去除 MDN 的 Pride Month 宣传
// ==UserScript== // @name Prideless MDN // @name:zh-CN Prideless MDN // @namespace https://github.com/ZeroAurora // @match https://developer.mozilla.org/* // @version 1.0 // @author Whoever but not LGBTQIA+ // @description Remove the pride from MDN // @description:zh-CN 去除 MDN 的 Pride Month 宣传 // @homepageURL https://github.com/ZeroAurora/UserJS-Prideless // @license WTFPL // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== const pridelessCSS = ` .logo .logo-m { fill: var(--text-link) !important; } .logo .logo-_ { fill: var(--text-link) !important; } .homepage-hero section p > span::after { height: 0 !important; } `; function removePride() { const manifestoParent = document.querySelector( ".homepage-hero > section:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(2)" ); const mandala = document.querySelector(".mandala-container"); if (mandala && mandala.classList.contains("pride")) { manifestoParent.innerHTML = `Documenting web technologies, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, since 2005.`; mandala.classList.remove("animate-colors"); mandala.classList.remove("pride"); } } GM_addStyle(pridelessCSS); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removePride);