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Add magnets to mOnkrus.ws

Extracts the magnet link from uniondht.org and adds it to the original page.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Add magnets to mOnkrus.ws
// @version      1.1
// @description  Extracts the magnet link from uniondht.org and adds it to the original page.
// @author       Rust1667
// @icon         https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip3/w14.monkrus.ws.ico
// @match        https://w14.monkrus.ws/*
// @exclude-match https://w14.monkrus.ws/
// @exclude-match https://w14.monkrus.ws/search/*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/980489
// ==/UserScript==
window.onload = function() {
'use strict';
// Find all links pointing to uniondht.org within the post content
const links = document.querySelectorAll('.post-body.entry-content a[href*="uniondht.org"]');
let uniondhtLink = null;
// Loop through all links to find the correct uniondhtLink
links.forEach(link => {
if (isValidURL(link.href)) {
uniondhtLink = link;
if (uniondhtLink) {
// Extract the URL
const url = uniondhtLink.href;
// Send request to uniondht.org to fetch the page content
method: "GET",
url: url,
onload: function(response) {
// Extract magnet link
const parser = new DOMParser();
const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html");
const magnetLinkElement = htmlDoc.querySelector('td.tCenter:nth-child(3) > p:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)');
if (magnetLinkElement) {
const magnetLink = magnetLinkElement.href;
// Create link element in the original page
const magnetButton = document.createElement('a');
magnetButton.href = magnetLink;
magnetButton.title = "Magnet found";
magnetButton.innerHTML = '<img src="https://uniondht.org/images/magnet.png" alt="magnet">';
// Append the magnet link button to the bottom of the post content
const postContent = document.querySelector('.post-body.entry-content');
if (postContent) {
} else {
// Show "Magnet not found" message
} else {
// Show "Magnet not found" message
// Function to check if URL is valid
function isValidURL(url) {
const pattern = /^(http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/;
return pattern.test(url);
// Function to show "Magnet not found" message
function showMagnetNotFoundMessage() {
const postContent = document.querySelector('.post-body.entry-content');
if (postContent) {
const magnetNotFoundMessage = document.createElement('p');
magnetNotFoundMessage.textContent = "Magnet not found";
magnetNotFoundMessage.style.color = "red";