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Printable and Readable Books Downloader for Fanfiction and Fictionpress

Allows generation of printable HTML, that can be fed to e-book readers

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Printable and Readable Books Downloader for Fanfiction and Fictionpress
// @namespace   Azazar's Scripts
// @description Allows generation of printable HTML, that can be fed to e-book readers
// @include     https://www.fanfiction.net/*
// @include     https://www.fictionpress.com/*
// @version     1.5
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
let printFicBtn = null;
function htmlEntities(str) {
let e = document.createElement('span');
return e.innerHTML;
function onAllChapters(author, title, chapters) {
let html = "";
html += '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8">';
html += '<title>' + htmlEntities(title) + '</title>';
html += '<link rel="canonical" href="' + location.href + '">';
html += '<style type="text/css">body,* { background-color:#000;color:#fff; }</style>';
html += '</head><body>';
html += '<h1>' + htmlEntities(title) + '</h1>';
html += 'by <a href="' + author.link + '">' + author.name + '</a>';
html += '<p>';
for(let chapterNo = 0; chapterNo < chapters.count; chapterNo++) {
let chapter = chapters[chapterNo];
html += '<a href="#chapter' + chapter.number + '">' + htmlEntities(chapter.title) + '</a><br>';
html += '</p>';
for(let chapterNo = 0; chapterNo < chapters.count; chapterNo++) {
let chapter = chapters[chapterNo];
html += '<h2 style="page-break-before: always" id="chapter' + chapter.number + '">' + htmlEntities(chapter.title) + '</h2>';
html += '<p>' + chapter.html + '</p>';
html += '</body></html>';
let blob = new Blob([html], {type: "text/html"});
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
printFicBtn.href = url;
printFicBtn.dataset.download = title + '.html';
printFicBtn.innerHTML = '🔗 Printable Version';
printFicBtn.onmousedown = function(ev) {
if (ev.button === 2) {
printFicBtn.download = title + '.html';
} else {
$('<a style="margin-right: 0.3em" id="printfic_btn" class="btn pull-right icon-">⭳ Download Printable Version</a>').insertAfter('#profile_top > button');
printFicBtn = document.getElementById('printfic_btn');
printFicBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (printFicBtn.hasAttribute('href')) {
async: false
let n = 0;
let chapters = {count: document.getElementById('chap_select').options.length};
setTimeout(function() {
for (let i = 1; i <= document.getElementById('chap_select').options.length; i++) {
let chapTitle = document.getElementById('chap_select').options[i - 1].textContent;
console.log("Downloading " + document.location.pathname.substring(3, 8).replace("/", "") + " chapter " + i + " (" + chapTitle + ")");
let $div = $('<div>');
let cn = i - 1;
chapters[cn] = {number: i, title: chapTitle};
$div.load('/s/' + document.location.pathname.substring(3, 8).replace("/", "") + '/' + i + ' #storytext', function(content, r###lt, response){
if (response.status !== 200) {
chapters[cn].html = $(this)[0].innerHTML;
if (n == chapters.count) {
let authorA = null;
document.querySelectorAll('#profile_top > a[href]').forEach(function(a) {
let h = a.getAttribute('href');
if (!h.startsWith('/u/')) {
if (a.textContent.trim() === '') {
authorA = a;
link: authorA.href,
name: authorA.textContent.trim()
}, document.querySelector('#profile_top > b').textContent.trim() + ' by ' + document.querySelector('#profile_top > a[href]').textContent.trim(), chapters);
}, 100);