Change background color to AMOLED black on YouTube
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
simple ting
fix searchbar was whitefix mixes were invisiblefix extending the left sidebar while on a video made the rest of the site invisibleremove a white gradient by the arrows on the recommended videos header on the home page
fix thumbnail on channel page not visible
make the buttons on recommended videos on side of a video have black background (All, From Channel etc.). This makes it not visible which button is currently selected, but otherwise the currently selected button was not readable
fix thumbnail not visiblefix text visibility on firefox
fix "Live chat replay" box
fix shortstry to fix for firefox
fix because of youtube poopy script blocking
fix watch later or other buttons on thumbnail again
make title on shorts black
make show more button on homepage black
make mini sidebar black
fix analytics and edit video buttons on own video
fix filter dialog and channel uploader name in comments
fix on playlist pagefix on create new community post page
Improve in playlists
Fix about channel and video stuff on video pages
black background in settings menu in videos
make hover on search look better
fix scroll video on homepage and improve buttons in video dropdown menu
fix polls
fix shorts
fix watch later or other buttons on thumbnail