Tweak your music’s playback speed to your liking, with pitch control and custom ranges. Redesigned fork of ‘Spotify Playback Speed’ by Rnikko, 2022
// ==UserScript== // @name Speedify // @description Tweak your music’s playback speed to your liking, with pitch control and custom ranges. Redesigned fork of ‘Spotify Playback Speed’ by Rnikko, 2022 // @version v411.21b // @author Neuvalence, // @license MIT // @namespace // @match* // @icon // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (() => { const spdify = document.createElement; let nvs__PybkOptions, nvs__DefaultPitchVal, nvs__RegPitchCtrl, nvs__Pitch_Off, nvs__Pitch_On, nvs__SliderInput, nvs__SlideSpeedMin, nvs__SliderSpeedMax, nvs__SliderReset, nvs__SettingsButton, nvs__SettingClose, nvs__forRegis005, nvs__forRegis002, nvs__SliderLESSinput, nvs__SliderMAXinput, nvs__MnxReset, nvs__MnxSave, nvs__SpvMain, nvs__MainContent, nvs__EditStyles, nvs__SpvVectImage, nvs__SpvVectorText1, nvs__SpvVectorText2; document.createElement = function (nvs__CtrlDecider) { var nvs__CtrlArgs = spdify.apply(this, arguments); return ( ("video" !== nvs__CtrlDecider && "audio" !== nvs__CtrlDecider) || nvs__PybkOptions || (nvs__PybkOptions = nvs__CtrlArgs), nvs__CtrlArgs ); }; const nvs__MnxOpt1 = () => { const spv_SpeedMultiValue = Number(nvs__SliderInput.value); var nvs__MinDispText = nvs__SliderLESSinput.value, nvs__MaxDispText = nvs__SliderMAXinput.value, isPitchKept = nvs__DefaultPitchVal.checked; (nvs__SpvVectorText1.innerHTML = spv_SpeedMultiValue.toFixed(2) + "×"), (nvs__SpvVectorText2.innerHTML = spv_SpeedMultiValue.toFixed(2) + "×"), ( = (100 * (spv_SpeedMultiValue - nvs__MinDispText)) / (nvs__MaxDispText - nvs__MinDispText) + "% 100%"), isPitchKept ? (nvs__RegPitchCtrl.classList.add("spvGreenActive"), nvs__RegPitchCtrl.classList.remove("spvPaperHover"), ( = "none"), ( = "block")) : (nvs__RegPitchCtrl.classList.remove("spvGreenActive"), nvs__RegPitchCtrl.classList.add("spvPaperHover"), ( = "block"), ( = "none")), localStorage.setItem("spvSpedVal", spv_SpeedMultiValue), localStorage.setItem("spvPitchin", isPitchKept), localStorage.setItem("spvSlider__LESS", nvs__MinDispText), localStorage.setItem("spvSlider__MAX", nvs__MaxDispText), (nvs__PybkOptions.playbackRate = { source: "speedify", value: spv_SpeedMultiValue, }), (nvs__PybkOptions.preservesPitch = isPitchKept); }; let nvs__BarIcoCtrl = !1, nvs__BarIcoAlt = !1; const nvs__DisplaySettingsPanel = () => { (nvs__BarIcoCtrl = !nvs__BarIcoCtrl) ? (( = "none"), ( = "block")) : (( = "block"), ( = "none")); }, nvs__SvgDis = () => { (nvs__BarIcoAlt = !nvs__BarIcoAlt) ? ( = "block") : ( = "none"), document.querySelector("#spvIcos").classList.toggle("spvGreenActive"), nvs__BarIcoCtrl && nvs__DisplaySettingsPanel(); }, nvs__MnxSetReset = () => { (nvs__SliderLESSinput.value = 0.95), (nvs__SliderMAXinput.value = 1.16); }, nvs__MnxSetSave = () => { (nvs__SliderInput.min = "0" !== nvs__SliderLESSinput.value && nvs__SliderLESSinput.value ? nvs__SliderLESSinput.value : "0.95"), (nvs__SliderInput.max = "0" !== nvs__SliderMAXinput.value && nvs__SliderMAXinput.value ? nvs__SliderMAXinput.value : "1.16"), localStorage.setItem("spvSlider__LESS", nvs__SliderLESSinput.value), localStorage.setItem("spvSlider__MAX", nvs__SliderMAXinput.value), (nvs__SlideSpeedMin.innerHTML = +Number(nvs__SliderLESSinput.value) + "×"), (nvs__SliderSpeedMax.innerHTML = +Number(nvs__SliderMAXinput.value) + "×"), nvs__MnxOpt1(), nvs__DisplaySettingsPanel(); }; let nvs__defPb = 0; const nvs__pbLocal = () => { var nvs__pbSpeed, nvs__pbPrePitch, nvs__glcPitch; (nvs__pbSpeed = localStorage.getItem("pb-settings-speed")), (nvs__pbPrePitch = localStorage.getItem("pb-settings-prepitch")), nvs__pbSpeed && (localStorage.setItem("spvSpedVal", Number(nvs__pbSpeed) / 100), localStorage.removeItem("pb-settings-speed")), nvs__pbPrePitch && (localStorage.setItem("spvPitchin", nvs__pbPrePitch), localStorage.removeItem("pb-settings-prepitch")); { const nvs__StylesGENERAL = document.createElement("style"); (nvs__StylesGENERAL.textContent = ` #speedify { user-select: none; border-width: 0 !important; border-style: solid !important; #spvMainWrapper { border-right: 0; bottom: calc(72px + 25px); right: 18px !important; position: absolute; z-index: 60 !important; background-color: #010101e6; backdrop-filter: blur(8px); -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(8px); border-radius: 8px !important; padding: 1.4rem; } #spvControl, #spvEditWrapper { width: 368px !important; } section.spvSection { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 0.8rem; } .spvRow { height: 2rem 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!important; } } html:has(.gQoa8JTSpjSmYyABcag2), html:has(.T3hkVxXuSbCYOD2GIeQd) { #speedify #spvMainWrapper { bottom: calc( 25px + (72px + 25px) ) !important; } } `), document.head.append(nvs__StylesGENERAL); } try { if (((nvs__defPb += 1), console.log("spfyScript➕"), null === document.querySelector("#main"))) throw "Main container element not found"; { const nvs__getSpdfy = document.querySelector("#speedify"), nvs__UiAppend = (nvs__getSpdfy && nvs__getSpdfy.remove(), ((nvs__MainContent = document.createElement("div")).id = "spvControl"), ( = "block"), (nvs__MainContent.innerHTML = `<section class="spvSection"> <div id="spv__BASEHEADER" class="spvFlex spvRow"> <span class="spvHeader">Speed</span> <div style="flex-grow: 1;"></div> <button id="spvEditButton" class="spvSymbButton"> <svg width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 26 26" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.0048 5.54018H13.9948C14.0607 5.54018 14.1239 5.56637 14.1706 5.61299C14.2172 5.65961 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id="spvSlider__MAX" style="line-height: 32px;">1.16×</span> </div> <div id="spv__BASEPITCH" class="spvFlex spvRow"> <button id="spvPitchin" class="spvGreenActive"> <input name="spvPitchin" type="checkbox" style="display: none"> <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="img" width="1.27rem" height="1.125rem" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path class="spvPitchOFF" fill="currentColor" d="M384 64H192C85.961 64 0 149.961 0 256s85.961 192 192 192h192c106.039 0 192-85.961 192-192S490.039 64 384 64zM64 256c0-70.741 57.249-128 128-128c70.741 0 128 57.249 128 128c0 70.741-57.249 128-128 128c-70.741 0-128-57.249-128-128zm320 128h-48.905c65.217-72.858 65.236-183.12 0-256H384c70.741 0 128 57.249 128 128c0 70.74-57.249 128-128 128z" style="display: none;"></path> <path class="spvPitchACTIVE" fill="currentColor" d="M384 64H192C86 64 0 150 0 256s86 192 192 192h192c106 0 192-86 192-192S490 64 384 64zm0 320c-70.8 0-128-57.3-128-128c0-70.8 57.3-128 128-128c70.8 0 128 57.3 128 128c0 70.8-57.3 128-128 128z" style="display: none"></path> </svg> <span style="line-height: 1;">Keep Pitch</span> </button> <div style="flex-grow: 1;"></div> <button id="spvEditResetButton" class="spvTxtButton">1x</button> </div> </section>`), ((nvs__EditStyles = document.createElement("div")).id = "spvEditWrapper"), ( = "none"), (nvs__EditStyles.innerHTML = `<section class="spvSection"> <div id="spv__EDITHEADER" class="spvFlex spvRow"> <span class="spvHeader">Settings</span> <div style="flex-grow: 1;"></div> <button id="spvEditBack" class="spvSymbButton"> <svg width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 26 26" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.0335 6.5318L8.5335 12.0318H21.1799V13.9716H8.5335L14.0335 19.4716L12.6618 20.8432L4.82031 13.0017L12.6618 5.16016L14.0335 6.5318Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </button> </div> <div class="spvEditBODY spvFlex spvRow"> <div class="left spvFlex"> <span class="spvLXsigNal"> Min: </span> <input type="number" 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document.querySelector("path.spvPitchOFF")), (nvs__Pitch_On = document.querySelector("path.spvPitchACTIVE")), (nvs__SliderInput = document.querySelector('input[name="spvSliderName"]')), (nvs__SlideSpeedMin = document.querySelector("span#spvSlider__LESS")), (nvs__SliderSpeedMax = document.querySelector("span#spvSlider__MAX")), (nvs__SliderReset = document.querySelector("button#spvEditResetButton")), (nvs__SettingsButton = document.querySelector("#spvEditButton")), (nvs__SettingClose = document.querySelector("#spvEditBack")), (nvs__SliderLESSinput = document.querySelector('input[name="sp#####in"]')), (nvs__SliderMAXinput = document.querySelector('input[name="spvMaxin"]')), (nvs__MnxReset = document.querySelector("button#spvMnMxReset")), (nvs__MnxSave = document.querySelector("button#spvMnMxSave")), (nvs__SpvMain = document.querySelector("#spvMainWrapper")), (nvs__MainContent = document.querySelector("#spvControl")), (nvs__EditStyles = document.querySelector("#spvEditWrapper")), 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JSON.parse(nvs__glcPitch) : nvs__rg000), (nvs__glcPitch = Number(localStorage.getItem("spvSlider__LESS"))), (nvs__rg005 = nvs__glcPitch && 0 !== nvs__glcPitch ? nvs__glcPitch : nvs__rg005), (nvs__glcPitch = Number(localStorage.getItem("spvSlider__MAX"))), (nvs__rg002 = nvs__glcPitch && 0 !== nvs__glcPitch ? nvs__glcPitch : nvs__rg002)), (nvs__forRegis005 = nvs__rg005), (nvs__forRegis002 = nvs__rg002), (nvs__DefaultPitchVal.checked = nvs__rg000), (nvs__SliderInput.value = nvs__lclGetSpeed), (nvs__SliderInput.min = nvs__rg005), (nvs__SliderInput.max = nvs__rg002), (nvs__SliderLESSinput.value = nvs__rg005), (nvs__SliderMAXinput.value = nvs__rg002), (nvs__SlideSpeedMin.innerHTML = nvs__rg005 + "×"), (nvs__SliderSpeedMax.innerHTML = nvs__rg002 + "×"), (nvs__SliderInput.oninput = nvs__MnxOpt1), (nvs__DefaultPitchVal.oninput = nvs__MnxOpt1), (nvs__SliderLESSinput.onchange = (nvs__changeSlider) => { let nsvy__newMinValue = Number(; nsvy__newMinValue >= nvs__forRegis002 && ((nsvy__newMinValue = nvs__forRegis002 - 0.01), ( = nsvy__newMinValue)), (nvs__forRegis005 = nsvy__newMinValue); }), (nvs__SliderMAXinput.onchange = (nvs__changeMax) => { let nsvy__newMaxValue = Number(; nsvy__newMaxValue < nvs__forRegis005 && ((nsvy__newMaxValue = nvs__forRegis005 + 0.01), ( = nsvy__newMaxValue)), (nvs__forRegis002 = nsvy__newMaxValue); }), (nvs__MnxReset.onclick = nvs__MnxSetReset), (nvs__MnxSave.onclick = nvs__MnxSetSave), (nvs__SliderReset.onclick = () => { nvs__SliderInput.max < 1 && ((nvs__SliderInput.max = 1), (nvs__SliderMAXinput.value = 1), localStorage.setItem("spvSlider__MAX", nvs__SliderMAXinput.value), (nvs__SliderSpeedMax.innerHTML = +Number(nvs__SliderMAXinput.value) + "x")), 1 < nvs__SliderInput.min && ((nvs__SliderInput.min = 1), (nvs__SliderLESSinput.value = 1), localStorage.setItem("spvSlider__LESS", nvs__SliderLESSinput.value), (nvs__SlideSpeedMin.innerHTML = +Number(nvs__SliderLESSinput.value) + "x")), (nvs__SliderInput.value = 1), nvs__MnxOpt1(); }), (nvs__SpvVectImage.onclick = nvs__SvgDis), (nvs__SettingsButton.onclick = nvs__DisplaySettingsPanel), (nvs__SettingClose.onclick = () => { (nvs__SliderLESSinput.value = nvs__SliderInput.min), (nvs__SliderMAXinput.value = nvs__SliderInput.max), nvs__DisplaySettingsPanel(); }), (nvs__RegPitchCtrl.onclick = () => { (nvs__DefaultPitchVal.checked = !nvs__DefaultPitchVal.checked), nvs__MnxOpt1(); }), nvs__PybkOptions instanceof HTMLMediaElement) ) { const nsvy__Distort = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, "playbackRate"); Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, "playbackRate", { set(nsvy__Error) { "speedify" !== nsvy__Error.source ? ("spfyScript prevented unintended playback speed change"),, Number(nvs__SliderInput.value))) :, nsvy__Error.value); }, }); } nvs__MnxOpt1(); } console.log("Speedify is up and running!"); } catch (e) { console.log("Speedify is refreshing... " + e), nvs__defPb <= 20 ? setTimeout(nvs__pbLocal, 500) : console.log("Speedify is up and running!"); } }; nvs__pbLocal(); })();