Dark theme for NPM (NpmJS.com). Includes styling of documentation.
/* ==UserStyle== @name NpmJS.com – Dark [Ath] @namespace athari @version 1.1.1 @description Dark theme for NPM (NpmJS.com). Includes styling of documentation. @author Athari (https://github.com/Athari) @homepageURL https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserCSS @supportURL https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserCSS/issues @license MIT @preprocessor default ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("npmjs.com") { :root { color-scheme: dark; } :root { --color-fg-default: #eee; /*262626*/ --color-fg-muted: #ccc; /*4d4d4d*/ --color-fg-subtle: #999; /*666666*/ --color-fg-on-emphasis: #ffffff; --color-fg-brand: #cb3837; --color-fg-accent: #196cb2; --color-fg-success: #107010; --color-fg-attention: #886701; --color-fg-danger: #bb2e3e; --color-bg-default: #111; /*ffffff*/ --color-bg-subtle: #1f1f1f; /*f7f7f7*/ --color-bg-inset: #222; /*f2f2f2*/ --color-bg-emphasis: #262626; --color-bg-accent: oklch(from #f2f9ff 0.3 c h); /*f2f9ff*/ --color-bg-success: oklch(from #dcfdd9 0.3 c h); /*dcfdd9*/ --color-bg-attention: oklch(from #fff5d8 0.3 c h); /*fff5d8*/ --color-bg-danger: oklch(from #ffdbdb 0.3 c h); /*ffdbdb*/ --color-border-default: #444; /*e6e6e6*/ --color-border-muted: #333; /*f2f2f2*/ --color-border-strong: #666; /*8f8f8f*/ --color-border-accent: #afcee9; --color-border-accent-emphasis: #0969da; --color-border-success: #93d58a; --color-border-success-emphasis: #107010; --color-border-attention: oklch(from #efd88f 0.5 c h); /*efd88f*/ --color-border-danger: #f1b8bc; /* missing wtf?? */ --color-canvas-default: #111; --color-canvas-overlay: #333; --color-accent-muted: #334; --color-accent-subtle: #223; --shadow-floating-small: 1px 1px 2px 2px #0004; --color-shadow-large: 0 8px 24px rgba(140, 149, 159, 0.2); /* Legacy color variables — please avoid! */ --button-green: #00c642; --npmRed: #cb3837; --npmLightRed: #fb3e44; --wombat-red: #cb3837; --wombat-red-hover: #c40b0a; --wombat-yellow: #ffcd3a; --wombat-violet: #8956ff; --wombat-purple: #c836c3; --wombat-green: #00c642; --wombat-teal: #29abe2; --blue: #357edd; --light-blue: #70b8ff; --header-color: #eee; --bg: #111; --bg-dark: #cb3837; --background-color: #000; /*fafafa*/ --wombat-bg-red: rgba(203, 55, 56, 0.1); --code: 'Cascadia Code', 'Fira Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Consolas', monospace; --code-ls: 0px; --code-lh: 24px; --standardCardTransition: all 0.2s ease; --header-letter-spacing: 0.015625em; --readme-font-size: 16px; --readme-line-height: 1.3; --code-font-size: 13px; --copy-color: #eee; --code-bg: #222; --code-box-radius: 2px; /* docs */ --fontStack-monospace: var(--code); /*--fgColor-default: #eee; --bgColor-default: #111; --borderColor-default: #444; --borderColor-muted: #333;*/ } :not(#\0) { word-break: normal; } input { color: #eee !important; background: #222 !important; &::placeholder { color: #888 !important; } } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { span { color: inherit !important; } } form#search > .relative { border-color: #333 !important; > .nowrap { background: #222; } } footer { background: #000 !important; #footer { h3 { color: #bbb; } a { color: var(--wombat-red); } } } .black { color: #eee; } .hover-black:is(:hover, :focus) { color: #eee; } .black-90 { color: #ddd; } .black-80 { color: #ccc; svg { color: inherit; g { fill: currentcolor; } } button { color: inherit; } } .black-70 { color: #bbb; } .black-60 { color: #aaa; } .bg-black-05 { background: #222; } .hover-bg-black-10:is(:hover, :focus) { background: #444; } .b--black-30 { border-color: #333; } .b--black-20 { border-color: #2f2f2f; } .b--black-10 { border-color: #222; } .bg-white { background-color: #111; } .bg-washed-red { background-color: #311; } .button-reset { opacity: 0.7; } #readme { color: var(--copy-color); line-height: var(--readme-line-height); p, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, strong, em, del, ins, b, i, s, code, pre, .highlight { color: inherit; } .highlight { code, pre { font-size: var(--code-font-size); .pl-s, .pl-pds, .pl-s .pl-pse .pl-s1, .pl-sr, .pl-sr .pl-cce, .pl-sr .pl-sre, .pl-sr .pl-sra { color: oklch(from #032f62 0.6 c h); } .pl-e, .pl-en { color: oklch(from #6f42c1 0.7 c h); } .pl-c1, .pl-s .pl-v { color: oklch(from #005cc5 0.6 c h); } .pl-smi, .pl-s .pl-s1, .pl-mi, .pl-mb { color: oklch(from #24292e 0.8 c h); } .pl-corl { color: oklch(from #032f62 0.7 c h); } .gutter { color: #eee; background: #333; } .source.gfm { color: #bbb; } .gfm .markup.heading { color: #eee; } .markdown { .paragraph { color: #bbb; } .heading { color: #eee; } } .keyword, .storage, .storage.type { color: oklch(from #222 0.9 c h); } .entity { &.name { &.function { color: oklch(from #900 0.6 c h); } &.tag { color: oklch(from #008080 0.7 c h); } } &.other { &.attribute-name { color: oklch(from #458 0.7 c h); } } } .string { color: oklch(from #d14 0.7 c h); } .variable { color: oklch(from #008080 0.7 c h); } .support:is(.constant, .function, .type) { color: oklch(from #458 0.7 c h); } } } .editor-colors { .keyword, .storage, .storage.type { color: oklch(from #222 0.7 c h); } .meta.structure.dictionary.json > .string.quoted.double.json, .meta.structure.dictionary.json > .string.quoted.double.json .punctuation.string { color: oklch(from #000080 0.6 c h); } .css.support.property-name { color: oklch(from #333 0.8 c h); } .support.constant, .support.function, .support.type { color: oklch(from #458 0.7 c h); } .variable { color: oklch(from #008080 0.7 c h); } .constant.language { color: oklch(from #606aa1 0.7 c h); } } code, pre { background: var(--code-bg); font-size: var(--code-font-size); word-break: normal !important; } blockquote { background: #222; border-color: #333; } table, tr, th, td { border-color: #333; } td { background: #111; tr:nth-child(even) & { background: #181818; } } th { background: #222; } } #tabpanel-explore { pre { filter: invert(1); -webkit-text-stroke: 0.5px; code { font-size: 13px; } } } #tabpanel-readme, #tabpanel-dependents, #tabpanel-dependencies { h2.b--black-10, h3.b--black-10 { color: #eee; } } [aria-labelledby="package-settings_publishingAccess_radiogroup_label"] { background: var(--color-bg-subtle); } [aria-label="Pagination Navigation"] { > div > a { color: #eee; background: #333; border-color: #444; &:hover { background: #444; } &[aria-current="true"] { background: #777; } } } [id="pkg-list-exact-match"] { background: #334; } [aria-owns^="package-tab-readme"] { > li { a { &#package-tab-dependencies { color: oklch(from #782075 0.6 c h); } &#package-tab-dependents { color: oklch(from #290089 0.6 c h); } &#package-tab-versions { color: oklch(from #146c91 0.6 c h); } } &:not(:has(a[aria-selected="true"])):hover { background: #222; } } } #main > .center-ns > .bg-washed-red.b--black-10:has(.b--black-10) code.b--black-30 /* deprecated warning */ { background: #222; } /* docs */ [style="color: rgb(57, 58, 52); background-color: rgb(246, 248, 250);"], [style="color:#393A34;background-color:#f6f8fa"] { color: var(--copy-color) !important; background: var(--code-bg) !important; } [style="color: rgb(57, 58, 52);"] { color: var(--copy-color) !important; } [style="color:#393A34"] { color: oklch(from #393A34 0.8 c h) !important; } }