Download images and videos from Twitter posts and pack them into a ZIP archive with metadata.
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Merge pull request #5 from Dramorian/dev
Download button update; Refactoring & reformatting
Revert "Refactoring & Reformatting"
This reverts commit cce5a37feea6de7bb5f24e8216c8340f5c8d59c6.
Merge pull request #4 from Dramorian/dev
Refactoring & Reformatting
Merge pull request #3
1. GIF downloading2. Button style change
reverting changes (primarily the way media fetches and button addition);link normalization for metadata;
changes to get rid of redundant buttons that render on tweets that have no media
Changed the way media fetching works. Now it uses the GraphQL API TweetDetail endpoint approach.Inspired by another Twitter media downloader, most of the API handling logic comes from it: fix metadata post link logic
Improved logic for adding button. Now it adds it only for tweets that have images.TODO: implement gif/video fetching & downloading