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Vector 2022 (default on desktop from 2022)Vector legacy 2010 (default on desktop from 2010 to 2021)MinervaNeue (mobile)MonoBook (default from 2004 to 2009)TimelessModern (created in 2008 and deprecated in 2021)Cologne Blue (created in 2002 and deprecated in 2019)Supported wikis: wikipedia wiktionary wikiquote wikinews wikidata wikivoyage wikiversity wikifunctions wikisource wikibooks wikimedia mediawiki
Install Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey browser extensionInstall this script(Optionally, you can Create a Wikipedia account, log in, go to Preferences, and change the skin without needing any scripts)
How to add other wikis (Tampermonkey / Violentmonkey):
Go to "Edit" page for this script (do NOT edit the Code in the Editor)Then click the "Settings" tabLook for "User matches" or "@match rules"Add e.g. *://*
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