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Edge-nuity Megascript

Completes through instructional, summary, and warm-up sections by guessing answers (they don’t impact grades). You can begin activities while the instructor is speaking, when theres an activity, a "Search clipboard" button appears for quick access to answers during quizzes (will search your copied text on brainly and auto-redirect) And much more (read desc).

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Current Features
AutoSearch question: To search a question automatically without manually copying, or clicking the search r###lts, simply click "3" or the button it appends to the bottom of the question

Anti Logout: Prevents automatic logouts from inactivity.

Auto Vocab: Automatically completes vocabulary tasks with 100% accuracy.

Autonext: When available, next slide and/or next activity buttons will be clicked

Auto Writing: Handles open-response answers for both summary and assignment sections. Includes a toggle to disable writing for assignments if needed.

Auto Play: Ensures uninterrupted video playback by unpausing automatically, even with poor internet or new videos.

Search Clipboard: Automatically searches current clipboard content on brainly and redirects to the first search r###lt, bypassing the paywall and sign in requirement to instantly open the answer to your assignment/quiz (also opens the tab in the background and clicks the correct option automatically in the pastebin version of the script).

Guessing: Randomly guesses answers or simply attempting with none selected to quickly continue to the next slide.

AI Chat: Provides free, high-accuracy AI support as an alternative for finding answers.

Options Pane: A "Toggle Options" button is added to the footer which when clicked, opens a draggable pane to toggle certain features with auto-saving checkboxes to apply your settings and save them even on reload or page close.

Intuitive Notifications: To allow you to keep the edgenuity tab unattended, it sends notifications when a reload is needed or assignment/quiz is to be completed, or the video fails to end and starts looping.

Anti-Delay: Removes delay from any instructor audio, allowing activities to be completed instantly and no retry delay.

Frame Integration: Allows to search clipboard contents in brainly frame rather than any tab, to save time and lag.

Context Revealer: Shows hidden portions of assignments to help you find answers on Brainly or it may hint/give away the correct answer for the current question.

Ps, to search in brainly checkbox so that you dont have a million tabs, use this extension to bypass the "brainly refused to connect" error
Or here for firefox-based browsers