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Twitter Media Downloader

Download images and videos from Twitter posts and pack them into a ZIP archive with metadata.

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v1.8 2024-09-21 Imported from URL
  • v1.7 2024-09-02
    1. Changed the way the button is added.
    2. Refactoring & Reformatting

    Merge pull request #5 from Dramorian/dev

    Download button update; Refactoring & reformatting

  • v1.6 2024-08-27

    Revert "Refactoring & Reformatting"

    This reverts commit cce5a37feea6de7bb5f24e8216c8340f5c8d59c6.

    Merge pull request #4 from Dramorian/dev

    Revert "Refactoring & Reformatting"

  • v1.7 2024-08-27

    Refactoring & Reformatting

    Merge pull request #3

    Refactoring & Reformatting

  • v1.6 2024-08-22 Imported from URL
  • v1.5 2024-08-22

    1. GIF downloading
    2. Button style change

  • v1.4 2024-08-15

    reverting changes (primarily the way media fetches and button addition);
    link normalization for metadata;

  • v1.3 2024-08-14

    changes to get rid of redundant buttons that render on tweets that have no media

  • v1.2 2024-08-14

    Changed the way media fetching works. Now it uses the GraphQL API TweetDetail endpoint approach.
    Inspired by another Twitter media downloader, most of the API handling logic comes from it: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/495368-twitter-x-media-downloader.

    TODO: fix metadata post link logic

  • v1.1 2024-08-12

    Improved logic for adding button. Now it adds it only for tweets that have images.
    TODO: implement gif/video fetching & downloading

  • v1.0 2024-08-12