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Video Zoom Controls with Upscaling and Pan

Allows zooming in and out on any video playing within the browser with keys z (zoom in) and x (zoom out), with upscaling for better picture quality, and panning with Shift + A, W, S, D. Press Shift + R to reset zoom and pan.

  1. // ==UserScript==// @name Video Zoom Controls with Upscaling and Pan// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/// @version 0.1// @description Allows zooming in and out on any video playing within the browser with keys z (zoom in) and x (zoom out), with upscaling for better picture quality, and panning with Shift + A, W, S, D. Press Shift + R to reset zoom and pan.// @author Your Name// @match *://*/*// @grant none// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';// Function to zoom the videofunction zoomVideo(video, scaleFactor) {const currentScale = parseFloat(video.dataset.scale) || 1;const newScale = currentScale * scaleFactor;video.style.transform = `scale(${newScale}) translate(${video.dataset.panX}px, ${video.dataset.panY}px)`;video.dataset.scale = newScale;}// Function to pan the videofunction panVideo(video, deltaX, deltaY) {const panX = parseFloat(video.dataset.panX) || 0;const panY = parseFloat(video.dataset.panY) || 0;video.dataset.panX = panX + deltaX;video.dataset.panY = panY + deltaY;zoomVideo(video, 1); // Reset zoom to apply pan}// Function to reset zoom and panfunction resetZoomAndPan(video) {video.dataset.scale = 1;video.dataset.panX = 0;video.dataset.panY = 0;zoomVideo(video, 1); // Reset zoom and pan}// Apply image-rendering property for better qualityconst style = document.createElement('style');style.innerHTML = `video {image-rendering: optimizeQuality; /* You can change this to 'crisp-edges' or other values for different interpolation */}`;document.head.appendChild(style, {nonce: 'Trusted Type Policy'});// Event listener for keypressdocument.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {if (event.shiftKey && event.key === 'Z') {// Zoom in when Shift + Z keys are pressedconst videos = document.querySelectorAll('video');videos.forEach(video => zoomVideo(video, 1.02)); // You can adjust the zoom factor here} else if (event.shiftKey && event.key === 'X') {// Zoom out when Shift + X keys are pressedconst videos = document.querySelectorAll('video');videos.forEach(video => zoomVideo(video, 0.98)); // You can adjust the zoom factor here}});// Event listener for Shift + A, W, S, D keys for panningdocument.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {const deltaX = event.key === 'A' ? -10 : event.key === 'D' ? 10 : 0;const deltaY = event.key === 'W' ? -10 : event.key === 'S' ? 10 : 0;if (deltaX !== 0 || deltaY !== 0) {// Pan when Shift + A, W, S, or D keys are pressedconst videos = document.querySelectorAll('video');videos.forEach(video => panVideo(video, deltaX, deltaY)); // You can adjust the pan speed here} else if (event.shiftKey && event.key === 'R') {// Reset zoom and pan when Shift + R keys are pressedconst videos = document.querySelectorAll('video');videos.forEach(video => resetZoomAndPan(video));}});// Store original zoom level when video is first loadeddocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {const videos = document.querySelectorAll('video');videos.forEach(video => {video.dataset.scale = 1;video.dataset.panX = 0;video.dataset.panY = 0;});});})();