2 = { class: "key-title" }; const _hoisted_11$2 = { class: "right-container" }; const _hoisted_12$1 = { key: 0, class: "content-title" }; const _hoisted_13$1 = { key: 1, class: "content-desc" }; const _hoisted_14$1 = { class: "line" }; const _hoisted_15$1 = { class: "setting-control" }; const _hoisted_16$1 = { key: 1, class: "icon-component icon" }; const _hoisted_17$1 = { key: 4, class: "content-sub-title" }; const _hoisted_18$1 = { key: 5, class: "content-desc" }; const _hoisted_19$1 = { class: "line" }; const _hoisted_20$1 = ["src", "alt", "title", "onLoad"]; const _hoisted_21$1 = { key: 1, class: "empty-container filled-icon" }; const _sfc_main$d = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "settings", setup(__props, { expose: __expose }) { const userSettings = getUserSettings(); const dialogOpts = { uniqueName: "settings", animation: true, modal: true, lockScroll: true, modalStyle: { justifyContent: "flex-start" }, contentStyle: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", width: "100%", height: "max-content", maxWidth: "var(--content-max)", overflow: "hidden" } }; const searchText = vue.ref(""); const selectedKey = vue.ref(); const selectedSubKey = vue.ref(); function selectMainKey(key) { selectedKey.value = key; selectedSubKey.value = undefined; } function selectSubKey(key) { selectedSubKey.value = key; } function changeView(key, sub) { selectedKey.value = userSettings[key]; selectedSubKey.value = userSettings[key].sub[sub]; } function clearSelections() { selectedKey.value = undefined; selectedSubKey.value = undefined; } function searchKey() { if (searchText.value.length <= 0) { clearSelections(); return; } if (!_2.find(userSettings, (mainKey) => { if (_2.find(mainKey.sub, (subKey) => { if (subKey.name.toLowerCase().includes(searchText.value.toLowerCase())) { selectedKey.value = mainKey; selectedSubKey.value = subKey; return true; } else { return false; } })) return true; else return false; })) clearSelections(); } const debSearchKey = _2.debounce(searchKey, 500); __expose({ dialogOpts }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(UserDialog), vue.normalizeProps(vue.guardReactiveProps(dialogOpts)), { default: vue.withCtx(() => { var _a, _b; return [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$b, [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$a, [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$9, [_cache[1] || (_cache[1] = vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "title" }, "设置", -1)), vue.createVNode(UserTextbox, { modelValue: searchText.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": [_cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => searchText.value = $event), vue.unref(debSearchKey)], class: "search-box", placeholder: "输入需要搜索的设置" }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "onUpdate:modelValue"])]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$6, [(vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(vue.unref(userSettings), (setting) => { var _a2; return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { class: vue.normalizeClass(["key-button main-key", { "selected": ((_a2 = selectedKey.value) == null ? undefined : _a2.name) === setting.name }]), onClick: ($event) => selectMainKey(setting), "no-border": "all" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [_cache[2] || (_cache[2] = vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "main-key-selected" }, null, -1)), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$5, vue.toDisplayString(setting.icon), 1), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$4, [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$3, vue.toDisplayString(setting.name), 1), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$2, vue.toDisplayString(setting.description), 1)])]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["class", "onClick"]); }), 256))])]), vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9$2, [(vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList((_a = selectedKey.value) == null ? undefined : _a.sub, (setting) => { var _a2; return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { class: vue.normalizeClass(["key-button sub-key", { "selected": ((_a2 = selectedSubKey.value) == null ? undefined : _a2.name) === setting.name }]), onClick: ($event) => selectSubKey(setting), "no-border": "all" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$2, vue.toDisplayString(setting.name), 1)]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["class", "onClick"]); }), 256))], 512), [[vue.vShow, selectedKey.value]]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11$2, [((_b = selectedSubKey.value) == null ? undefined : _b.name) ? (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, vue.renderList(selectedSubKey.value.content, (content) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { key: Math.random(), class: "setting-content" }, [(content == null ? undefined : content.title) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("h3", _hoisted_12$1, vue.toDisplayString(content == null ? undefined : content.title), 1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), (content == null ? undefined : content.description) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_13$1, [(content == null ? undefined : content.description) ? (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, vue.renderList(content.description.split("\n"), (line) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_14$1, vue.toDisplayString(line), 1); }), 256)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), (content == null ? undefined : content.widgets) ? (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 2 }, vue.renderList(content.widgets, (widget) => { var _a2, _b2; return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_15$1, [widget.type === "toggle" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(UserCheck, { key: 0, class: "settings-toggle", "model-value": widget.init ? widget.init() : undefined, text: typeof widget.content === "string" ? widget.content : undefined, onChange: widget.event }, null, 8, ["model-value", "text", "onChange"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), widget.type === "icon" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_16$1, vue.toDisplayString(widget.content), 1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), widget.type === "button" ? 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"", href: (titleTagWrapperAnch == null ? undefined : titleTagWrapperAnch.href) ?? "" }, author: { portrait: _2.split(nReplyAnch.href, /(\?id=)|&/)[2], name: transEmojiFromDOMString(nReplyAnch.innerHTML), href: nReplyAnch.href }, time: _2.defaultTo(elem.getElementsByClassName("time")[0].textContent, ""), title: threadNameWrapperAnch.title, content: _2.defaultTo(elem.getElementsByClassName("n_txt")[0].textContent, ""), replies: _2.defaultTo(listPostNum == null ? undefined : listPostNum.getAttribute("data-num"), 0), images: imgArray }; } function parsePostsFromString(responseString, callbackfn) { const feedList = []; const dom2 = new DOMParser().parseFromString(responseString, "text/html"); const threads = dom2.getElementsByClassName("j_feed_li"); const undesired = "home-place-item"; _2.forEach(threads, (thread2) => { if (thread2.classList.contains(undesired)) return; const post = parsePostFromElement(thread2); feedList.push(post); }); return feedList; } function transEmojiFromDOMString(str) { const indexRegex = new RegExp("(?<=nickemoji\\/).*?(?=.png)", "gi"); if (!str.match(indexRegex)) return str; const emojis = [ "º", "◎", "▫", "◆", "♤", "♀", "♂", "ლ", "♬", "☞", "☜", "✆", "☎", "♋", "Ω", "℃", "℉", "😄", "😍", "😘", "😚", "😜", "😳", "😁", "😞", "😢", "😂", "😫", "😨", "😱", "😡", "😷", "😲", "😈", "🐷", "🐶", "🐑", "🐵", "🐨", "🐴", "🐼", "🐯", "🍪", "🍺", "🍦", "🍭", "🍗", "🍼", "🔯", "🍒", "👀", "🐭", "😇", "😺", "😻", "🙀", "😿", "😹", "😾", "👹", "👺", "🌞", "🌝", "🌚", "🌜", "🌛", "👦", "👧", "🎎", "🌸", "🍀", "🌹", "🌻", "🌺", "🍁", "🌿", "🍄", "🌵", "🌴", "🌳", "🌰", "🌱", "🌼", "🌐", "🌙", "🌋", "🌌", "⛅", "⚡", "☔", "⛄", "🌀", "🌈", "🌊", "🔥", "✨", "🌟", "💥", "💫", "💢", "💦", "💧", "💤", "💨", "🎀", "🌂", "💄", "💕", "💖", "💞", "💘", "💌", "💋", "💝", "🎒", "🎓", "🎏", "🎃", "👻", "🎅", "🎄", "🎁", "🙈", "🐒", "💯", "👯", "💍" ]; const transformed = [ "1-1.png", "1-2.png", "1-4.png", "1-5.png", "1-6.png", "1-7.png", "1-8.png", "1-9.png", "1-10.png", "1-11.png", "1-12.png", "1-13.png", "1-14.png", "1-15.png", "1-16.png", "1-17.png", "1-18.png", "1-19.png", "1-20.png", "1-21.png", "1-22.png", "1-23.png", "1-24.png", "1-25.png", "1-26.png", "1-27.png", "1-28.png", "1-29.png", "1-30.png", "1-31.png", "1-32.png", "1-33.png", "1-34.png", "1-35.png", "2-1.png", "2-2.png", "2-3.png", "2-4.png", "2-5.png", "2-6.png", "2-7.png", "2-8.png", "2-9.png", "2-10.png", "2-11.png", "2-12.png", "2-13.png", "2-14.png", "2-15.png", "2-16.png", "2-17.png", "2-18.png", "2-19.png", "2-20.png", "2-21.png", "2-22.png", "2-23.png", "2-24.png", "2-25.png", "2-26.png", "2-27.png", "2-28.png", "2-29.png", "2-30.png", "2-31.png", "2-32.png", "2-33.png", "2-34.png", "2-35.png", "3-1.png", "3-2.png", "3-3.png", "3-4.png", "3-5.png", "3-6.png", "3-7.png", "3-8.png", "3-9.png", "3-10.png", "3-11.png", "3-12.png", "3-13.png", "3-14.png", "3-15.png", "3-16.png", "3-17.png", "3-18.png", "3-19.png", "3-20.png", "3-21.png", "3-22.png", "3-23.png", "3-24.png", "3-25.png", "3-26.png", "3-27.png", "3-28.png", "3-29.png", "3-30.png", "3-31.png", "3-32.png", "3-33.png", "3-34.png", "3-35.png", "4-1.png", "4-2.png", "4-3.png", "4-4.png", "4-5.png", "4-6.png", "4-7.png", "4-8.png", "4-9.png", "4-10.png", "4-11.png", "4-12.png", "4-13.png", "4-14.png", "4-15.png", "4-16.png", "4-17.png", "4-18.png", "4-19.png", "4-20.png", "4-21.png", "4-22.png", "4-23.png" ]; const arrIndex = str.match(indexRegex); arrIndex == null ? undefined : arrIndex.forEach((index2) => { const emoji = emojis[transformed.indexOf(`${index2}.png`)]; const arrInner = _2.split(str, RegExp( `<img[^>]*?${index2}.png(?:[^>]*?)*>`, "g" )); str = _2.join(arrInner, decodeURIComponent(emoji)); }); return str; } function levelToClass(level) { if (level < 0) return; if (level >= 1 && level <= 3) return "green"; if (level >= 4 && level <= 9) return "blue"; if (level >= 9 && level <= 15) return "yellow"; if (level >= 16) return "orange"; } const _sfc_main$c = {}; const _hoisted_1$a = { class: "block-panel blur-if-custom-background" }; function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$a, [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ]); } const BlockPanel = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$c, [["render", _sfc_render]]); /** * Flex Masonry * @author @HacksawBlade * @version 1.1 * @license MIT */ class FlexMasonry { constructor(options) { __publicField(this, "container"); __publicField(this, "items"); __publicField(this, "columnContainers", []); __publicField(this, "columnWidth"); __publicField(this, "gap"); __publicField(this, "options"); __publicField(this, "containerSelector"); __publicField(this, "itemsSelector"); __publicField(this, "columnSelector", ".masonry-column"); __publicField(this, "columnsHeight", []); __publicField(this, "fragment"); /** 当前布局的列数 */ __publicField(this, "_columns"); options = parseOptions(options); this.container = (() => { if (typeof options.container === "string") { this.containerSelector = options.container; const _container = document.querySelector(options.container); if (_container) { return _container; } else { throw new Error("Can't find container element."); } } else { return options.container; } })(); if (options.items) { this.items = (() => { if (typeof options.items === "string") { this.itemsSelector = options.items; const _items = document.querySelectorAll(options.items); if (_items) { return Array.from(_items); } else { return []; } } else { return options.items; } })().map((el) => { el.style.visibility = "hidden"; return { element: el, cachedHeight: el.clientHeight }; }); } else { this.items = []; } this.columnWidth = options.columnWidth; if (options.gap) { if (Array.isArray(options.gap)) { this.gap = options.gap; } else { this.gap = [options.gap, options.gap]; } } else { this.gap = [0, 0]; } this._columns = 0; this.options = options; this.initStyle(); if (options.autoExec) this.exec(); } initStyle() { this.container.style.display = "flex"; this.container.style.alignItems = "flex-start"; this.container.style.justifyContent = "center"; this.container.style.gap = `${this.gap[0]}px`; } get columns() { return this._columns; } /** 执行布局 */ exec() { this.calcColumns(); const originalPosition = window.scrollY; this.calc(); this.layout(); if (this.options.fixScrollOffset) window.scrollTo(0, originalPosition); } adjustWidth() { const elColumns = this.container.querySelectorAll(this.columnSelector); const width = (this.container.clientWidth - this.gap[0] * (this._columns - 1)) / this._columns; elColumns.forEach((el) => { el.style.width = `${width}px`; }); } /** 仅计算布局 */ calc() { this.columnsHeight = Array(this.calcColumns()).fill(0); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const _col = this.container.querySelectorAll(this.columnSelector); _col.forEach((col) => { col.remove(); }); this.columnContainers.length = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this._columns; i++) { this.columnContainers.push( fragment.appendChild(createNewElement("div", { class: this.columnSelector.substring(1), style: `width: ${(this.container.clientWidth - this.gap[0] * (this._columns - 1)) / this._columns}px;` })) ); } this.columnContainers.forEach((ccontainer) => { ccontainer.style.display = "flex"; ccontainer.style.flexDirection = "column"; ccontainer.style.gap = `${this.gap[1]}px`; }); this.items.forEach((el) => { this._appendElement(el); }); this.fragment = fragment; } /** * 仅应用布局 * * 调用该函数前需要已经至少计算过一次布局 */ layout() { if (this.fragment) { this.container.appendChild(this.fragment); } else { throw Error("Never conducted layout calculations before. You should use exec() or calc() first."); } } removeUnusedColumns() { const _col = this.container.querySelectorAll(this.columnSelector); _col.forEach((col) => { if (col.children.length === 0) col.remove(); }); } /** * 清空布局中的所有 `items` * * 该操作并不会将元素从文档中移除 */ clear() { this.items.length = 0; this.columnsHeight = Array(this.calcColumns()).fill(0); } /** 仅计算当前需要的列数 */ calcColumns() { this._columns = Math.ceil((this.container.clientWidth - this.columnWidth) / (this.columnWidth + this.gap[0])); return this._columns; } /** * 向布局中加入元素 * @param el 要添加的元素 */ appendElement(...elems) { const masonryElements = elems.map((el) => { return { element: el, cachedHeight: el.clientHeight }; }); this._appendElement(...masonryElements); this.items.push(...masonryElements); } _appendElement(...elems) { elems.forEach((el) => { const minIndex = this.columnsHeight.indexOf(Math.min(...this.columnsHeight)); this.columnsHeight[minIndex] += el.cachedHeight; this.columnContainers[minIndex].appendChild(el.element); el.element.style.visibility = "visible"; const clientHeight = this.columnContainers[minIndex].clientHeight; if (clientHeight !== 0) { this.columnsHeight[minIndex] = this.columnContainers[minIndex].clientHeight; } }); } /** * 在原有子项的基础上追加子项 * @param newItems 要添加的新元素,接受 CSS选择器 * @param interval 插入每个元素间的时间间隔 */ append(newItems, interval) { const appended = (() => { if (newItems) { if (typeof newItems === "string") { const _items = document.querySelectorAll(newItems); return Array.from(_items); } else { return newItems; } } else { if (this.itemsSelector) { const _items = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.itemsSelector)); const appendCount = _items.length - this.items.length; if (appendCount > 0) { const _appended = _items.slice(-appendCount); return _appended; } } } })(); if (appended) { if (!interval || interval <= 0) { appended.forEach((el) => { this.appendElement(el); }); } else { appended.forEach((el, index2) => { setTimeout(() => { this.appendElement(el); }, interval * index2); }); } } } refreshContainer() { if (this.containerSelector) { const newContainer = document.querySelector(this.containerSelector); if (newContainer) { this.container = newContainer; } } } } function parseOptions(options) { options.gap = options.gap || 0; options.autoExec = options.autoExec === undefined ? true : options.autoExec; options.fixScrollOffset = options.fixScrollOffset === undefined ? false : options.fixScrollOffset; return options; } function createNewElement(tag, attrs) { const el = document.createElement(tag); for (const key in attrs) { el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]); } return el; } class FrameInterval { constructor(callback) { __publicField(this, "id"); __publicField(this, "callback"); __publicField(this, "thenfn", () => undefined); __publicField(this, "stopCondition"); this.callback = callback ?? (() => undefined); this.stopCondition = () => false; this.id = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick.bind(this)); } tick() { if (this.stopCondition()) { this.cancel(); return; } this.callback(); this.id = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick.bind(this)); } cancel() { if (this.id) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.id); this.id = undefined; } this.thenfn(); } until(stopCondition) { this.stopCondition = stopCondition; return this; } then(thenfn) { this.thenfn = thenfn; } } const _sfc_main$b = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "header-progress", props: { calc: { type: Function } }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const headerProgress2 = vue.ref(); const valueRef = vue.ref(0); vue.onMounted(function() { if (headerProgress2.value) { new FrameInterval(calcValue).until(() => valueRef.value >= 100); } }); function calcValue() { valueRef.value = props.calc(); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { ref_key: "headerProgress", ref: headerProgress2, id: "header-progress", class: vue.normalizeClass({ "complete": valueRef.value >= 100 }), style: vue.normalizeStyle(`width: ${valueRef.value}vw;`) }, null, 6); }; } }); const HeaderProgress = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$b, [["__scopeId", "data-v-782eb887"]]); function renderJSX(jsxel, parent) { vue.render(jsxel, parent); const root = parent.firstChild; return { root, vnode: jsxel, remove() { vue.render(null, parent); if (root.parentNode) root.remove(); } }; } function createJSXWrapper() { return domrd("div", { class: "jsx-wrapper" }); } function insertJSX(jsxel, parent, position) { const jsxWrapper = createJSXWrapper(); return renderJSX(jsxel, parent.insertBefore(jsxWrapper, position ?? null)); } function appendJSX(jsxel, parent) { const jsxWrapper = createJSXWrapper(); return renderJSX(jsxel, parent.appendChild(jsxWrapper)); } function headerProgress(props, delay = 2e3, timeout2 = 1e4) { const progressBar = vue.createVNode(HeaderProgress, { "calc": props.calc }, null); const rendered = insertJSX(progressBar, document.body, document.body.firstChild ?? undefined); const timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => { rendered.root.remove(); }, timeout2); waitUntil(() => rendered.root.style.width === "100vw", timeout2).then(function() { setTimeout(() => { rendered.root.remove(); clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); }, delay); }); return rendered; } const shieldList = new UserKey( "shieldList", [], undefined, (maybeLegacy) => _2.map(maybeLegacy, shieldRuleMigration) ); function matchShield(rule, str, scope) { if (!rule.toggle) return false; if (rule.scope !== scope) return false; if (rule.ignoreCase === undefined) rule.ignoreCase = true; if (rule.type === "text") { if (rule.ignoreCase) { rule.content = rule.content.toLowerCase(); str = str.toLowerCase(); } if (str.indexOf(rule.content) !== -1) { return true; } } if (rule.type === "regex") { let regex; if (rule.ignoreCase) { regex = new RegExp(rule.content, "i"); } else { regex = new RegExp(rule.content); } if (regex.test(str)) { return true; } } return false; } function shieldRuleMigration(rule) { if (!_2.has(rule, "rule")) return rule; rule = rule; const newRule = { content: rule.rule, type: "text", scope: "content", toggle: rule.switch, ignoreCase: rule.ignoreCase, matchHTML: rule.matchHTML }; if (rule.type === "string") newRule.type = "text"; if (rule.scope === "posts") newRule.scope = "content"; if (rule.scope === "users") newRule.scope = "username"; return newRule; } const _hoisted_1$9 = { id: "shield-editor" }; const _hoisted_2$9 = { id: "shield-editor-rule-control" }; const _hoisted_3$8 = { id: "shield-editor-toggle-control" }; const _sfc_main$a = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "shield-editor", props: { rule: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const dialog = vue.ref(); const useRegex = vue.ref(props.rule.type === "regex"); const userScope = vue.ref(props.rule.scope === "username"); const ruleRef = vue.ref({ ...props.rule }); function keyPressHandler(e) { if (e.key === "Enter") { e.preventDefault(); submit(); } } function submit() { var _a; const newRule = { ...ruleRef.value, type: useRegex.value ? "regex" : "text", scope: userScope.value ? "username" : "content" }; (_a = dialog.value) == null ? undefined : _a.unload(newRule); } function unload() { var _a; (_a = dialog.value) == null ? undefined : _a.unload({ ...props.rule }); } function deleteRule() { var _a; (_a = dialog.value) == null ? undefined : _a.unload(); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(UserDialog), { ref_key: "dialog", ref: dialog, title: "编辑", "dialog-buttons": [{ text: "确定", event: submit, style: "themed" }, { text: "取消", event: unload }], "default-payload": { ...props.rule } }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$9, [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$9, [_cache[4] || (_cache[4] = vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: "shield-editor-rule" }, "规则", -1)), vue.createVNode(UserTextbox, { modelValue: ruleRef.value.content, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => ruleRef.value.content = $event), id: "shield-editor-rule", "muti-lines": "", onKeypress: keyPressHandler }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$8, [vue.createVNode(UserCheck, { modelValue: ruleRef.value.toggle, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => ruleRef.value.toggle = $event), id: "shield-editor-toggle", text: "启用" }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(UserCheck, { modelValue: useRegex.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => useRegex.value = $event), id: "shield-editor-regex", text: "正则表达式" }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(UserCheck, { modelValue: userScope.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => userScope.value = $event), id: "shield-editor-user", text: "屏蔽用户名" }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])]), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { id: "shield-editor-delete", onClick: deleteRule }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = [vue.createTextVNode("删除规则")])), _: 1 })])]), _: 1 }, 8, ["dialog-buttons", "default-payload"]); }; } }); const ShieldEditor = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$a, [["__scopeId", "data-v-8cfcb5eb"]]); const _hoisted_1$8 = { class: "shield-container" }; const _hoisted_2$8 = { key: 0, class: "words-container" }; const _hoisted_3$7 = { class: "icon" }; const _hoisted_4$5 = { class: "content" }; const _hoisted_5$4 = { key: 1, class: "empty-list-container" }; const _hoisted_6$3 = { class: "shield-controls" }; const _hoisted_7$2 = { class: "submit-controls" }; const _sfc_main$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "module.shield", setup(__props) { const shieldListRef = vue.ref(shieldList.get()); const inputRule = vue.ref(""); const useRegex = vue.ref(false); const userScope = vue.ref(false); function inputKeyPress(e) { if (e.key === "Enter") { e.preventDefault(); updateShieldList(); } } function editRule(rule, index2) { renderDialog(ShieldEditor, { rule }, { unloaded(rule2) { if (!rule2) { shieldListRef.value.splice(index2, 1); shieldList.set(shieldListRef.value); return; } shieldListRef.value[index2] = rule2; shieldList.set(shieldListRef.value); } }); } function removeAll() { shieldListRef.value.length = 0; shieldList.remove(); } async function removeAllWithConfirm() { if (await messageBox({ content: "该操作将无法恢复,确定要删除所有屏蔽规则吗?", type: "forceTrueFalse" }) === "positive") { removeAll(); } } function updateShieldList() { if (inputRule.value.length <= 0) return; const rule = { content: inputRule.value, type: useRegex.value ? "regex" : "text", scope: userScope.value ? "username" : "content", toggle: true }; shieldListRef.value.push(rule); inputRule.value = ""; shieldList.set(shieldListRef.value); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$8, [shieldListRef.value.length > 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$8, [(vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(shieldListRef.value, (sh, index2) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { class: vue.normalizeClass(["shield-elem", { "content-scope": sh.scope === "content", "user-scope": sh.scope === "username", "disabled": !sh.toggle }]), onClick: ($event) => editRule(sh, index2) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$7, vue.toDisplayString(sh.scope === "content" ? "chat" : "account_circle"), 1), vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_4$5, vue.toDisplayString(sh.content), 1)]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["class", "onClick"]); }), 256)), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "remove-all shield-elem icon", onClick: removeAllWithConfirm }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = [vue.createTextVNode("delete")])), _: 1 })])) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$4, "当前没有记录屏蔽规则")), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$3, [vue.createVNode(UserTextbox, { modelValue: inputRule.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => inputRule.value = $event), "muti-lines": "", class: "shield-input", placeholder: "输入屏蔽规则,按下 [ENTER] 提交。", onKeypress: inputKeyPress }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$2, [vue.createVNode(UserCheck, { modelValue: useRegex.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => useRegex.value = $event), id: "use-regex", text: "正则表达式" }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(UserCheck, { modelValue: userScope.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => userScope.value = $event), id: "user-scope", text: "屏蔽用户名" }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "submit-button", "shadow-border": true, "theme-style": true, onClick: updateShieldList }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = [vue.createTextVNode("确定 ")])), _: 1 })])])]); }; } }); const moduleShieldVue = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$9, [["__scopeId", "data-v-1dec7a04"]]); const index$f = { id: "shield", name: "贴吧屏蔽", author: "锯条", version: "1.2", brief: "眼不见为净", description: `用户自定义屏蔽规则,符合规则的贴子和楼层将不会显示在首页、看贴页面和进吧页面。支持正则匹配`, scope: true, runAt: "immediately", settings: { "shield-controls": { title: "管理屏蔽规则", description: `这些屏蔽规则将会在首页、看贴页面生效,会自动隐藏所有符合匹配规则的贴子和楼层。`, widgets: [{ type: "component", component: vue.markRaw(moduleShieldVue) }] } }, entry: main$6 }; function shieldBySelector(observer, scope, parentSelector, subSelector) { observer.addEvent(() => { dom(parentSelector, []).forEach((elem) => { let isMatch = false; const content = _2.join(_2.map(dom(subSelector, elem, []), (el) => el.textContent ?? ""), "\n"); for (const rule of shieldList.get()) { if (matchShield(rule, content, scope)) { isMatch = true; break; } } if (isMatch) { elem.style.display = "none"; } }); }); } function main$6() { shieldBySelector(threadFloorsObserver, "content", ".l_post_bright", ".d_post_content"); shieldBySelector(threadFloorsObserver, "username", ".l_post_bright", ".p_author_name"); shieldBySelector(threadCommentsObserver, "content", ".lzl_single_post", ".lzl_content_main"); shieldBySelector(threadCommentsObserver, "username", ".lzl_single_post", ".lzl_cnt .j_user_card"); shieldBySelector(legacyIndexFeedsObserver, "content", ".j_feed_li", ".title, .n_txt"); shieldBySelector(legacyIndexFeedsObserver, "username", ".j_feed_li", ".post_author"); shieldBySelector(forumThreadsObserver, "content", ".j_thread_list", ".threadlist_title a"); shieldBySelector(forumThreadsObserver, "username", ".j_thread_list", ".frs-author-name-wrap"); } const index$g = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: index$f, matchShield, shieldList, shieldRuleMigration }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); const _hoisted_1$7 = ["src"]; const _hoisted_2$7 = { class: "zoom-size" }; const _hoisted_3$6 = ["src", "onClick"]; const MIN_SIZE = 0.1; const MAX_SIZE = 8; const VLI_THRESHOLD = 5; const VLI_WIDTH_SCALE = 2; const DEFAULT_HIDE_CONTROLS_DELAY = 1e3; const SHOW_CONTROLS_THRESHOLD_X = 180; const SHOW_CONTROLS_THRESHOLD_Y = 140; const _sfc_main$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "images-viewer", props: { content: {}, defaultIndex: { default: 0 } }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const imageArray = []; if (typeof props.content === "string") { imageArray.push(props.content); } else if (Array.isArray(props.content)) { imageArray.push(...props.content); } else { _2.map(props.content.images, (value) => { imageArray.push(value.original); }); } const dialog = vue.ref(); const imagesViewer2 = vue.ref(); const imageContainer = vue.ref(); const currImage = vue.ref(); const curr = vue.ref(props.defaultIndex); const scale = vue.ref(1); const deg = vue.ref(0); const imageLeft = vue.ref(undefined); const imageTop = vue.ref(undefined); const showControls = vue.ref({ left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false }); const lockControls = vue.ref({ left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false }); const vliMode = vue.ref(false); const imageStyle = vue.computed(() => { return { transform: `scale(${scale.value}) rotate(${deg.value}deg)`, left: `${imageLeft.value}px`, top: `${imageTop.value}px`, transition: vliMode.value ? "all 0.4s ease, left 0s, top 0.1s ease-out" : "all 0.4s ease, left 0s, top 0s" }; }); const imageProps = vue.computed(function() { var _a; const naturalHeight = ((_a = currImage.value) == null ? undefined : _a.naturalHeight) ?? 0; return { naturalHeight: naturalHeight ?? 0, scaledHeight: naturalHeight ?? 0 * scale.value, vliMaxTop: -(naturalHeight * (1 - scale.value) / 2) + window.innerHeight / 2, vliMinTop: -(naturalHeight * scale.value) - naturalHeight * (1 - scale.value) / 2 + window.innerHeight / 2 }; }); const dialogOpts = { blurEffect: false, shadowMode: true, contentStyle: { width: "100%", height: "100%" }, renderAnimation: "kf-fade-in var(--fast-duration)", unloadAnimation: "kf-fade-out var(--fast-duration)" }; const evproxy = new EventProxy(); let lastMousePos = { x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2 }; let lastControlTimeout = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }; vue.onMounted(async () => { await vue.nextTick(); let offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; evproxy.on(window, "mousemove", _2.throttle(function(e) { const { clientX, clientY } = e; lastMousePos = { x: clientX, y: clientY }; showControls.value = verifyPos(); }, 100, { leading: true })); lockControlsTemporarily("all", DEFAULT_HIDE_CONTROLS_DELAY); evproxy.on(imagesViewer2.value, "wheel", imageWheel, { passive: true }); evproxy.on(currImage.value, "mousedown", (e) => { if (!currImage.value) return; e.preventDefault(); if (vliMode.value) return; offsetX = e.clientX - currImage.value.offsetLeft; offsetY = e.clientY - currImage.value.offsetTop; document.addEventListener("mousemove", moveHandler); }); evproxy.on(document, "mouseup", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveHandler); }); evproxy.on(currImage.value, "load", function() { if (!currImage.value) return; vliMode.value = false; (() => { if (currImage.value.naturalHeight < window.innerHeight && currImage.value.naturalWidth < window.innerWidth) { scale.value = 1; return; } if (currImage.value.naturalHeight / currImage.value.naturalWidth >= VLI_THRESHOLD) { vliMode.value = true; scale.value = window.innerWidth / VLI_WIDTH_SCALE / currImage.value.naturalWidth; imageLeft.value = undefined; return; } vliMode.value = false; scale.value = Math.min( window.innerWidth / currImage.value.naturalWidth, window.innerHeight / currImage.value.naturalHeight ); })(); currImage.value.classList.remove("changing"); }); evproxy.on(currImage.value, "transitionend", function() { var _a, _b, _c; if (Math.abs(deg.value) >= 360) { (_a = currImage.value) == null ? undefined : _a.classList.add("changing"); deg.value = Math.abs(deg.value) % 360; (_b = currImage.value) == null ? undefined : _b.offsetHeight; (_c = currImage.value) == null ? undefined : _c.classList.remove("changing"); } }); function moveHandler(e) { if (!currImage.value) return; imageLeft.value = e.clientX - offsetX; imageTop.value = e.clientY - offsetY; } }); vue.onUnmounted(function() { evproxy.release(); }); vue.watch(curr, function() { var _a; (_a = currImage.value) == null ? undefined : _a.classList.add("changing"); deg.value = 0; imageLeft.value = undefined; imageTop.value = undefined; }); vue.watch(imageTop, function(newTop) { if (vliMode.value) { if (!currImage.value || !imageTop.value || !newTop) return; if (newTop > imageProps.value.vliMaxTop) { imageTop.value = imageProps.value.vliMaxTop; } if (newTop < imageProps.value.vliMinTop) { imageTop.value = imageProps.value.vliMinTop; } } }); vue.watch(vliMode, function(newMode) { lockControlsTemporarily("top", DEFAULT_HIDE_CONTROLS_DELAY); if (newMode && currImage.value && !imageTop.value) { imageTop.value = Math.max( imageProps.value.vliMinTop, -(currImage.value.naturalHeight * (1 - scale.value) / 2) ); } }); function unload() { var _a; (_a = dialog.value) == null ? undefined : _a.unload(); } function listBack() { if (curr.value > 0) curr.value--; } function listForward() { if (curr.value < imageArray.length - 1) curr.value++; } function zoomImage(delta) { scale.value += delta; if (scale.value < MIN_SIZE) { scale.value = MIN_SIZE; } if (scale.value > MAX_SIZE) { scale.value = MAX_SIZE; } } function rotateImage(delta) { deg.value += delta; } function imageWheel(e) { if (!currImage.value) return; if (!vliMode.value) { zoomImage(-e.deltaY / 1e3); } else { if (!imageTop.value) imageTop.value = 0; imageTop.value += -e.deltaY / 1e3 * window.innerHeight; } } function clickModal(e) { if (e.target === imageContainer.value) { unload(); } } function lockControlsTemporarily(direction, timeout2) { if (direction !== "all") { lock(direction); } else { lock("left"); lock("right"); lock("top"); lock("bottom"); } function lock(direction2) { lockControls.value[direction2] = true; if (lastControlTimeout[direction2]) { clearTimeout(lastControlTimeout[direction2]); } showControls.value[direction2] = true; lastControlTimeout[direction2] = setTimeout(() => { lockControls.value[direction2] = false; showControls.value = verifyPos(); }, timeout2); } } function verifyPos(pos = lastMousePos) { const distanceToLeft = pos.x; const distanceToRight = window.innerWidth - pos.x; const distanceToTop = pos.y; const distanceToBottom = window.innerHeight - pos.y; const calcValue = { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false }; distanceToLeft <= SHOW_CONTROLS_THRESHOLD_X || lockControls.value.left ? calcValue.left = true : calcValue.left = false; distanceToRight <= SHOW_CONTROLS_THRESHOLD_X || lockControls.value.right ? calcValue.right = true : calcValue.right = false; distanceToTop <= SHOW_CONTROLS_THRESHOLD_Y || lockControls.value.top ? calcValue.top = true : calcValue.top = false; distanceToBottom <= SHOW_CONTROLS_THRESHOLD_Y || lockControls.value.bottom ? calcValue.bottom = true : calcValue.bottom = false; return calcValue; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(UserDialog), vue.mergeProps({ ref_key: "dialog", ref: dialog }, dialogOpts), { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("div", { ref_key: "imagesViewer", ref: imagesViewer2, class: "images-viewer", onClick: clickModal }, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", { ref_key: "imageContainer", ref: imageContainer, class: "image-container dialog-toggle" }, [ vue.createElementVNode("img", { ref_key: "currImage", ref: currImage, class: "curr-image changing", src: imageArray[curr.value], style: vue.normalizeStyle(vue.unref(parseCSSRule)(imageStyle.value)) }, null, 12, _hoisted_1$7) ], 512), vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: vue.normalizeClass(["control-panel head-controls", { "hide": !showControls.value.top }]) }, [ vue.createVNode(ToggleButton, { class: "vli-mode head-btn icon", title: "长图模式", modelValue: vliMode.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => vliMode.value = $event) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = [ vue.createTextVNode("chrome_reader_mode ") ])), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue"]), _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "|", -1)), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "zoom-in head-btn icon", title: "缩小", onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => zoomImage(0.5)) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" zoom_in ") ])), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "zoom-out head-btn icon", title: "放大", onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => zoomImage(-0.5)) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" zoom_out ") ])), _: 1 }), vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2$7, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(_2).round(scale.value * 100) + "%"), 1), _cache[12] || (_cache[12] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "|", -1)), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "turn-left head-btn icon", title: "逆时针旋转", onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => rotateImage(-90)) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" undo ") ])), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "turn-right head-btn icon", title: "顺时针旋转", onClick: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => rotateImage(90)) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" redo ") ])), _: 1 }), _cache[13] || (_cache[13] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "|", -1)), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "close head-btn icon", title: "关闭", onClick: unload }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" close ") ])), _: 1 }) ], 2), imageArray.length > 1 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { key: 0, class: vue.normalizeClass(["control-panel back icon", { "hide": !showControls.value.left }]), title: "上一张", onClick: listBack }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[14] || (_cache[14] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" chevron_left ") ])), _: 1 }, 8, ["class"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), imageArray.length > 1 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { key: 1, class: vue.normalizeClass(["control-panel forward icon", { "hide": !showControls.value.right }]), title: "下一张", onClick: listForward }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[15] || (_cache[15] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" chevron_right ") ])), _: 1 }, 8, ["class"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: vue.normalizeClass(["control-panel bottom-controls", { "hide": !showControls.value.bottom }]) }, [ (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(imageArray, (image, index2) => { return vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: vue.normalizeClass(["bottom-btn", { "selected": index2 === curr.value }]), "no-border": "all" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("img", { class: "image-list", src: image, alt: "", onClick: ($event) => curr.value = index2 }, null, 8, _hoisted_3$6) ]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["class"]); }), 64)) ], 2) ], 512) ]), _: 1 }, 16); }; } }); const ImagesViewer = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$8, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f4016c3f"]]); function imagesViewer(opts) { renderDialog(vue.createVNode(ImagesViewer, opts, null)); } const _hoisted_1$6 = { class: "main-content" }; const _hoisted_2$6 = { class: "title" }; const _hoisted_3$5 = { key: 0, class: "content" }; const _hoisted_4$4 = { key: 0, class: "img-container" }; const _hoisted_5$3 = ["src"]; const _hoisted_6$2 = { class: "bottom-controls" }; const _hoisted_7$1 = ["src"]; const _hoisted_8$1 = { class: "author-info" }; const _hoisted_9$1 = { class: "author-name" }; const _hoisted_10$1 = { class: "post-time" }; const _hoisted_11$1 = { class: "replies" }; const _sfc_main$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "post-container", props: { post: {}, lazyLoad: { type: Boolean, default: false }, dynamic: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, emits: ["clickImage", "assetsLoaded"], setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { const props = __props; const emit = __emit; const postContainer = vue.ref(); const isIntersecting = vue.ref(!props.lazyLoad); const loadedAssets = vue.ref(0); vue.onMounted(() => { if (!postContainer.value) return; if (props.post.images.length === 0) { emit("assetsLoaded", postContainer.value); } if (!props.lazyLoad) return; const iObs = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { isIntersecting.value = true; iObs.disconnect(); } }); }); iObs.observe(postContainer.value.$el); }); function showImage(e, index2) { e.preventDefault(); emit("clickImage", (() => { const output = []; _2.map(props.post.images, (value) => { output.push(value.original); }); return output; })(), index2); } function addLoadedPost() { loadedAssets.value += 1; if (loadedAssets.value === props.post.images.length) { emit("assetsLoaded", postContainer.value); } } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { ref_key: "postContainer", ref: postContainer, "is-anchor": true, class: vue.normalizeClass(["post-container", { "dynamic": props.dynamic, "assets-loaded": loadedAssets.value === props.post.images.length }]), href: "/p/" + props.post.id, target: "_blank" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { "is-anchor": true, class: "forum-btn", "shadow-border": true, href: props.post.forum.href, target: "_blank" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(props.post.forum.name + " 吧"), 1) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["href"]) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$6, [ vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_2$6, vue.toDisplayString(props.post.title), 1), props.post.content && props.post.content !== " " ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_3$5, vue.toDisplayString(props.post.content), 1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]), props.post.images.length > 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$4, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(props.post.images, (image, index2) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { class: "img-button", onClick: ($event) => showImage($event, index2), "no-border": "all" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("img", { class: "post-img", src: isIntersecting.value ? image.original : "", onLoad: addLoadedPost }, null, 40, _hoisted_5$3) ]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["onClick"]); }), 256)) ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$2, [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "author", "is-anchor": true, href: props.post.author.href, target: "_blank", "shadow-border": true }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("img", { class: "author-portrait", src: isIntersecting.value ? vue.unref(tiebaAPI).URL_profile(props.post.author.portrait) : "" }, null, 8, _hoisted_7$1), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$1, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9$1, vue.toDisplayString(props.post.author.name), 1), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$1, vue.toDisplayString(props.post.time), 1) ]) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["href"]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11$1, vue.toDisplayString(props.post.replies), 1) ]) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["href", "class"]); }; } }); const PostContainer = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$7, [["__scopeId", "data-v-6cdcd181"]]); const maxFeeds = 1e3; const nextFeedsMargin = 320; const unreadTTL = 2; const _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "feeds-masonry", props: { initFeeds: { default: () => [] }, showProgress: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, setup(__props, { expose: __expose }) { const props = __props; const feeds = vue.ref([]); const masonryWrapper = vue.ref(); const masonryContainer = vue.ref(); const hasMoreFeeds = vue.ref(true); let currentLoadedFeeds = []; let isFetchingFeeds = false; const debAddFeeds = _2.debounce(addFeeds, 2e3, { leading: true }); let flexMasonry; window.addEventListener("resize", _2.throttle(function() { flexMasonry.adjustWidth(); if (flexMasonry.columns !== flexMasonry.calcColumns()) flexMasonry.exec(); }, 100), { passive: true }); vue.onMounted(() => { if (!masonryWrapper.value) return; if (!masonryContainer.value) return; debAddFeeds(props.initFeeds); renderMasonry(); window.addEventListener("scroll", () => { if (isFetchingFeeds) return; const scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; const scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; if (scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - nextFeedsMargin) { if (feeds.value.length < maxFeeds) { debAddFeeds(); } } }); }); vue.watch(hasMoreFeeds, (newVal) => { if (!newVal) { toast({ message: "没有更多推送了", type: "warning" }); } }); async function addFeeds(newFeeds) { if (!newFeeds) newFeeds = []; if (isFetchingFeeds) return; isFetchingFeeds = true; if (newFeeds.length <= 0) { const response = await requestInstance(tiebaAPI.feedlist()); if (response) { newFeeds = parsePostsFromString(response.data.html); hasMoreFeeds.value = !!response.data.has_more; const ruleList = shieldList.get(); newFeeds = _2.filter(newFeeds, (feed) => { for (const rule of ruleList) { if (matchShield(rule, feed.author.name, "username") || matchShield(rule, feed.title, "content") || matchShield(rule, feed.content, "content")) { return false; } } return true; }); if (props.showProgress) { headerProgress({ calc: () => currentLoadedFeeds.length / ((newFeeds == null ? undefined : newFeeds.length) ?? 0) * 100 }); } } } feeds.value.push(...newFeeds); await waitUntil(() => currentLoadedFeeds.length >= (newFeeds ?? []).length); renderMasonry().then(function() { unreadFeeds.set(newFeeds ? newFeeds : [], spawnOffsetTS(0, 0, 0, unreadTTL)); currentLoadedFeeds.length = 0; isFetchingFeeds = false; }); } async function renderMasonry() { await vue.nextTick(); if (!masonryContainer.value) return; if (!flexMasonry) { flexMasonry = new FlexMasonry({ container: masonryContainer.value, // items: ".post-elem.assets-loaded", columnWidth: 320, gap: 12, fixScrollOffset: true }); } else { flexMasonry.append(".masonry-wrapper > .post-elem.assets-loaded", 60); } } function addToLoaded(payload) { currentLoadedFeeds.push(payload.$el); } function showImages(images, index2) { imagesViewer({ content: images, defaultIndex: index2 }); } function refresh() { if (!isFetchingFeeds) { feeds.value.length = 0; flexMasonry.clear(); debAddFeeds(); } } function refreshAndMove() { var _a; window.scrollTo({ top: (_a = masonryContainer.value) == null ? undefined : _a.offsetTop, behavior: "smooth" }); refresh(); } __expose({ feeds, isFetchingFeeds, refresh, refreshAndMove }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { ref_key: "masonryWrapper", ref: masonryWrapper, class: "masonry-wrapper" }, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", { ref_key: "masonryContainer", ref: masonryContainer, class: "masonry-container" }, null, 512), (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(feeds.value, (post) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(PostContainer, { key: post.id, post, class: "post-elem", dynamic: "", "shadow-border": "", onClickImage: showImages, onAssetsLoaded: addToLoaded }, null, 8, ["post"]); }), 128)) ], 512); }; } }); const FeedsMasonry = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$6, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a26c04a0"]]); const _hoisted_1$5 = { class: "index-wrapper" }; const _hoisted_2$5 = { class: "grid-container" }; const _hoisted_3$4 = { class: "head-controls" }; const _hoisted_4$3 = { class: "search-controls" }; const _hoisted_5$2 = { class: "search-suggestions" }; const _hoisted_6$1 = ["src"]; const _hoisted_7 = { class: "sugg-content" }; const _hoisted_8 = { class: "sugg-title" }; const _hoisted_9 = { class: "sugg-desc" }; const _hoisted_10 = { key: 0, class: "block-wrapper followed-container" }; const _hoisted_11 = { class: "block-controls followed" }; const _hoisted_12 = { class: "block-container followed-list" }; const _hoisted_13 = { key: 0, class: "icon signed" }; const _hoisted_14 = { class: "forum-title" }; const _hoisted_15 = { key: 1, class: "block-wrapper topic-container" }; const _hoisted_16 = { class: "block-controls topics" }; const _hoisted_17 = { class: "block-container topic-list" }; const _hoisted_18 = ["src"]; const _hoisted_19 = { class: "topic-content" }; const _hoisted_20 = { class: "topic-title" }; const _hoisted_21 = { class: "topic-name" }; const _hoisted_22 = { class: "topic-desc" }; const _hoisted_23 = { class: "block-controls feeds" }; const _hoisted_24 = { key: 0, class: "empty-container" }; const _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "index", setup(__props) { const initFeeds = vue.ref([]); const userInfo = vue.ref(); const followed = vue.ref(); const masonryContainer = vue.ref(); const feedsContainer = vue.ref(); const searchText = vue.ref(""); const suggToggle = vue.ref(false); const suggestions = vue.ref([]); vue.ref(false); const configMenu = vue.ref(); vue.ref(false); const profileMenu = vue.ref(); const topicList = vue.ref([]); const feedsIntersecting = vue.ref(false); const feedsMasonry = vue.ref({}); let signedForums = 0; initFeeds.value = unreadFeeds.get(); vue.onMounted(async () => { init().then(() => { if (masonryContainer.value) { const iObs = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { feedsIntersecting.value = true; } else { feedsIntersecting.value = false; } }); iObs.observe(masonryContainer.value); } }); }); window.addEventListener("focusin", (ev) => toggl###ggControls(ev)); window.addEventListener("mousedown", (ev) => toggl###ggControls(ev)); async function init() { userInfo.value = await (async () => { try { const userInfoResp = await (await tiebaAPI.userInfo()).json(); if (userInfoResp) { return userInfoResp.data; } } catch (error) { toast({ message: errorMessage(error), type: "error", duration: 6e3 }); } })(); configMenu.value = [ { title: "设置", click() { renderDialog(Settings); } }, "separator", { title: "源代码 (GitHub)", href: GithubRepo }, { title: "源代码 (Gitee)", href: GiteeRepo } ]; profileMenu.value = [ { title: "登录", icon: "login", href: BaiduPassport } ]; if (userInfo.value) { profileMenu.value = [ { title: "我的收藏", icon: "star" }, "separator", { title: "主页", icon: "home", href: tiebaAPI.URL_userHome(userInfo.value.user_portrait) }, { title: "修改", icon: "settings" }, "separator", { title: "退出登录", icon: "logout" } ]; } if (userInfo.value) { getFollowedInstance(); } requestInstance(tiebaAPI.topicList()).then((response) => { if (response) { topicList.value.push(...response.data.bang_topic.topic_list); } }); if (!feedsContainer.value) return; } function toggl###ggControls(e) { const el = e.target; const pt = findParent(el, "search-controls"); if (pt) { suggToggle.value = true; } else { suggToggle.value = false; } } async function loadSuggestions(query) { const response = await tiebaAPI.suggestions(query); if (response.ok) { response.json().then((value) => { if (!query || query === "") { const topicList2 = value.hottopic_list.search_data; if (topicList2) suggestions.value = _2.map(topicList2, (topic) => ({ image: topic.topic_pic, title: topic.topic_name, desc: topic.topic_desc, href: topic.topic_url })); } else { const matchList = value.query_match.search_data; if (matchList) suggestions.value = _2.map(matchList, (match) => ({ image: match.fpic, title: match.fname, desc: match.forum_desc, href: tiebaAPI.URL_forum(match.fname) })); } }); } } function searchBoxFocus() { if (suggestions.value.length <= 0) { loadSuggestions().then(() => { suggToggle.value = true; }); } else { suggToggle.value = true; } } function searchTextChange() { loadSuggestions(searchText.value); } const searchMatch = _2.debounce(searchTextChange, 500); function getFollowedInstance() { requestInstance(tiebaAPI.followedForums()).then((response) => { if (response) { signedForums = 0; followed.value = response.data; _2.forEach(followed.value.like_forum, (forum) => { if (forum.is_sign === 1) signedForums++; }); followed.value.like_forum.sort((a, b) => parseInt(b.user_exp) - parseInt(a.user_exp)); } }); } async function oneKeySignInstance() { messageBox({ title: "一键签到", content: "需要注意,Web端签到获取到的经验远少于移动端,建议使用其他设备进行签到。", type: "okCancel" }).then((tag) => { if (tag === "positive") { requestInstance(tiebaAPI.oneKeySign()).then((response) => { toast({ message: `本次共签到成功 ${response.data.signedForumAmount} 个吧,未签到 ${response.data.unsignedForumAmount} 个吧,签到失败 ${response.data.signedForumAmountFail} 个吧,共获得 ${response.data.gradeNoVip} 经验。`, type: "check", blurEffect: true }); getFollowedInstance(); }); } }); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$5, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$5, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$4, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$3, [ vue.createVNode(UserTextbox, { modelValue: searchText.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => searchText.value = $event), class: "search-box", placeholder: "搜索 贴吧", autocomplete: "none", onFocus: searchBoxFocus, onInput: vue.unref(searchMatch) }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "onInput"]), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "search-button", "theme-style": true, "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = [ vue.createTextVNode("搜索") ])), _: 1 }), vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$2, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(suggestions.value, (sugg) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { "is-anchor": true, class: "search-elem", href: sugg.href, target: "_blank", "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("img", { class: "sugg-img", src: sugg.image, alt: "" }, null, 8, _hoisted_6$1), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7, [ vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_8, vue.toDisplayString(sugg.title), 1), vue.createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_9, vue.toDisplayString(sugg.desc), 1) ]) ]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["href"]); }), 256)) ], 512), [ [vue.vShow, suggToggle.value && suggestions.value.length > 0] ]) ]) ]), followed.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11, [ _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = vue.createElementVNode("p", { class: "block-title" }, "关注的吧", -1)), vue.createVNode(BlockPanel, { class: "signed-count left-align" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => { var _a; return [ vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(signedForums)) + " / " + vue.toDisplayString((_a = followed.value) == null ? undefined : _a.like_forum.length), 1) ]; }), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(BlockPanel, { class: "followed" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "panel-btn icon sign-btn", onClick: oneKeySignInstance, "unset-background": "", "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = [ vue.createTextVNode(" task_alt") ])), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "panel-btn icon settings", "unset-background": "", "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = [ vue.createTextVNode("settings") ])), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_12, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(followed.value.like_forum, (forum) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { "is-anchor": true, class: "followed-btn", "shadow-border": true, href: vue.unref(tiebaAPI).URL_forum(forum.forum_name), target: "_blank", "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ forum.is_sign === 1 ? 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(vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_15, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_16, [ _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = vue.createElementVNode("p", { class: "block-title" }, "贴吧热议", -1)), vue.createVNode(BlockPanel, { class: "topics" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "panel-btn icon switch", "unset-background": true, "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = [ vue.createTextVNode("tune") ])), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "panel-btn icon more", "unset-background": true, "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = [ vue.createTextVNode("more_horiz ") ])), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "panel-btn icon settings", "unset-background": true, "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = [ vue.createTextVNode("settings ") ])), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_17, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(vue.unref(_2).take(topicList.value, 10), (topic) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_sfc_main$q, { "is-anchor": true, class: "topic-btn", "shadow-border": true, href: topic.topic_url, target: "_blank" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("img", { class: "topic-img", src: topic.topic_pic }, null, 8, _hoisted_18), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_19, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_20, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: vue.normalizeClass("topic-rank-" + topic.idx_num) }, vue.toDisplayString(topic.idx_num), 3), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_21, vue.toDisplayString(topic.topic_name), 1) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_22, vue.toDisplayString(topic.topic_desc), 1) ]) ]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["href"]); }), 256)) ]) ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = vue.createElementVNode("div", { id: "carousel_wrap" }, null, -1)) ]), vue.createElementVNode("div", { ref_key: "masonryContainer", ref: masonryContainer, class: "masonry-container" }, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_23, [ _cache[12] || (_cache[12] = vue.createElementVNode("p", { class: "block-title" }, "推送", -1)), feedsMasonry.value && feedsMasonry.value.feeds && (feedsMasonry.value.feeds.length > 0 || feedsMasonry.value.isFetchingFeeds) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(BlockPanel, { key: 0 }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "panel-button icon refresh", "unset-background": "", onClick: feedsMasonry.value.refreshAndMove, "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = [ vue.createTextVNode("refresh ") ])), _: 1 }, 8, ["onClick"]), vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { class: "panel-button icon settings", "unset-background": "", "no-border": "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = [ vue.createTextVNode("settings") ])), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 })) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]), vue.createVNode(FeedsMasonry, { ref_key: "feedsMasonry", ref: feedsMasonry, "init-feeds": initFeeds.value, "show-progress": "" }, null, 8, ["init-feeds"]), initFeeds.value.length === 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_24, _cache[13] || (_cache[13] = [ vue.createElementVNode("p", { class: "no-feed-content" }, "没有更多了", -1) ]))) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ], 512) ]); }; } }); const indexVue = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$5, [["__scopeId", "data-v-763b23df"]]); async function index$e() { if (currentPageType() !== "index") return; if (!pageExtension.get().index) return; const bodyMask = _GM_addStyle(parseMultiCSS({ "body": { display: "none" } })); const wrap = await asyncdom(".wrap1"); renderPage(indexVue); wrap.remove(); bodyMask.remove(); } function getFloatCoord(...args) { if (args[0] instanceof HTMLElement) return getFloatCoord1(args[0], args[1], args[2]); if (typeof args[0] === "number" && typeof args[1] === "number") return getFloatCoord2(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); return { x: 0, y: 0 }; } function getFloatCoord1(el, coord, mode) { const clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return getFloatCoord2(clientRect.width, clientRect.height, coord, mode); } function getFloatCoord2(width, height, coord, mode) { const offsetX = (() => { switch (mode) { case "baseline": return 0; case "middle": return width / 2; } })(); const x = Math.min( coord.x - offsetX, window.innerWidth - scrollbarWidth() - Math.ceil(width) // 修正误差 ); const y = Math.ceil(coord.y + height) > window.innerHeight ? coord.y - height : coord.y; return { x, y }; } const CURSOR_MARGIN = 4; const DEFAULT_IN_DELAY = 500; const DEFAULT_OUT_DELAY = 100; const messageShow = vue.ref(false); const messageContent = vue.ref(""); let timeout = -1; let floatHover = false; let flaotMessageVNode = undefined; let handleTargetMouseEnter = undefined; let handleTargetMouseLeave = undefined; let handleTargetMouseMove = undefined; function floatMessage(opts) { if (_2.isNil(opts.delay)) opts.delay = DEFAULT_IN_DELAY; let root = dom(".float-message"); if (!root || !flaotMessageVNode) { flaotMessageVNode = vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, { "name": "float-message" }, { default: () => [vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "float-message" }, [typeof messageContent.value === "string" ? vue.createVNode("span", null, [messageContent.value]) : messageContent.value]), [[vue.vShow, messageShow.value]])] }); const rendered = appendJSX(flaotMessageVNode, document.body); root = rendered.root; const floatEvproxy = new EventProxy(); floatEvproxy.on(root, "mouseenter", function() { floatHover = true; messageShow.value = true; }); floatEvproxy.on(root, "mouseleave", function() { floatHover = false; setTimeout(() => { messageShow.value = false; }, DEFAULT_OUT_DELAY); }); } handleTargetMouseEnter = () => { if (timeout >= 0) clearTimeout(timeout); }; handleTargetMouseLeave = async () => { if (timeout >= 0) clearTimeout(timeout); setTimeout(() => { if (!floatHover) messageShow.value = false; }, DEFAULT_OUT_DELAY); }; handleTargetMouseMove = (e) => { if (timeout >= 0) clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(async () => { if (!messageShow.value) { messageContent.value = opts.content; messageShow.value = true; root.style.top = "0"; root.style.left = "0"; await vue.nextTick(); const coord = getFloatCoord(root, { x: e.clientX + CURSOR_MARGIN, y: e.clientY + CURSOR_MARGIN }, "baseline"); root.style.left = `${window.scrollX + coord.x - 1}px`; root.style.top = `${window.scrollY + (coord.y < e.clientY ? coord.y - CURSOR_MARGIN * 2 : coord.y)}px`; } }, opts.delay); }; opts.target.addEventListener("mouseenter", handleTargetMouseEnter); opts.target.addEventListener("mouseleave", handleTargetMouseLeave); opts.target.addEventListener("mousemove", handleTargetMouseMove); } const _hoisted_1$4 = { class: "pager-wrapper" }; const _hoisted_2$4 = { key: 0, class: "pager-button-container" }; const _hoisted_3$3 = { key: 1, class: "pager-separactor" }; const _hoisted_4$2 = { key: 2, class: "jumper-container" }; const _hoisted_5$1 = { class: "tail-slot" }; const _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "pager", props: { total: {}, current: {}, jumperValue: {}, maxDisplay: { default: 9 }, fill: { type: Boolean, default: false }, showPagers: { type: Boolean, default: true }, head: { type: Boolean, default: true }, tail: { type: Boolean, default: true }, jumper: { type: Boolean, default: true }, pagerClick: {}, headClick: {}, tailClick: {}, prevClick: {}, nextClick: {}, pagerChange: {}, jumperEnter: {} }, emits: [ "update:current", "update:jumperValue" ], setup(__props, { expose: __expose, emit: __emit }) { const props = __props; const current = vue.ref(props.current); const jumperValue = vue.ref(props.jumperValue ?? ""); const emit = __emit; const pagerCount = Math.min(props.maxDisplay, props.total); const pagerStart = vue.computed( () => current.value + pagerCount / 2 > props.total ? props.total - pagerCount + 1 : Math.max(1, current.value - Math.floor(props.maxDisplay / 2)) ); const pagerEnd = vue.computed(() => Math.min(props.total, pagerStart.value + props.maxDisplay - 1) + 1); __expose({ current, jumperValue }); function pagerChange(type, page) { if (props.pagerChange && page !== current.value) props.pagerChange(page); current.value = page; emit("update:current", page); switch (type) { case "page": if (props.pagerClick) props.pagerClick(page); break; case "head": if (props.headClick) props.headClick(); break; case "tail": if (props.tailClick) props.tailClick(); break; case "prev": if (props.prevClick) props.prevClick(page); break; case "next": if (props.nextClick) props.nextClick(page); break; } } function handleJumperEnter() { if (!jumperValue.value) return; const page = +jumperValue.value; if (page < 1 || page > props.total) return; pagerChange(null, page); if (props.jumperEnter) props.jumperEnter(page); jumperValue.value = ""; } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$4, [ _ctx.showPagers ? 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(vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$2, [ _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = vue.createTextVNode(" 转到 ")), vue.createVNode(UserTextbox, { modelValue: jumperValue.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": [ _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => jumperValue.value = $event), _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => emit("update:jumperValue", jumperValue.value)) ], class: "jumper", onKeydown: vue.withKeys(handleJumperEnter, ["enter"]) }, null, 8, ["modelValue"]), _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = vue.createTextVNode(" 页 ")) ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$1, [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "tailSlot", {}, undefined, true) ]) ]); }; } }); const Pager$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$4, [["__scopeId", "data-v-2946e41a"]]); const _hoisted_1$3 = { id: "thread-editor" }; const _hoisted_2$3 = { id: "thread-editor-toolbar" }; const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "thread-editor", props: { ueditor: {}, type: { default: "thread" } }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const dialogOpts = { modal: true, force: true, blurEffect: false, animation: true, lockScroll: true, contentStyle: { position: "fixed", width: "100%", maxWidth: "var(--content-max)", bottom: "0", marginBottom: "0", borderBottomLeftRadius: "0", borderBottomRightRadius: "0" }, renderAnimation: "kf-slide-in var(--default-duration)", unloadAnimation: "kf-slide-out var(--default-duration)" }; const dialog = vue.ref(); const editorSlot = vue.ref(); const originParent = vue.ref(); vue.onMounted(async function() { var _a; await vue.nextTick(); if (!editorSlot.value) return; originParent.value = props.ueditor.parentElement; editorSlot.value.appendChild(props.ueditor); const toolbar = await asyncdom(".edui-toolbar"); const editorBody = await asyncdom(".edui-editor-body"); if (toolbar.compareDocumentPosition(editorBody) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) { (_a = toolbar.parentNode) == null ? undefined : _a.insertBefore(editorBody, toolbar); } (await asyncdom("#ueditor_replace")).focus(); }); async function submit() { (await asyncdom(".j_submit")).click(); unload(); } async function unload() { var _a; if (!originParent.value) return; if (!editorSlot.value) return; originParent.value.appendChild(await asyncdom(".edui-container")); (_a = dialog.value) == null ? undefined : _a.unload(); } return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(UserDialog), vue.mergeProps({ ref_key: "dialog", ref: dialog }, dialogOpts), { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$3, [vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { "aria-label": "关闭", id: "thread-editor-exit", class: "icon", "shadow-border": "", onClick: unload }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = [vue.createTextVNode("close ")])), _: 1 }), _ctx.type === "thread" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(UserTextbox, { key: 0, class: "title-editor", placeholder: "输入标题", "lodash-style": "" })) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.createElementVNode("div", { ref_key: "editorSlot", ref: editorSlot, id: "thread-editor-slot" }, null, 512), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$3, [vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$q, { id: "thread-editor-submit", "shadow-border": "", "theme-style": "", onClick: submit }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = [vue.createTextVNode("发表")])), _: 1 })])])]), _: 1 }, 16); }; } }); const ThreadEditor = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$3, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b7d4fc0f"]]); const _hoisted_1$2 = { class: "toggle-panel" }; const _hoisted_2$2 = { class: "toggle-container" }; const _hoisted_3$2 = { class: "toggle-name" }; const _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "toggle-panel", props: { toggles: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const dialogOpts = { contentStyle: { maxWidth: "60vh", maxHeight: "60vh" } }; return (_ctx, _cache) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(UserDialog), vue.normalizeProps(vue.guardReactiveProps(dialogOpts)), { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$2, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(props.toggles, (toggle) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$2, [ vue.createVNode(ToggleButton, { class: "panel-button", "model-value": toggle.defaultValue ?? false, "icon-type": "", "shadow-border": "", onClick: toggle.event }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(toggle.icon), 1) ]), _: 2 }, 1032, ["model-value", "onClick"]), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$2, vue.toDisplayString(toggle.name), 1) ]); }), 256)) ]) ]), _: 1 }, 16); }; } }); const TogglePanel = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$2, [["__scopeId", "data-v-02e7f412"]]); class TiebaComponent { constructor(selector, parent) { __publicField(this, "selector"); __publicField(this, "parent"); this.selector = selector; this.parent = parent; } get() { if (!this.parent) { return dom(this.selector, [])[0]; } return dom(this.selector, this.parent, [])[0]; } } const floatButtonMap = { "auxiliary": "tbui_fbar_auxiliaryCare", "down": "tbui_fbar_down", "post": "tbui_fbar_post", "props": "tbui_fbar_props", "tsukkomi": "tbui_fbar_tsukkomi", "share": "tbui_fbar_share", "favor": "tbui_fbar_favor", "feedback": "tbui_fbar_feedback", "top": "tbui_fbar_top", "other": "*" }; class FloatBar extends TiebaComponent { /** * 获取当前页面的 float buttons * @returns FloatBarButton[] */ buttons() { if (!this.get()) return []; return Array.from(dom(".tbui_aside_fbar_button", floatBar.get(), [])).map((el) => ({ el, type: function() { for (let i = 0; i < el.classList.length; i++) { const cls = el.classList[i]; if (!cls.includes("tbui_fbar_")) continue; const key = _2.findKey(floatButtonMap, (value) => value === cls); if (key) { return key; } } return "other"; }() })); } add(type, event, className, icon, index2 = 0) { const anchor = domrd("a", { href: "javascript:;" }); const el = domrd("li", { class: "tbui_aside_fbar_button" }, [anchor]); el.addEventListener("click", event); if (type !== "other") { el.classList.add(floatButtonMap[type]); } if (className) el.classList.add(className); floatBar.get().insertBefore(el, floatBar.get().children[index2]); setFloatButtonIcon(anchor, icon); return { el, type }; function setFloatButtonIcon(el2, icon2) { el2.classList.add("icon"); el2.classList.add("tbui_aside_fbar_button"); el2.innerHTML = icon2 ? icon2 : ""; } } remove(param) { switch (typeof param) { case "string": { const el = dom(param, floatBar.get()); el == null ? undefined : el.remove(); break; } case "number": { const el = floatBar.get().children[param]; el.remove(); break; } } } } const floatBar = new FloatBar(".tbui_aside_float_bar"); class Pager extends TiebaComponent { allPagerButtons() { return dom("a, .tP", this.get(), []); } getPagerButton(pagerType, index2 = 0) { const allButtons = this.allPagerButtons(); switch (pagerType) { case "prev": { return this.findMatchingButton(allButtons, "上一页"); } case "next": { return this.findMatchingButton(allButtons, "下一页", true); } case "head": { return this.findMatchingButton(allButtons, "首页"); } case "tail": { return this.findMatchingButton(allButtons, "尾页", true); } case "page": { let count = 0; for (const el of allButtons) { if (/^\d+$/.test(el.innerText)) { if (count === index2 && el instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) { return el; } count++; } } return null; } default: return null; } } getByPage(page) { return this.findMatchingButton(this.allPagerButtons(), page.toString()); } jumpTo(page) { const permKeys = ["pn", "see_lz"]; const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search); const newParams = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [key, value] of params) { if (_2.includes(permKeys, key)) { newParams.set(key, value); } } const url = new URL(location.href); url.search = newParams.toString(); history.pushState({}, "", url); const jumperBox = dom("#jumpPage4, #jumpPage6"); const jumperButton = dom("#pager_go4, #pager_go6"); if (jumperBox) jumperBox.value = page.toString(); jumperButton == null ? undefined : jumperButton.click(); } findMatchingButton(buttons, text, reverse = false) { const iterator = reverse ? Array.from(buttons).reverse() : buttons; for (const el of iterator) { if (el.innerText === text) { return el; } } return null; } } const pager = new Pager(".l_pager"); const commentsStyle = ".core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .at, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .lzl_more a, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .j_pager a, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .btn-sub {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n cursor: pointer;\n -webkit-text-decoration: none;\n text-decoration: none;\n transition: var(--default-duration);\n}\n\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_op_list a, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_jb .lzl_jb_in, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_s_r {\n cursor: pointer;\n -webkit-text-decoration: none;\n text-decoration: none;\n transition: var(--default-duration);\n}\n\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .at:hover, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a:hover, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .lzl_more a:hover, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .j_pager a:hover, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .btn-sub:hover {\n background-color: var(--default-hover);\n}\n\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_op_list a:hover, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_jb .lzl_jb_in:hover, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_s_r:hover {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .at:active, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a:active, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .lzl_more a:active, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .j_pager a:active, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .btn-sub:active {\n background-color: var(--default-active);\n}\n\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_op_list a:active, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_jb .lzl_jb_in:active, .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_s_r:active {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-active);\n}\n\n.core_reply {\n margin-right: 0;\n margin-right: initial;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper {\n border: none !important;\n background-color: transparent !important;\n background-color: initial !important;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper {\n width: auto;\n max-width: 840px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post {\n margin-bottom: 12px;\n animation: kf-slide-in var(--default-duration);\n transform-origin: bottom;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post:not(.first_no_border) {\n padding-top: 0;\n margin-top: 0;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .at {\n padding: 2px 0;\n color: var(--default-fore);\n font-size: 14px;\n font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main {\n font-size: 15px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main img {\n vertical-align: text-bottom;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n font-size: 13px;\n line-height: 28px;\n text-align: justify;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_op_list {\n color: var(--light-fore);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_op_list a {\n color: var(--light-fore);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_jb {\n order: 1;\n margin-left: auto;\n color: var(--light-fore);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_jb .lzl_jb_in {\n padding: 0;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post .lzl_cnt .lzl_content_reply .lzl_s_r {\n padding: 0;\n margin-left: 8px;\n color: var(--light-fore);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager {\n padding: 0;\n margin-top: -12px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .lzl_more {\n font-size: 13px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .j_pager {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n font-family: var(--code-zh);\n font-size: 13px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .j_pager .tP {\n width: auto;\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .j_pager a {\n color: var(--light-fore);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_li_pager .j_pager a:hover {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .btn-sub {\n padding: 4px 0;\n border-radius: 0;\n background: none;\n font-size: 13px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .edui-container {\n width: auto !important;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .edui-container {\n max-height: 64px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .edui-container .edui-editor-body {\n height: -moz-max-content !important;\n height: max-content !important;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .edui-container .edui-editor-body {\n overflow: hidden;\n max-height: 72px;\n padding: 6px;\n border-radius: 6px;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .edui-container .edui-editor-body .edui-body-container {\n min-height: 16px !important;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .edui-container .edui-editor-body .edui-body-container {\n max-height: 64px;\n padding-left: 0;\n border-radius: 6px;\n font-size: 14px;\n overflow-y: auto;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_panel_wrapper {\n width: 100%;\n}\n.core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_panel_wrapper .lzl_panel_submit {\n background: none;\n}"; const compactStyle = "body[compact-layout] #j_p_postlist {\n gap: 0;\n}\nbody[compact-layout] .core_reply_content li.first_no_border {\n margin-top: -4px;\n}\nbody[compact-layout] .core_reply .core_reply_wrapper .core_reply_content .lzl_single_post {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}"; function threadParser() { var _a; const postWrappers = dom(".l_post", []); const contents = dom(".d_post_content", []); const dAuthors = dom(".d_author", []); const avatars = dom(".p_author_face", []); const nameAnchors = dom(".p_author_name", []); const levels = dom(".d_badge_lv", []); const badgeTitles = dom(".d_badge_title", []); const replyButtons = dom(".lzl_link_unfold", []); const locations = _2.map(dom(".post-tail-wrap span:first-child, .ip-location", []), (el) => el.innerText); const platforms = _2.map(dom(".tail-info a, .p_tail_wap", []), (el) => el.innerText); const floors = _2.map(dom(".j_jb_ele + .tail-info + .tail-info, .p_tail li:first-child span", []), (el) => el.innerText); const times = _2.map(dom(".post-tail-wrap span:nth-last-child(2), .p_tail li:last-child span", []), (el) => el.innerText); const threadContents = []; for (let i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) { contents[i].classList.add("floor-content"); avatars[i].classList.add("floor-avatar"); nameAnchors[i].classList.add("floor-name"); threadContents.push({ post: contents[i], replyButton: replyButtons[i], dataField: _2.defaults(postWrappers[i].getAttribute("data-field"), ""), isLouzhu: !!dom(".louzhubiaoshi_wrap", dAuthors[i]), profile: { avatar: avatars[i], nameAnchor: nameAnchors[i], level: parseInt(levels[i].innerText), badgeTitle: badgeTitles[i].innerText }, tail: { location: locations[i], platform: platforms[i], floor: floors[i], time: times[i] } }); } const thread2 = { displayWrapper: dom(".wrap2", [])[0], title: PageData.thread.title, reply: +(((_a = dom(".l_reply_num span:nth-child(1)")) == null ? undefined : _a.innerText) ?? 0), pages: PageData.pager.total_page, lzOnlyButton: dom("#lzonly_cntn", [])[0], favorButton: dom(".j_favor", [])[0], cotents: threadContents, forum: { info: { name: PageData.forum.forum_name // followersDisplay: DOMS(true, ".card_menNum", "span").innerText, // postsDisplay: DOMS(true, ".card_infoNum", "span").innerText, }, components: { nameAnchor: dom(".card_title_fname", [])[0], iconContainer: dom(".card_head a, .plat_picbox", [])[0], followButton: dom(".card_head .focus_btn", [])[0], signButton: dom(".j_sign_box", [])[0] } }, pager: { listPager: dom(".pb_list_pager", [])[0], jumper: { textbox: dom(".jump_input_bright", [])[0], submitButton: dom(".jump_btn_bright", [])[0] } } }; return thread2; } const threadStyle = '.post-tail-wrap .p_reply,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_reply, .post-tail-wrap .p_reply .lzl_link_fold,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_reply .lzl_link_fold, .content-wrapper .author-container .floor-name, .d_post_content a,\n.lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a:not(.at) {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n cursor: pointer;\n -webkit-text-decoration: none;\n text-decoration: none;\n transition: var(--default-duration);\n}\n\n.d_post_content a,\n.lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a:not(.at) {\n text-decoration: underline;\n -webkit-text-decoration: underline solid currentColor;\n text-decoration: underline solid currentColor;\n text-decoration-thickness: 1.2px;\n -webkit-text-decoration: underline 1.2px;\n text-decoration: underline 1.2px;\n}\n\n.post-tail-wrap a, .core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_mtail a,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_mtail .j_jb_ele::after {\n cursor: pointer;\n -webkit-text-decoration: none;\n text-decoration: none;\n transition: var(--default-duration);\n}\n\n.post-tail-wrap .p_reply:hover,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_reply:hover, .post-tail-wrap .p_reply .lzl_link_fold:hover,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_reply .lzl_link_fold:hover, .content-wrapper .author-container .floor-name:hover, .d_post_content a:hover,\n.lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a:hover:not(.at) {\n background-color: var(--default-hover);\n}\n\n.d_post_content a:hover,\n.lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a:hover:not(.at) {\n text-decoration: underline;\n -webkit-text-decoration: underline solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\n text-decoration: underline solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\n text-decoration-thickness: 1.2px;\n -webkit-text-decoration: underline 1.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\n text-decoration: underline 1.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\n}\n\n.post-tail-wrap a:hover, .core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_mtail a:hover,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_mtail .j_jb_ele:hover::after {\n color: var(--tieba-theme-fore);\n}\n\n.post-tail-wrap .p_reply:active,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_reply:active, .post-tail-wrap .p_reply .lzl_link_fold:active,\n.core_reply_tail:not(.clearfix) .p_reply .lzl_link_fold:active, .content-wrapper .author-container .floor-name:active, .d_post_content a:active,\n.lzl_cnt .lzl_content_main a:active:not(.at) {\n background-color: var(--default-active);\n}\n\n.post-tail-wrap a:active, 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while (!parent.classList.contains("l_badge")) { if (parent.parentElement) parent = parent.parentElement; } parent.style.display = "none"; } }); }); }); window.addEventListener("load", () => { fadeInLoad(".tbui_aside_float_bar .svg-container"); threadFloorsObserver.addEvent(() => { const lvlClassHead = "tieba-lvl-"; const lvlGreen = `${lvlClassHead}green`; const lvlBlue = `${lvlClassHead}blue`; const lvlYellow = `${lvlClassHead}yellow`; const lvlOrange = `${lvlClassHead}orange`; dom( ".d_badge_bawu1 .d_badge_lv, .d_badge_bawu2 .d_badge_lv, .badge_index", [] ).forEach((elem) => { if (elem.className.indexOf(lvlClassHead) !== -1) return; const lvl = parseInt(_2.defaults(elem.textContent, "0")); if (lvl >= 1 && lvl <= 3) { elem.classList.add(lvlGreen); } else if (lvl >= 4 && lvl <= 9) { elem.classList.add(lvlBlue); } else if (lvl >= 10 && lvl <= 15) { elem.classList.add(lvlYellow); } else if (lvl >= 16) { elem.classList.add(lvlOrange); } }); fadeInLoad(".d_badge_bright .d_badge_lv, .user_level .badge_index"); 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}); } } })().then(() => { threadCommentsObserver.addEvent(createTagsAll); }); function getLouzhuPortrait(doc) { const j_tags = doc.getElementsByClassName("j_louzhubiaoshi"); if (j_tags.length > 0) { const targetFloor = findParent(j_tags[0], "l_post_bright"); if (targetFloor) { const dataAttr = targetFloor.getAttribute("data-field"); if (dataAttr) { const dataField = JSON.parse(dataAttr); return _2.split(dataField.author.portrait, "?")[0]; } } } return undefined; } function createTagsAll() { _2.forEach(dom(".lzl_cnt .at", []), (elem) => { if (elem.classList.contains(TAGGED)) return; elem.classList.add(TAGGED); let isLouzhu = false; let isMe = false; const username = elem.getAttribute("username"); if (userClassify(myUserName, myPortrait)) { isMe = true; addTag(elem, MY_TAG); } if (!isMe) { if (userClassify(louzhu, louzhuPortrait)) { isLouzhu = true; addTag(elem, LZ_TAG); } } if (!isMe && !isLouzhu) { const floor = findParent(elem, "l_post_bright"); if (floor) { const cengzhuCard = floor.getElementsByClassName("p_author_name")[0]; const cengzhu = cengzhuCard.textContent; if (cengzhu) { if (elem.textContent === cengzhu) { addTag(elem, CZ_TAG); } } } } function userClassify(un, portrait) { if (username === un && un !== "") { return true; } else if (_2.indexOf(["", " "], username) !== -1) { const targetPortrait = elem.getAttribute("portrait"); if (targetPortrait && portrait) { if (targetPortrait === portrait) { return true; } } else { return dataClassify(); } } else if (!username) { return dataClassify(); } return false; function dataClassify() { const dataAttr = elem.getAttribute("data-field"); if (dataAttr) { const dataField = JSON.parse(dataAttr.replace(/'/g, '"')); if (portrait) { if (dataField.id === portrait) { return true; } } else { if (dataField.un === un) { return true; } } } return false; } } }); function addTag(elem, className) { elem.appendChild( domrd("div", { class: `${TB_TAG} ${className}` }) ); } } } const index$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: index$2 }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); const index = { id: "toolkit", name: "实用工具库", author: "锯条", version: "1.1", brief: "优化原版贴吧体验的一组功能", description: "这是一个轻量级的工具库,包含了诸如自动展开长图等实用功能。", scope: true, runAt: "immediately", settings: { autoExpand: { title: "自动展开长图", widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `该功能会自动将帖子中所有的长图片自动展开,无需手动操作`, init: () => toolkitToggles.get().autoExpand, event() { toolkitToggles.merge({ autoExpand: !toolkitToggles.get().autoExpand }); } }] }, reloadAvatars: { title: "重新加载错误头像", widgets: [{ type: "toggle", content: `原版贴吧的帖子页面时常会出现加载失败的头像,本功能可以将这些无法正常显示的头像资源链接到正常的 URL`, init: () => toolkitToggles.get().reloadAvatars, event() { toolkitToggles.merge({ reloadAvatars: !toolkitToggles.get().reloadAvatars }); } }] } }, entry: function() { for (const key in toolkitFeatures) { const k = key; if (toolkitToggles.get()[k]) toolkitFeatures[k](); } } }; const toolkitFeatures = { /** 自动展开长图 */ autoExpand() { threadFloorsObserver.addEvent(() => { _2.forEach(dom(".replace_tip", []), (el) => { el.click(); }); }); }, /** 重新加载错误头像 */ reloadAvatars() { const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { _2.forEach(entries, (entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { const avatar = entry.target; if (!avatar.complete) return; if (avatar.naturalWidth > 0) { avatar.setAttribute("data-loaded", ""); } else { const userCard = findParent(avatar, "j_user_card"); if (!userCard) return; const dataField = userCard.getAttribute("data-field"); if (!dataField) return; const portarit = JSON.parse(dataField.replaceAll(/'/g, '"')).id; avatar.src = tiebaAPI.URL_profile(portarit); avatar.setAttribute("data-loaded", ""); } } }); }, { threshold: 0 }); threadCommentsObserver.addEvent(function() { const avatars = dom(".lzl_single_post img:not(.BDE_Smiley, [data-loaded])", []); avatars.forEach((avatar) => observer.observe(avatar)); }); } }; const toolkitToggles = new UserKey("toolkitToggles", { autoExpand: true, reloadAvatars: true }); const index$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: index }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); })(_, Vue, marked); })();