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9/3/24 Hide Unsafe Direct Download Links
// ==UserScript== // @name Hide Unsafe Direct Download Links // @namespace yyyzzz999 // @author yyyzzz999 // @description 9/3/24 Hide Unsafe Direct Download Links // @match* // @match // @match // @version 0.2 // @icon // @homepage // @license MIT // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /*jshint esversion: 11 */ /*eslint no-multi-spaces:0 */ //TODO: Add a warning near UTC midnight that some VIP or Site FL torrents may expire soon! setTimeout(function() { 'use strict'; var DEBUG =1; // Debugging mode on (1) or off (0) if (DEBUG > 0) console.log('Starting Hide Unsafe Direct Download Links'); // Select the table with class "newTorTable" const table = document.querySelector('table.newTorTable'); if (table) { console.log('Table found:', table); // Select all rows starting from the 2nd row const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tr:nth-child(n+1)'); console.log(`Number of rows found: ${rows.length-1}`); rows.forEach((row, index) => { if (DEBUG > 1) console.log(`Checking Row ${index + 1}`); const col2 = row.cells[1]; // Column 2 const col4 = row.cells[3]; // Column 4 if (!col2 || !col4) { console.log(`Skipping row ${index } (header or invalid row)`); return; } // Check if column 2 contains an image with alt="VIP" or alt="freeleech" or a span with textContent "PF" const hasValidImage = col2.querySelector('img[alt="VIP"], img[alt="freeleech"]'); const hasValidSpan = Array.from(col2.querySelectorAll('span')).some(span => span.textContent.trim() === "PF"); if (DEBUG > 1) console.log(`Row ${index + 1}: hasValidImage=${!!hasValidImage}, hasValidSpan=${hasValidSpan}`); if (!hasValidImage && !hasValidSpan) { // Remove links with title="Direct Download" in column 4 const links = col4.querySelectorAll('a[title="Direct Download"]'); links.forEach(link => { link.remove(); if (DEBUG > 0 && index <=10) console.log(`Removed link in row ${index }`); // Don't show all rows in long tables }); } }); } else { console.log('Table not found'); } if (DEBUG > 0) console.log('Finished Hide Unsafe Direct Download Links'); }, 1500); // Wait for site JS to create table