12ft Paywall Bypass Script
A powerful userscript that provides multiple ways to bypass paywalls and access content through various services. This script offers both mobile and desktop support with an intuitive interface, combining a touch-friendly floating button with traditional right-click menu options.
Core Bypass Options
- 12ft.io Integration: Primary bypass service
- PaywallBuster Support: Alternative bypass method
- Multiple Cache Services:
- Google Cache
- Yandex Cache
- Yahoo Cache
- Bing Cache
- Archive Services:
- Archive.today
- Archive.is
- Archive.ph
- Additional Tools:
- RemovePaywall.com integration
- Similar Web analysis

User Interface
- Mobile-Friendly Floating Button: Easy access on touch devices
- Desktop Right-Click Menu: Quick access to all services
- Dropdown Menu: Touch-optimized interface for mobile users
- Responsive Design: Adapts to screen size
- Smart Button: Transforms into "Go Back" when on bypass services

Automatic Features
- Banner Removal: Cleans up 12ft.io promotional content
- Duplicate Prevention: Ensures single button instance
- Protocol Validation: Ensures proper URL handling
How to Use
Mobile Users
- Tap the floating "Bypass Paywall" button
- Select your preferred bypass service from the dropdown menu
- Return to original page using the "Go Back" function
Desktop Users
Option 1: Floating Button
- Click the button for an instant 12ft.io bypass
- Access other services through the dropdown menu
Option 2: Right-Click Menu
- Right-click anywhere on the page
- Select your preferred bypass service from the context menu
Special Features
- Use Similar Web to analyze site statistics
- Access multiple cache versions for comparison
- Switch between different archive services for best r###lts
- A userscript manager:
- Tampermonkey (Recommended for Chrome/Firefox/Safari)
- Greasemonkey (Firefox)
- Violentmonkey (Chrome/Firefox)
- AdGuard (Mobile)
Installation Steps
- Install a compatible userscript manager
- Click the "Install this script" button
- Confirm installation in your userscript manager
- Refresh any open tabs
Mobile Installation
For mobile users:
- Install AdGuard from your app store
- Enable userscript support
- Install this script through AdGuard
- Works with 140+ popular news and content websites
- Supports all major browsers
- Full mobile device support
- Responsive design for tablets
- Regular updates to maintain bypass effectiveness
- Continuous addition of new bypass services
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes and stability enhancements
Privacy & Security
- No data collection
- No external dependencies
- Local operation only
- Open source code
MIT License - Feel free to modify and share
- Contribute improvements
- Suggest new features