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Copy Audible book info for Mobilism

Format Audible book information for posting on Mobilism and copy to clipboard

// ==UserScript==
// @name		    Copy Audible book info for Mobilism
// @namespace	  https://github.com/AbdurazaaqMohammed
// @version		  1.0.1
// @author		  Abdurazaaq Mohammed
// @description	Format Audible book information for posting on Mobilism and copy to clipboard
// @match		    https://www.audible.com/pd/*
// @match       https://images.mobilism.org/*
// @match       https://ezgif.com/*
// @homepage	  https://github.com/AbdurazaaqMohammed/userscripts
// @license		  The Unlicense
// @supportURL	https://github.com/AbdurazaaqMohammed/userscripts/issues
// @grant		    GM_setValue
// @grant		    GM_getValue
// @grant		    GM_setClipboard
// @grant		    GM_openInTab
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const url = window.location.href;
const mobilism = 'https://images.mobilism.org/';
function goToMobilism(image) {
const h = image.naturalHeight;
const w = image.naturalWidth;
if (needsResize(h, w)) {
openTab('https://ezgif.com/resize?url=' + image);
else if (GM_getValue('needsCompress')) {
openTab('https://ezgif.com/optimize?url=' + image);
} else {
GM_setValue('u', image);
function getValue(key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const value = GM_getValue(key);
} catch (error) {
function openTab(link) {
try {
} catch(e) {
window.open(link, '_blank');
function uploadImg() {
document.getElementById('imgUrl').value = GM_getValue('u');
function copyImageLink() {
const link = document.querySelector('#codelbb');
GM_setValue('i', link.value);
function checkImageSize() {
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response;
throw new Error('Network response was not ok.');
.then(response => {
const contentLength = response.headers.get('Content-Length');
if (contentLength > 4000000) GM_setValue('needsCompress', true);
.catch(error => console.error('Error fetching image:', error));
function needsResize(h, w) {
return h > 2499 || w > 2499;
function setNewRes(aspectRatio) {
let height, width;
if (aspectRatio > 1) {
width = 2499;
height = Math.round(width / aspectRatio);
} else {
height = 2499;
width = Math.round(height * aspectRatio);
GM_setValue('newHeight', height);
GM_setValue('newWidth', width);
// List of Fiction categories
const fictionCategories = [
"Classics", "Fantasy", "Science Fiction", "Historical", "Horror", "Humor",
"LGBTQ+", "Mystery", "Thriller & Suspense", "Romantic Comedy", "Romantic Suspense",
"Western", "Paranormal", "Action & Adventure", "Drama & Plays", "Anthologies & Short Stories",
"Genre Fiction"
function isFiction(category) {
// Check if the category matches any of the Fiction categories
return fictionCategories.some(fiction => category.includes(fiction));
function formatBookInfo() {
const titleElement = document.querySelector('h1[data-automation-id="productTitle"]');
const title = titleElement ? titleElement.innerText : 'Unknown Title';
const authorElement = document.querySelector('.authorLabel a');
const author = authorElement ? authorElement.innerText : 'Unknown Author';
const narratorElement = document.querySelector('.narratorLabel a');
const narrator = narratorElement ? narratorElement.innerText : 'Unknown Narrator';
const runtimeElement = document.querySelector('li.bc-list-item.runtimeLabel');
const runtime = runtimeElement ? runtimeElement.innerText : 'Unknown';
const fileSize = "FileSizeHere";
const summaryElement = document.querySelector('.productPublisherSummary');
const summary = summaryElement ? summaryElement.innerText.replace("Publisher's summary\n\n", "") : 'No summary available.';
const categoryElement = document.querySelector('.bc-chip');
const category = categoryElement ? categoryElement.innerText : 'Unknown Category';
// Determine Fiction or Non-Fiction category
const genrePrefix = isFiction(category) ? "Fiction" : "Non-Fiction";
let formattedInfo = `[b]${title} by ${author} Narrated by ${narrator}[/b]
[u]Requirements:[/u] .M4A/.M4B reader, ${fileSize} MB ${runtime}
[u]Overview:[/u] ${summary}
[b]Genre:[/b] Audiobooks > ${genrePrefix} > ${category}`;
goToMobilism(document.querySelector("#center-1 > div > div.hero-content.bc-pub-clearfix.bc-container.hero-overflow-visible > div > div > div > div.bc-col-responsive.bc-col-3 > div > div:nth-child(1) > img").src);
getValue('i').then(value => {
formattedInfo += '\n\n' + value + '\n[break]\n[u]Download Instructions:[/u]';
}).catch(error => {
alert('Audiobook information has been copied to clipboard!');
if (url.endsWith(mobilism)) window.addEventListener('load', uploadImg);
else if (url.endsWith('.php')) window.addEventListener('load', copyImageLink);
else if (url.startsWith('https://ezgif.com/resize')) {
document.querySelector(".new-height.number.text").value = GM_getValue('newHeight');
document.querySelector(".new-width.number.text").value = GM_getValue('newWidth');
document.getElementById('ar').selectedIndex = 2;
else if (url.includes('ezgif.com/tmp/')) goToMobilism();
else {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerText = 'Copy Formatted Info';
button.style.position = 'fixed';
button.style.top = '10px';
button.style.right = '10px';
button.style.zIndex = '9999';
button.addEventListener('click', formatBookInfo);