Reddit's updates may broke the userscript so feel free to report bugs.
The userscript has many boilerplate code because webpack is used. To see source code visit github
- Script tested on chrome/firefox with tampermonkey/violentmonkey. Ability to work on other configurations are not guaranteed.
- Mobile version are not supported.
- Old version (old.reddit, new.reddit) are not supported.
- Community themes are not supported.
Common view of a page after reddit++ (clickable).

- Redirect from old.reddit links to new-new reddit.
- Replace right sidebar to screen border.
- Limit width of content feed.
- Make comments/posts text bigger.
- Better visual of the notification popup.
- Autocollapse awards
Saved bookmark (unwrap from context menu).

Left sidebar
- Saving collapsed state for elements.
- Community filter.
Unwrap feed buttons (Hot/New/Top)

- Override default feeds (globally or for individual subreddits).
- Flairs bar to faster navigation.
- Hide posts by flairs.
- Selectable text.
Unwrap text posts by button.

Unwrap comments sort buttons, remember latest used sort.

- User info (karma, leaf mark for new users).
User tags (cosmetic: liked, warned; active: follow, block).

- Zoom comment's images (like post's images) instead redirect on click.
- Autocollapse AutoModerator's comments.
- Unwrap "more replies".
- Features settings:

- Flairs settings (per subreddit):