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Mass Delete Messages
// ==UserScript== // @name Mass Delete Facebook Messenger Tool - WORDLY FREE by Darkside // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description Mass Delete Messages // @author Projekt Darkside - DevIT Brno - EU // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // @license MIT; // @require // ==/UserScript== /* global $ */ // ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ // ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ (function() { 'use strict'; // Add CSS for the icon in the bottom right GM_addStyle(` #cleanerIcon { position: fixed; bottom: 20px; right: 20px; background-color: #0078D4; color: white; border-radius: 50%; padding: 10px; font-size: 24px; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } #cleanerIcon:hover { background-color: #005a8f; } `); // Function to create and append the icon if not already present const createIcon = () => { // Check if the icon already exists if (!document.getElementById('cleanerIcon')) { const icon = document.createElement('div'); = 'cleanerIcon'; icon.textContent = '🧹'; // You can use any icon here document.body.appendChild(icon); // Add click event listener to trigger the script icon.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log('Starting Facebook Chat Cleaner...'); startInterval(); // Start the interval for cleaning and removing }); } }; // Function to remove unwanted elements const SELECTORS_REMOVE = [ "div[class='xds687c x1pi30zi x1e558r4 xixxii4 x13vifvy xzkaem6']:eq(0)", "div[class='layout-footer']:eq(0)" ]; const REMOVE_INTERVAL = 1200; // Interval for repeating the cleaning process let removedCount = 0; // Counter for removed elements // Language mappings for various labels const LANG_MAP = { menu: { en: "Menu", cs: "Nabídka", sk: "Ponuka", fr: "Menu", es: "Menú", de: "Menü", it: "Menu", pt: "Menu", ru: "Меню", ja: "メニュー" }, deleteChat: { en: "Delete Chat", cs: "Odstranění chatu", sk: "Odstránenie chatu", fr: "Supprimer la discussion", es: "Eliminar chat", de: "Löschen Chat", it: "Elimina chat", pt: "Excluir chat", ru: "Удалить чат", ja: "チャットを削除" }, confirmDelete: { en: "Delete chat", cs: "Odstranit chat", sk: "Odstrániť chat", fr: "Supprimer le chat", es: "Eliminar el chat", de: "Chat löschen", it: "Elimina chat", pt: "Excluir o chat", ru: "Удалить чат", ja: "チャットを削除" } }; // Function to clean unwanted elements const cleanElements = () => { $(SELECTORS_REMOVE.join(", ")).each((index, element) => { console.log('%c Removing element ', 'background: black; color: yellow;', element); $(element).remove(); removedCount++; }); console.log(`%c Total elements removed: ${removedCount}`, 'background: black; color: cyan; font-size: 14px;'); }; // Function to handle chat removal process const removeChats = async () => { console.log("Starting chat removal process..."); try { // Step 1: Click "Menu" (localized) const menuButtonLabel = Object.values( => `[aria-label^='${label}']:eq(0)`).join(", "); const menuButton = $(menuButtonLabel); if (':visible')) { console.log("Kliknutí na Nabídka - 1");; await wait(1000); } // Step 2: Click "Delete Chat" (localized) const deleteButtonLabel = Object.values(LANG_MAP.deleteChat).map(label => `span:contains('${label}')`).join(", "); const $deleteBtn = $(deleteButtonLabel + ":eq(0)"); if ($':visible')) { console.log("Kliknutí na SMAZAT - 2"); $; await wait(1000); } else { console.warn("Tlačítko 'Odstranění chatu' není viditelné nebo není v podporovaném jazyce."); return; } // Step 3: Confirm deletion (localized) const confirmButtonLabel = Object.values(LANG_MAP.confirmDelete).map(label => `span:contains('${label}')`).join(", "); const $confirmBtn = $(confirmButtonLabel + ":eq(0)"); if ($':visible')) { console.log("Potvrzení Smazání - 3"); $; removedCount++; console.log(`%c Chats removed: ${removedCount}`, 'background: black; color: lime; font-size: 14px;'); await wait(1000); } else { console.warn("Tlačítko 'Potvrdit' není viditelné nebo není v podporovaném jazyce."); } } catch (error) { console.error("Chyba při mazání chatu: ", error); } }; // Utility function for delay const wait = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); // Periodic cleaning and removal const startInterval = () => { setInterval(() => { cleanElements(); // Clean unwanted elements removeChats(); // Trigger chat removal process }, REMOVE_INTERVAL); }; // Check if we are on the Facebook messages page const isFacebookMessagesPage = () => window.location.hostname === "" && window.location.pathname.startsWith("/messages/"); // Function to check and handle icon visibility based on URL const checkPageAndCreateIcon = () => { if (isFacebookMessagesPage()) { createIcon(); // Create the icon only on the message page } else { const icon = document.getElementById('cleanerIcon'); if (icon) { icon.remove(); // Remove icon if we're not on the correct page } } }; // Constantly check every second (1000ms) setInterval(checkPageAndCreateIcon, 1000); console.log('%c Script initialized and running...', 'background: black; color: green; font-size: 14px;'); })(); // ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ // ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████ ███████