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Premier.one – Enhanced [Ath]

Premier.one enhancements: fixed time range filtering, IMDB and Kinopoisk ratings in lists, better episode titles, expanded lists with direct links, extra filters etc.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Premier.one – Enhanced [Ath]
// @name:ru        Premier.one – Улучшенный [Ath]
// @name:uk        Premier.one – Покращений [Ath]
// @name:be        Premier.one – Удасканалены [Ath]
// @name:bg        Premier.one – Подобрен [Ath]
// @name:tt        Premier.one – Яхшыртылган [Ath]
// @name:sl        Premier.one – Izboljšan [Ath]
// @name:sr        Premier.one – Poboljšan [Ath]
// @name:ka        Premier.one – გაუმჯობესებული [Ath]
// @description    Premier.one enhancements: fixed time range filtering, IMDB and Kinopoisk ratings in lists, better episode titles, expanded lists with direct links, extra filters etc.
// @description:ru Улучшения для Premier.one: исправление фильтрации по годам, рейтинги Кинопоиска и IMDB в списках, полные заголовки эпизодов, раскрытые списки с прямыми ссылками, дополнительные фильтры
// @description:uk Покращення для Premier.one: виправлення фільтрації за роками, рейтинги Кінопоіска та IMDB у списках, повні назви епізодів, розгорнуті списки з прямими посиланнями, додаткові фильтри
// @description:be Удасканаленні для Premier.one: выпраўленне фільтрацыі па гадах, рэйтынгі Кінапоіска і IMDB у спісах, поўныя назвы эпізодаў, раскрытыя спісы з простымі спасылкамі, дадатковыя фільтры
// @description:bg Подобрения за Premier.one: коригиране на филтрирането по времеви диапазони, рейтинги на Кинопоиск и IMDB в списъците, по-добри заглавия на епизодите, разширени списъци с директни връзки, допълнителни филтри и т.н.
// @description:tt Premier.one өчен яхшыртулар: еллар буенча фильтрлауны төзәтү, Кинопоиск һәм IMDB рейтинглары исемлектә, эпизодларның яхшыртылган исемнәре, туры сылтамалар белән киңәйтелгән исемлекләр, өстәмә фильтрлар һ.б.
// @description:sl Izboljšave za Premier.one: popravki filtriranja po časovnih obdobjih, ocene IMDB in Kinopoisk v seznamih, boljši naslovi epizod, razširjeni seznami z neposrednimi povezavami, dodatni filtri itd.
// @description:sr Poboljšanja za Premier.one: ispravka filtriranja po godinama, rejtinzi Kinopoiska i IMDB u listama, bolji naslovi epizoda, proširene liste sa direktnim linkovima, dodatni filteri itd.
// @description:ka Premier.one-ის გაუმჯობესებები: დროის დიაპაზონის ფილტრაციის გასწორება, კინოპოისკისა და IMDB-ს რეიტინგები სიებში, უკეთესი ეპიზოდების სათაურები, გაფართოებული სიები პირდაპირი ბმულებით, დამატებითი ფილტრები და სხვა.
// @namespace      athari
// @author         Athari (https://github.com/Athari)
// @copyright      © Prokhorov ‘Athari’ Alexander, 2024–2025
// @license        MIT
// @homepageURL    https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserJS
// @supportURL     https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserJS/issues
// @version        1.1.4
// @icon           https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=premier.one
// @match          https://premier.one/*
// @match          https://rutube.ru/*
// @grant          unsafeWindow
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_getResourceText
// @grant          GM_getResourceURL
// @grant          GM_info
// @run-at         document-start
// @require        https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/string.min.js
// @require        https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@athari/[email protected]/monkeyutils.u.min.js
// @resource       script-urlpattern https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/urlpattern-polyfill/dist/urlpattern.js
// @tag            athari
// ==/UserScript==
const { assignDeep, delay, waitFor, matchLocation, adjustUrlSearch, overrideFetch, setElementTagName, ress, scripts, els, opts, props } =
(async () => {
'use strict'
const premierHost = "premier.one";
const res = ress(), script = scripts(res);
const el = els(document, {
fakeLinks: "div[to]",
seasons: ".w-show-card-seasons-and-series__tabs", episodes: ".w-show-card-seasons-and-series__slide:not(.ath-linkified)",
main: ".l-main", btnCancelNext: ".f-player-recommendation__cancel",
Object.assign(globalThis, globalThis.URLPattern ? null : await script.urlpattern);
const extraComplexFilters = [
nameForClient: "Советские Мультфильмы", nameForClientEn: "Soviet Cartoons", sendUrl: 'soviet-toons',
values: [
{ inputFilter: 'countries', inputFilterValues: "SU" },
{ inputFilter: 'types', inputFilterValues: 'movie' },
{ inputFilter: 'genres', inputFilterValues: 'multfilmy' },
nameForClient: "Советские Фильмы", nameForClientEn: "Soviet", sendUrl: 'soviet-films',
values: [
{ inputFilter: 'countries', inputFilterValues: "SU" },
{ inputFilter: 'types', inputFilterValues: 'movie' },
nameForClient: "Российские Мультфильмы", nameForClientEn: "Russian Cartoons", sendUrl: 'russia-toons',
values: [
{ inputFilter: 'countries', inputFilterValues: "RU" },
{ inputFilter: 'types', inputFilterValues: 'movie' },
{ inputFilter: 'genres', inputFilterValues: 'multfilmy' },
activeValue: true,
nameForClient: "Пост-совковые Мультфильмы", nameForClientEn: "Post-USSR Cartoons", sendUrl: 'ex-ussr-toons',
values: [
{ inputFilter: 'countries', inputFilterValues: "BY,KZ,PL,SK,UA,CZ,RU" },
{ inputFilter: 'types', inputFilterValues: 'movie' },
{ inputFilter: 'genres', inputFilterValues: 'multfilmy' },
const matchPremierApi = (url, pathname) =>
matchLocation(premierHost, { pathname: pathname.replace(/\/api\//, "/{uma-}?api/") }, url);
const matchPremierApiMap = (url, data, map) => {
let murl;
for (const [ pathname, proc ] of Object.entries(map))
if ((murl = matchPremierApi(url, pathname)) != null)
return proc(data, murl);
const fixSeoTitle = o => {
const seoTitle = o.seoTemplate.seoTitle;
const cleanTitle = seoTitle.includes("{{episode}}")
? "{{title_name}} s{{season}}e{{episode}}"
: seoTitle.includes("{{season}}")
? "{{title_name}} s{{season}}"
: seoTitle.includes("{{title_name}}")
? "{{title_name}}"
: seoTitle;
assignDeep(o, {
seoTemplate: {
seoH1: cleanTitle,
seoTitle: cleanTitle,
const fixPlayerTitle = o => {
if (o.season > 0 && o.episode > 0 && o.description.length < 100)
o.title_for_player += `: ${o.description}`;
return o;
const addRatingsToPosters = async (movies) => {
const elPostersList = await waitFor(() => document.querySelector(`.e-poster-list:has(a[data-id='${movies.at(-1).objectId}'])`), 20000);
if (elPostersList == null)
for (let elPoster of elPostersList.children) {
const movie = movies.filter(m => m.objectId == elPoster.dataset.id)[0];
if (movie == null)
const htmlRating = (rating, type) => rating[type] == 0 ? "" : /*html*/`
<div class="e-rating e-rating--${type}">
<div class="a-icon e-rating__icon"><i class="a-icons icon-mono--rating--${type}"></i></div>
<span class="e-rating__value font-poster-badge-cc">${rating[type].toFixed(1)}</span>
elPoster.querySelector(".e-poster__play-icon").insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', /*html*/`
<div class="ath-poster-ratings">
${htmlRating(movie.rating, 'kinopoisk')}
${htmlRating(movie.rating, 'imdb')}
elPoster.title =
`${movie.name} (${movie.genres?.map(g => g.name).join(", ")}) ${movie.age_restriction}\n\n` +
`${movie.description}\n\n` +
`КП: ${movie.rating.kinopoisk.toFixed(1)}   IMDB: ${movie.rating.imdb.toFixed(1)}`;
let trackInfo = {}, trackInfo2 = {};
overrideFetch(unsafeWindow, {
fakeResponse: ({ url }, output) =>
matchPremierApiMap(url, null, {
"/api/play/access/:videoId": (_, murl) =>
output.json({ id: murl.videoId })
modifyRequestUrl: ({ url }) =>
matchPremierApiMap(url, null, {
"/catalog/:version/tv": () =>
adjustUrlSearch(url, { per_page: 100 }),
//modifyRequestJson: ({ url }, json) => {},
modifyResponseJson: ({ url }, json) =>
matchPremierApiMap(url, json, {
"/app/v:version/page/info": (json) =>
(fixSeoTitle(json.r###lt), json),
/*"/app/v:version/show/:videoSlug/metainfo": (json) =>
assignDeep(json, {
r###lt: {
slogan: "Информация должна быть свободной!",
accessibility: 'free',
has_allow_download: true,
restriction_notices: [],
"/catalog/v:version/filters": (json) => {
const years = json.r###lt.filter(f => f.typeFilter == 'select' && f.name == 'years')[0];
if (years == null)
const yearRangeSwap = 2000, yearRangeMin = 1930, yearRangeLength = 5;
let iyear = 1;
const getFilterYearValue = syear => ({
nameValue: syear, title: syear, titleEn: syear, //sendUrl: syear,
multiselect: true, otherParam: false, activeValue: true,
numberValue: ++iyear,
years.values = [ years.values[0] ];
for (let year = new Date().getFullYear(); year >= yearRangeSwap; year--)
for (let toYear = yearRangeSwap - 1; toYear > yearRangeMin; toYear -= yearRangeLength)
years.values.push(getFilterYearValue(`${toYear - yearRangeLength + 1}-${toYear}`));
return json;
"/catalog/v:version/complex-filters": (json) => {
json.r###lt = [
...json.r###lt.filter(f => !f.nameForClient.includes("20") && f.sendUrl != 'RU'),
let ifilter = 0;
for (let filter of json.r###lt)
Object.assign(filter, { number: ++ifilter, activeValue: true });
return json;
"/catalog/:version/tv": (json) => {
const movies = json.r###lt?.items;
if (movies != null)
"/api/metainfo/tv/:videoSlug/video/{/*}?": (json) => {
if (json.r###lts?.[0]?.title_for_player != null)
for (let r of json.r###lts)
return json;
"/api/view_history/": (json) => {
if (json.r###lts?.[0]?.video != null) {
for (let r of json.r###lts) {
r.title_for_player = r.video.title_for_player;
return json;
"/api/play/trackinfo/:trackId/": (json) => {
trackInfo = structuredClone(json);
console.debug("info1", { trackInfo: structuredClone(trackInfo), title: el.tag.title?.innerText });
return fixPlayerTitle(json);
"/api/video/:videoId": (json) => {
trackInfo2 = structuredClone(json);
console.debug("info2", { trackInfo2: structuredClone(trackInfo2), title: el.tag.title?.innerText });
return fixPlayerTitle(json);
(await el.wait.tag.head).insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', /*html*/`
@media (min-width: 1600px) {
.w-video-section__slide--horizontal {
max-width: calc(20% - 1rem);
.m-select__options-list--rows {
display: flex;
flex-flow: column wrap;
max-height: 29rem !important;
.e-content-filters__list .m-select:nth-child(5) .m-select__dropdown { /* plots */
width: auto !important;
max-width: 50rem;
.m-select__option {
padding: 0 !important;
label {
padding: .75rem 1rem;
.m-section:not(.w-promo-slider) {
.m-section__content {
.m-slider {
.m-slider__wrapper {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
transform: none !important;
.m-slider__button-next {
display: none;
.ath-poster-ratings {
position: absolute;
inset: auto .5rem .5rem auto;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row;
gap: .5rem;
.e-rating {
position: static !important;
padding: 0 .25rem !important;
.a-icon i {
font-size: inherit;
width: auto;
height: auto;
a.ath-episode-link {
position: absolute;
inset: 0;
const linkifyEpisodes = () => {
let murl = null;
for (let elFakeLink of el.all.fakeLinks) {
elFakeLink.setAttribute('href', elFakeLink.getAttribute('to'));
setElementTagName(elFakeLink, 'A');
if (el.seasons != null) {
const propSeasons = props(el.seasons);
const [ seasonsCount, currentSeason ] = [ propSeasons['--m-tabs-items-count'], propSeasons['--m-tabs-active-index'] ];
if (seasonsCount > 0 && (murl = matchPremierApi(location, "/show/:videoSlug{/*}?")) != null) {
for (let elEpisode of el.all.episodes) {
const episodeIndex = +elEpisode.getAttribute('index') + 1;
elEpisode.querySelector(".e-poster").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', /*html*/`
<a class="ath-episode-link" href="/show/${murl.videoSlug}/season/${currentSeason}/episode/${episodeIndex}"></a>`);
for (let ims = 0; ims += 100; await delay(100)) {
if (ims % 1000 == 0) {
if (ims % 200 == 0) {