On topic pages, show "X unread comments (Y total)"; on comment pages, highlight unread comments. Local storage only -- does not work across multiple computers.
this is by @xiaoxiaoflood on github. posting here for archival reasons!!
change these colors for different highlight color, i chose dark blue as i have a black reddit theme:
get_color: function (comment_age, highlighting_since) {
let time_diff = 1 - comment_age / highlighting_since,
color_newer = tinycolor('hsl(214, 16, 9').toHsl(), // dark blue
color_older = tinycolor('hsl(214, 16, 9').toHsl() // dark blue (this color can be lighter or darker, i prefer the same)
add this require link at your own discretion for this script to work (greasy fork doesnt have it approved for some reason):
// @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bgrins/TinyColor/master/tinycolor.js