Greasy Fork is available in English.
Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Links // @namespace // @description Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily. // @author Ng Hun Yang // @include http://** // @include* // @include https://** // @include* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @connect // @connect // @version 2.47 // ==/UserScript== /* This is based on YouTube HD Suite 3.4.1 */ /* Tested on Firefox 5.0, Chrome 13 and Opera 11.50 */ (function() { // ============================================================================= if(window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy) { window.trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", { createHTML: (string) => string, createScript: string => string }); } var win = typeof(unsafeWindow) !== "undefined" ? unsafeWindow : window; var doc = win.document; var loc = win.location; if( != win.self) return; var unsafeWin = win; // Hack to get unsafe window in Chrome (function() { var isChrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") >= 0; if(!isChrome) return; // Chrome 27 fixed this exploit, but luckily, its unsafeWin now works for us try { var div = doc.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("onclick", "return window;"); unsafeWin = div.onclick(); } catch(e) { } }) (); var ua = navigator.userAgent || ""; var isEdgeBrowser = ua.match(/ Edge\//); // ============================================================================= if(typeof GM == "object" && GM.xmlHttpRequest && typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest == "undefined") { GM_xmlhttpRequest = async function(opts) { await GM.xmlHttpRequest(opts); } } // ============================================================================= var SCRIPT_NAME = "YouTube Links"; var relInfo = { ver: 24700, ts: 2024101500, desc: "Hide DRC audio by default" }; var SCRIPT_UPDATE_LINK = loc.protocol + "// Links Updater.user.js"; var SCRIPT_LINK = loc.protocol + "// Links.user.js"; // ============================================================================= var dom = {}; dom.gE = function(id) { return doc.getElementById(id); }; dom.gT = function(dom, tag) { if(arguments.length == 1) { tag = dom; dom = doc; } return dom.getElementsByTagName(tag); }; dom.cE = function(tag) { return document.createElement(tag); }; dom.cT = function(s) { return doc.createTextNode(s); }; dom.attr = function(obj, k, v) { if(arguments.length == 2) return obj.getAttribute(k); obj.setAttribute(k, v); }; dom.prepend = function(obj, child) { obj.insertBefore(child, obj.firstChild); }; dom.append = function(obj, child) { obj.appendChild(child); }; dom.offset = function(obj) { var x = 0; var y = 0; if(obj.getBoundingClientRect) { var box = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); var owner = obj.ownerDocument; x = box.left + Math.max(owner.documentElement.scrollLeft, owner.body.scrollLeft) - owner.documentElement.clientLeft; y = + Math.max(owner.documentElement.scrollTop, owner.body.scrollTop) - owner.documentElement.clientTop; return { left: x, top: y }; } if(obj.offsetParent) { do { x += obj.offsetLeft - obj.scrollLeft; y += obj.offsetTop - obj.scrollTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } while(obj); } return { left: x, top: y }; }; dom.inViewport = function(el) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); if(rect.width == 0 && rect.height == 0) return false; return rect.bottom >= 0 && rect.right >= 0 && < (win.innerHeight || doc.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.left < (win.innerWidth || doc.documentElement.clientWidth); }; dom.html = function(obj, s) { if(arguments.length == 1) return obj.innerHTML; obj.innerHTML = s; }; dom.emitHtml = function(tag, attrs, body) { if(arguments.length == 2) { if(typeof(attrs) == "string") { body = attrs; attrs = {}; } } var list = []; for(var k in attrs) { if(attrs[k] != null) list.push(k + "='" + attrs[k].replace(/'/g, "'") + "'"); } var s = "<" + tag + " " + list.join(" ") + ">"; if(body != null) s += body + "</" + tag + ">"; return s; }; dom.emitCssStyles = function(styles) { var list = []; for(var k in styles) { list.push(k + ": " + styles[k] + ";"); } return " { " + list.join(" ") + " }"; }; dom.ajax = function(opts) { function newXhr() { if(window.ActiveXObject) { try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { } try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { return null; } } if(window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest(); return null; } function nop() { } // Entry point var xhr = newXhr(); opts = addProp({ type: "GET", async: true, success: nop, error: nop, complete: nop }, opts);, opts.url, opts.async); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xhr.readyState == 4) { var status = +xhr.status; if(status >= 200 && status < 300) { opts.success(xhr.responseText, "success", xhr); } else { opts.error(xhr, "error"); } opts.complete(xhr); } }; xhr.send(""); }; dom.crossAjax = function(opts) { function wrapXhr(xhr) { var headers = xhr.responseHeaders.replace("\r", "").split("\n"); var obj = {}; forEach(headers, function(idx, elm) { var nv = elm.split(":"); if(nv[1] != null) obj[nv[0].toLowerCase()] = nv[1].replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); }); var responseXML = null; if(opts.dataType == "xml") responseXML = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xhr.responseText, "text/xml"); return { responseText: xhr.responseText, responseXML: responseXML, status: xhr.status, getAllResponseHeaders: function() { return xhr.responseHeaders; }, getResponseHeader: function(name) { return obj[name.toLowerCase()]; } }; } function nop() { } // Entry point opts = addProp({ type: "GET", async: true, success: nop, error: nop, complete: nop }, opts); if(typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest === "undefined") { setTimeout(function() { var xhr = {}; opts.error(xhr, "error"); opts.complete(xhr); }, 0); return; } // TamperMonkey does not handle URLs starting with // var url; if(opts.url.match(/^\/\//)) url = loc.protocol + opts.url; else url = opts.url; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: opts.type, url: url, synchronous: !opts.async, onload: function(xhr) { xhr = wrapXhr(xhr); if(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) opts.success(xhr.responseXML || xhr.responseText, "success", xhr); else opts.error(xhr, "error"); opts.complete(xhr); }, onerror: function(xhr) { xhr = wrapXhr(xhr); opts.error(xhr, "error"); opts.complete(xhr); } }); }; dom.addEvent = function(e, type, fn) { function mouseEvent(evt) { if(this != evt.relatedTarget && !dom.isAChildOf(this, evt.relatedTarget)), evt); } // Entry point if(e.addEventListener) { var effFn = fn; if(type == "mouseenter") { type = "mouseover"; effFn = mouseEvent; } else if(type == "mouseleave") { type = "mouseout"; effFn = mouseEvent; } e.addEventListener(type, effFn, /*capturePhase*/ false); } else e.attachEvent("on" + type, function() { fn(win.event); }); }; dom.insertCss = function (styles) { var ss = dom.cE("style"); dom.attr(ss, "type", "text/css"); var hh = dom.gT("head") [0]; dom.append(hh, ss); dom.append(ss, dom.cT(styles)); }; dom.isAChildOf = function(parent, child) { if(parent === child) return false; while(child && child !== parent) { child = child.parentNode; } return child === parent; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function timeNowInSec() { return Math.round(+new Date() / 1000); } function forLoop(opts, fn) { opts = addProp({ start: 0, inc: 1 }, opts); for(var idx = opts.start; idx < opts.num; idx += { if(, idx, opts) === false) break; } } function forEach(list, fn) { forLoop({ num: list.length }, function(idx) { return[idx], idx, list[idx]); }); } function addProp(dest, src) { for(var k in src) { if(src[k] != null) dest[k] = src[k]; } return dest; } function inArray(elm, array) { for(var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { if(array[i] === elm) return i; } return -1; } function unescHtmlEntities(s) { return s.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, "'"); } function logMsg(s) { win.console.log(s); } function cnvSafeFname(s) { return s.replace(/:/g, "-").replace(/"/g, "'").replace(/[\\/|*?]/g, "_"); } function encodeSafeFname(s) { return encodeURIComponent(cnvSafeFname(s)).replace(/'/g, "%27"); } function getVideoName(s) { var list = [ { name: "3GP", codec: "video\\/3gpp" }, { name: "FLV", codec: "video\\/x-flv" }, { name: "M4V", codec: "video\\/x-m4v" }, { name: "MP3", codec: "audio\\/mpeg" }, { name: "MP4", codec: "video\\/mp4" }, { name: "M4A", codec: "audio\\/mp4" }, { name: "QT", codec: "video\\/quicktime" }, { name: "WEBM", codec: "audio\\/webm" }, { name: "WEBM", codec: "video\\/webm" }, { name: "WMV", codec: "video\\/ms-wmv" } ]; var spCodecs = { "av01": "AV1", "opus": "OPUS", "vorbis": "VOR", "vp9": "VP9" }; if(s.match(/;\s*\+?codecs=\"([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/)) { var str = RegExp.$1; if(spCodecs[str]) return spCodecs[str]; } var name = "?"; forEach(list, function(idx, elm) { if(s.match("^" + elm.codec)) { name =; return false; } }); return name; } function getAspectRatio(wd, ht) { return Math.round(wd / ht * 100) / 100; } function cnvResName(res) { var resMap = { "audio": "Audio" }; if(resMap[res]) return resMap[res]; if(!res.match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)/)) return res; var wd = +RegExp.$1; var ht = +RegExp.$2; if(wd < ht) { var t = wd; wd = ht; ht = t; } var horzResAr = [ [ 16000, "16K" ], [ 14000, "14K" ], [ 12000, "12K" ], [ 10000, "10K" ], [ 8000, "8K" ], [ 6000, "6K" ], [ 5000, "5K" ], [ 4000, "4K" ], [ 3000, "3K" ], [ 2048, "2K" ] ]; var vertResAr = [ [ 4320, "8K" ], [ 3160, "6K" ], [ 2880, "5K" ], [ 2160, "4K" ], [ 1728, "3K" ], [ 1536, "2K" ], [ 240, "240v" ], [ 144, "144v" ] ]; var aspectRatio = getAspectRatio(wd, ht); var name; do { forEach(horzResAr, function(idx, elm) { var tolerance = elm[0] * 0.05; if(wd >= elm[0] * 0.95) { name = elm[1]; return false; } }); if(name) break; if(aspectRatio >= WIDE_AR_CUTOFF) ht = Math.round(wd * 9 / 16); forEach(vertResAr, function(idx, elm) { var tolerance = elm[0] * 0.05; if(ht >= elm[0] - tolerance && ht < elm[0] + tolerance) { name = elm[1]; return false; } }); if(name) break; // Snap to std vert res var vertResList = [ 4320, 3160, 2880, 2160, 1536, 1080, 720, 480, 360, 240, 144 ]; forEach(vertResList, function(idx, elm) { var tolerance = elm * 0.05; if(ht >= elm - tolerance && ht < elm + tolerance) { ht = elm; return false; } }); name = String(ht) + (aspectRatio < FULL_AR_CUTOFF ? "f" : "p"); } while(false); if(aspectRatio >= ULTRA_WIDE_AR_CUTOFF) name = "u" + name; else if(aspectRatio >= WIDE_AR_CUTOFF) name = "w" + name; return name; } function mapResToQuality(res) { if(!res.match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)/)) return res; var wd = +RegExp.$1; var ht = +RegExp.$2; if(wd < ht) { var t = wd; wd = ht; ht = t; } var resList = [ { res: 3160, q : "ultrahighres" }, { res: 1536, q : "highres" }, { res: 1200, q: "hd2k" }, { res: 1080, q: "hd1080" }, { res: 720, q : "hd720" }, { res: 480, q : "large" }, { res: 360, q : "medium" } ]; var q; forEach(resList, function(idx, elm) { if(ht >= elm.res) { q = elm.q; return false; } }); return q || "small"; } function getQualityIdx(quality) { var list = [ "small", "medium", "large", "hd720", "hd1080", "hd2k", "highres", "ultrahighres" ]; for(var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if(list[i] == quality) return i; } return -1; } // ============================================================================= RegExp.escape = function(s) { return String(s).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); }; var decryptSig = { store: {} }; (function () { var SIG_STORE_ID = "ujsYtLinksSig"; var CHK_SIG_INTERVAL = 3 * 86400; decryptSig.load = function() { var obj = localStorage[SIG_STORE_ID]; if(obj == null) return; = JSON.parse(obj); }; = function() { localStorage[SIG_STORE_ID] = JSON.stringify(; }; decryptSig.extractScriptUrl = function(data) { if(data.match(/ytplayer.config\s*=.*"assets"\s*:\s*\{.*"js"\s*:\s*(".+?")[,}]/)) return JSON.parse(RegExp.$1); else if(data.match(/ytplayer.web_player_context_config\s*=\s*\{.*"rootElementId":"movie_player","jsUrl":(".+?")[,}]/)) return JSON.parse(RegExp.$1); else if(data.match(/,"WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS":{.*"rootElementId":"movie_player","jsUrl":(".+?")[,}]/)) return JSON.parse(RegExp.$1); else return false; }; decryptSig.getScriptName = function(url) { if(url.match(/\/yts\/jsbin\/player-(.*)\/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.js$/)) return RegExp.$1; if(url.match(/\/yts\/jsbin\/html5player-(.*)\/html5player\.js$/)) return RegExp.$1; if(url.match(/\/html5player-(.*)\.js$/)) return RegExp.$1; return url; }; decryptSig.fetchScript = function(scriptName, url) { function success(data) { data = data.replace(/\n|\r/g, ""); var sigFn; forEach([ /\.signature\s*=\s*(\w+)\(\w+\)/, /\.set\(\"signature\",([\w$]+)\(\w+\)\)/, /\/yt\.akamaized\.net\/\)\s*\|\|\s*\w+\.set\s*\(.*?\)\s*;\s*\w+\s*&&\s*\w+\.set\s*\(\s*\w+\s*,\s*(?:encodeURIComponent\s*\()?([\w$]+)\s*\(/, /\b([a-zA-Z0-9$]{,3})\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\)/, /([a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\)\s*;\s*\w+\.\w+\s*\(/, /([a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\)/, /;\s*\w+\s*&&\s*\w+\.set\(\w+\s*,\s*(?:encodeURIComponent\s*\()?([\w$]+)\s*\(/, /;\s*\w+\s*&&\s*\w+\.set\(\w+\s*,\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\(\s*([\w$]+)\s*\(/ ], function(idx, regex) { if(data.match(regex)) { sigFn = RegExp.$1; return false; } }); if(sigFn == null) return; //console.log(scriptName + " sig fn: " + sigFn); var fnArgBody = '\\s*\\((\\w+)\\)\\s*{(\\w+=\\w+\\.split\\(""\\);.+?;return \\w+\\.join\\(""\\))'; if(!data.match(new RegExp("function " + RegExp.escape(sigFn) + fnArgBody)) && !data.match(new RegExp("(?:var |[,;]\\s*|^\\s*)" + RegExp.escape(sigFn) + "\\s*=\\s*function" + fnArgBody))) return; var fnParam = RegExp.$1; var fnBody = RegExp.$2; var fnHlp = {}; var objHlp = {}; //console.log("param: " + fnParam); //console.log(fnBody); fnBody = fnBody.split(";"); forEach(fnBody, function(idx, elm) { // its own property if(elm.match(new RegExp("^" + fnParam + "=" + fnParam + "\\."))) return; // global fn if(elm.match(new RegExp("^" + fnParam + "=([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)\\("))) { var name = RegExp.$1; //console.log("fnHlp: " + name); if(fnHlp[name]) return; if(data.match(new RegExp("(function " + RegExp.escape(RegExp.$1) + ".+?;return \\w+})"))) fnHlp[name] = RegExp.$1; return; } // object fn if(elm.match(new RegExp("^([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)\.([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)\\("))) { var name = RegExp.$1; //console.log("objHlp: " + name); if(objHlp[name]) return; if(data.match(new RegExp("(var " + RegExp.escape(RegExp.$1) + "={.+?};)"))) objHlp[name] = RegExp.$1; return; } }); //console.log(fnHlp); //console.log(objHlp); var fnHlpStr = ""; for(var k in fnHlp) fnHlpStr += fnHlp[k]; for(var k in objHlp) fnHlpStr += objHlp[k]; var fullFn = "function(" + fnParam + "){" + fnHlpStr + fnBody.join(";") + "}"; //console.log(fullFn);[scriptName] = { ver: relInfo.ver, ts: timeNowInSec(), fn: fullFn }; //console.log(decryptSig);; } // Entry point dom.ajax({ url: url, success: success }); }; decryptSig.condFetchScript = function(url) { var scriptName = decryptSig.getScriptName(url); var store =[scriptName]; var now = timeNowInSec(); if(store && now - store.ts < CHK_SIG_INTERVAL && store.ver == relInfo.ver) return; decryptSig.fetchScript(scriptName, url); }; }) (); function deobfuscateVideoSig(scriptName, sig) { if(![scriptName]) return sig; //console.log([scriptName].fn); try { sig = eval("(" +[scriptName].fn + ") (\"" + sig + "\")"); } catch(e) { } return sig; } // ============================================================================= function deobfuscateSigInObj(map, obj) { if(obj.s == null || obj.sig != null) return; var sig = deobfuscateVideoSig(map.scriptName, obj.s); if(sig != obj.s) { obj.sig = sig; delete obj.s; } } function parseStreamMap(map, value) { var fmtUrlList = []; forEach(value.split(","), function(idx, elm) { var elms = elm.replace(/\\\//g, "/").replace(/\\u0026/g, "&").split("&"); var obj = {}; forEach(elms, function(idx, elm) { var kv = elm.split("="); obj[kv[0]] = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]); }); obj.itag = +obj.itag; if(obj.conn != null && obj.conn.match(/^rtmpe:\/\//)) obj.isDrm = true; if(obj.s != null && obj.sig == null) { var sig = deobfuscateVideoSig(map.scriptName, obj.s); if(sig != obj.s) { obj.sig = sig; delete obj.s; } } fmtUrlList.push(obj); }); //logMsg(fmtUrlList); map.fmtUrlList = fmtUrlList; } function parseAdaptiveStreamMap(map, value) { var fmtUrlList = []; forEach(value.split(","), function(idx, elm) { var elms = elm.replace(/\\\//g, "/").replace(/\\u0026/g, "&").split("&"); var obj = {}; forEach(elms, function(idx, elm) { var kv = elm.split("="); obj[kv[0]] = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]); }); obj.itag = +obj.itag; if(obj.bitrate != null) obj.bitrate = +obj.bitrate; if(obj.clen != null) obj.clen = +obj.clen; if(obj.fps != null) obj.fps = +obj.fps; //logMsg(obj); //logMsg(map.videoId + ": " + obj.index + " " + obj.init + " " + obj.itag + " " + obj.size + " " + obj.bitrate + " " + obj.type); if(obj.type.match(/^video\/mp4/) && !obj.type.match(/;\s*\+?codecs="av01\./)) obj.effType = "video/x-m4v"; if(obj.type.match(/^audio\//)) obj.size = "audio"; obj.quality = mapResToQuality(obj.size); if(!map.adaptiveAR && obj.size.match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)/)) map.adaptiveAR = +RegExp.$1 / +RegExp.$2; deobfuscateSigInObj(map, obj); fmtUrlList.push(obj); map.fmtMap[obj.itag] = { res: cnvResName(obj.size) }; }); //logMsg(fmtUrlList); map.fmtUrlList = map.fmtUrlList.concat(fmtUrlList); } function parseFmtList(map, value) { var list = value.split(","); forEach(list, function(idx, elm) { var elms = elm.replace(/\\\//g, "/").split("/"); var fmtId = elms[0]; var res = elms[1]; elms.splice(/*idx*/ 0, /*rm*/ 2); if(map.adaptiveAR && res.match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)/)) res = Math.round(+RegExp.$2 * map.adaptiveAR) + "x" + RegExp.$2; map.fmtMap[fmtId] = { res: cnvResName(res), vars: elms }; }); //logMsg(map.fmtMap); } function parseNewFormatsMap(map, str, unescSlashFlag) { if(unescSlashFlag) str = str.replace(/\\\//g, "/").replace(/\\"/g, "\"").replace(/\\\\/g, "\\"); var list = JSON.parse(str); forEach(list, function(idx, elm) { var obj = { bitrate: elm.bitrate, fps: elm.fps, drc: elm.isDrc, itag: elm.itag, type: elm.mimeType, url: elm.url // no longer present (2020-06) }; // Distinguish between AV1, M4V and MP4 if(elm.audioQuality == null && obj.type.match(/^video\/mp4/) && !obj.type.match(/;\s*\+?codecs="av01\./)) obj.effType = "video/x-m4v"; if(elm.contentLength != null) obj.clen = +elm.contentLength; if(obj.type.match(/^audio\//)) obj.size = "audio"; else obj.size = elm.width + "x" + elm.height; obj.quality = mapResToQuality(obj.size); var cipher = elm.cipher || elm.signatureCipher; if(cipher) { forEach(cipher.split("&"), function(idx, elm) { var kv = elm.split("="); obj[kv[0]] = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]); }); deobfuscateSigInObj(map, obj); } map.fmtUrlList.push(obj); if(map.fmtMap[obj.itag] == null) map.fmtMap[obj.itag] = { res: cnvResName(obj.size) }; }); } function getVideoInfo(url, callback) { function getVideoNameByType(elm) { return getVideoName(elm.effType || elm.type); } function success(data) { var map = {}; if(data.match(/<div\s+id="verify-details">/)) { logMsg("Skipping " + url); return; } if(data.match(/<h1\s+id="unavailable-message">/)) { logMsg("Not avail " + url); return; } if(data.match(/"t":\s?"(.+?)"/)) map.t = RegExp.$1; if(data.match(/"(?:video_id|videoId)":\s?"(.+?)"/)) map.videoId = RegExp.$1; else if(data.match(/\\"videoId\\":\s?\\"(.+?)\\"/)) map.videoId = RegExp.$1; else if(data.match(/'VIDEO_ID':\s?"(.+?)",/)) map.videoId = RegExp.$1; if(!map.videoId) { logMsg("No videoId; skipping " + url); return; } map.scriptUrl = decryptSig.extractScriptUrl(data); if(map.scriptUrl) { //logMsg(map.videoId + " script: " + map.scriptUrl); map.scriptName = decryptSig.getScriptName(map.scriptUrl); decryptSig.condFetchScript(map.scriptUrl); } if(data.match(/<meta\s+itemprop="name"\s*content="(.+?)"\s*>\s*\n/)) map.title = unescHtmlEntities(RegExp.$1); if(map.title == null && data.match(/<meta\s+name="title"\s*content="(.+?)"\s*>/)) map.title = unescHtmlEntities(RegExp.$1); var titleStream; if(map.title == null && data.match(/"videoDetails":{(.*?)}[,}]/)) titleStream = RegExp.$1; else titleStream = data; // Edge replaces & with \u0026 if(map.title == null && titleStream.match(/[,{]"title":("[^"]+")[,}]/)) map.title = unescHtmlEntities(JSON.parse(RegExp.$1)); // Edge fails the previous regex if \" exists if(map.title == null && titleStream.match(/[,{]"title":(".*?")[,}]"/)) map.title = unescHtmlEntities(JSON.parse(RegExp.$1)); if(data.match(/[,{]\\"isLiveContent\\":\s*true[,}]/)) map.isLive = true; map.fmtUrlList = []; var oldFmtFlag; var newFmtFlag; if(data.match(/[,{]"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":\s?"([^"]+)"[,}]/)) { parseStreamMap(map, RegExp.$1); oldFmtFlag = true; } map.fmtMap = {}; if(data.match(/[,{]"adaptive_fmts":\s?"(.+?)"[,}]/)) { parseAdaptiveStreamMap(map, RegExp.$1); oldFmtFlag = true; } if(data.match(/[,{]"fmt_list":\s?"([^"]+)"[,}]/)) parseFmtList(map, RegExp.$1); // Is part of 'player_response' and is escaped if(!oldFmtFlag && data.match(/\\"formats\\":(\[{[^\]]*}\])[},]/)) { parseNewFormatsMap(map, RegExp.$1, /*unescSlash*/ true); newFmtFlag = true; } if(!oldFmtFlag && data.match(/\\"adaptiveFormats\\":(\[{[^\]]*}\])[},]/)) { parseNewFormatsMap(map, RegExp.$1, /*unescSlash*/ true); newFmtFlag = true; } // Is part of 'ytInitialPlayerResponse' and is not escaped if(!oldFmtFlag && !newFmtFlag) { if(data.match(/[,{]"formats":(\[{[^\]]*}\])[},]/)) parseNewFormatsMap(map, RegExp.$1); if(data.match(/[,{]"adaptiveFormats":(\[{[^\]]*}\])[},]/)) parseNewFormatsMap(map, RegExp.$1); } if(data.match(/[,{]"dashmpd":\s?"(.+?)"[,}]/)) map.dashmpd = decodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1.replace(/\\\//g, "/")); else if(data.match(/[,{]\\"dashManifestUrl\\":\s?\\"(.+?)\\"[,}]/)) map.dashmpd = decodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1.replace(/\\\//g, "/")); if(userConfig.filteredFormats.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < map.fmtUrlList.length; ++i) { if(inArray(getVideoNameByType(map.fmtUrlList[i]), userConfig.filteredFormats) >= 0) { map.fmtUrlList.splice(i, /*len*/ 1); --i; continue; } } } var hasHd = false; var hasHighRes = false; var hasUltraHighRes = false; var hasHighAudio = false; var HIGH_AUDIO_BPS = 96 * ####; forEach(map.fmtUrlList, function(idx, elm) { hasHd |= elm.quality == "hd720" || elm.quality == "hd1080"; hasHighRes |= elm.quality == "hd2k" || elm.quality == "highres"; hasUltraHighRes |= elm.quality == "ultrahighres"; if(elm.quality == "audio") hasHighAudio |= elm.bitrate >= HIGH_AUDIO_BPS; }); var excludeFmts = []; if(hasHd) excludeFmts.push("small"); if(hasHighRes) excludeFmts.push("medium"); if(hasUltraHighRes) excludeFmts.push("large"); if(excludeFmts.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < map.fmtUrlList.length; ++i) { if(inArray(getVideoNameByType(map.fmtUrlList[i]), userConfig.keepFormats) >= 0) continue; if(excludeFmts.indexOf(map.fmtUrlList[i].quality) >= 0) { map.fmtUrlList.splice(i, /*len*/ 1); --i; continue; } } } if(hasHighAudio) { for(var i = 0; i < map.fmtUrlList.length; ++i) { if(inArray(getVideoNameByType(map.fmtUrlList[i]), userConfig.keepFormats) >= 0) continue; if(map.fmtUrlList[i].quality == "audio" && map.fmtUrlList[i].bitrate < HIGH_AUDIO_BPS) { map.fmtUrlList.splice(i, /*len*/ 1); --i; continue; } } } if(userConfig.filterDrc) { for(var i = 0; i < map.fmtUrlList.length; ++i) { if(map.fmtUrlList[i].quality == "audio" && map.fmtUrlList[i].drc) { map.fmtUrlList.splice(i, /*len*/ 1); --i; continue; } } } map.fmtUrlList.sort(cmpUrlList); callback(map); } // Entry point dom.ajax({ url: url, success: success }); } function cmpUrlList(a, b) { var diff = getQualityIdx(b.quality) - getQualityIdx(a.quality); if(diff != 0) return diff; var aRes = (a.size || "").match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)/); var bRes = (b.size || "").match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)/); if(aRes == null) aRes = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; if(bRes == null) bRes = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; diff = +bRes[2] - +aRes[2]; if(diff != 0) return diff; var aFps = a.fps || 0; var bFps = b.fps || 0; return bFps - aFps; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var CSS_PREFIX = "ujs-"; var HDR_LINKS_HTML_ID = CSS_PREFIX + "hdr-links-div"; var LINKS_HTML_ID = CSS_PREFIX + 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Refer to documentation for details. var userConfig = { copyToClipboard: true, filterDrc: true, filteredFormats: [], keepFormats: [], showVideoFormats: true, showVideoSize: true, tagLinks: true, useDecUnits: true }; var videoInfoCache = {}; var TAG_LINK_NUM_PER_BATCH = 5; var INI_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS = 200; var SUB_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS = 350; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var FULL_AR_CUTOFF = 1.5; var WIDE_AR_CUTOFF = 2.0; var ULTRA_WIDE_AR_CUTOFF = 2.3; var HFR_CUTOFF = 45; var fmtSiz###ffix = [ " kB", " MB", " GB" ]; var fmtSizeUnit = 1000; function Links() { } Links.prototype.init = function() { for(var k in userConfig) { try { var v = localStorage.getItem(STORE_ID + ".cfg." + k); if(v != null) userConfig[k] = JSON.parse(v); } catch(e) { logMsg(k + ": unable to parse '" + v + "'"); } } }; Links.prototype.getPreferredFmt = function(map) { var selElm = map.fmtUrlList[0]; forEach(map.fmtUrlList, function(idx, elm) { if(getVideoName(elm.type).toLowerCase() != "webm") { selElm = elm; return false; } }); return selElm; }; Links.prototype.parseDashManifest = function(map, callback) { function parse(xml) { //logMsg(xml); var dashList = []; var adaptationSetDom = xml.getElementsByTagName("AdaptationSet"); //logMsg(adaptationSetDom); forEach(adaptationSetDom, function(i, adaptationElm) { var mimeType = adaptationElm.getAttribute("mimeType"); //logMsg(i + " " + mimeType); var representationDom = adaptationElm.getElementsByTagName("Representation"); forEach(representationDom, function(j, repElm) { var dashElm = { mimeType: mimeType }; forEach([ "codecs" ], function(idx, elm) { var v = repElm.getAttribute(elm); if(v != null) dashElm[elm] = v; }); forEach([ "audioSamplingRate", "bandwidth", "frameRate", "height", "id", "width" ], function(idx, elm) { var v = repElm.getAttribute(elm); if(v != null) dashElm[elm] = +v; }); var baseUrlDom = repElm.getElementsByTagName("BaseURL"); dashElm.len = +baseUrlDom[0].getAttribute("yt:contentLength"); dashElm.url = baseUrlDom[0].textContent; var segList = repElm.getElementsByTagName("SegmentList"); if(segList.length > 0) dashElm.numSegments = segList[0].childNodes.length; dashList.push(dashElm); }); }); //logMsg(map); //logMsg(dashList); var maxBitRateMap = {}; forEach(dashList, function(idx, dashElm) { if(dashElm.mimeType != "video/mp4" && dashElm.mimeType != "video/webm") return; var id = [ dashElm.mimeType, dashElm.width, dashElm.height, dashElm.frameRate ].join("|"); if(maxBitRateMap[id] == null || maxBitRateMap[id] < dashElm.bandwidth) maxBitRateMap[id] = dashElm.bandwidth; }); forEach(dashList, function(idx, dashElm) { var foundIdx; forEach(map.fmtUrlList, function(idx, mapElm) { if( == mapElm.itag) { foundIdx = idx; return false; } }); if(foundIdx != null) { if(dashElm.numSegments != null) map.fmtUrlList[foundIdx].numSegments = dashElm.numSegments; return; } //logMsg(dashElm); if((dashElm.mimeType == "video/mp4" || dashElm.mimeType == "video/webm") && (dashElm.width >= 1000 || dashElm.height >= 1000)) { var id = [ dashElm.mimeType, dashElm.width, dashElm.height, dashElm.frameRate ].join("|"); if(maxBitRateMap[id] == null || dashElm.bandwidth < maxBitRateMap[id]) return; var size = dashElm.width + "x" + dashElm.height; if(map.fmtMap[] == null) map.fmtMap[] = { res: cnvResName(size) }; map.fmtUrlList.push({ bitrate: dashElm.bandwidth, effType: dashElm.mimeType == "video/mp4" ? "video/x-m4v" : null, filesize: dashElm.len, fps: dashElm.frameRate, itag:, quality: mapResToQuality(size), size: size, type: dashElm.mimeType + ";+codecs=\"" + dashElm.codecs + "\"", url: dashElm.url, numSegments: dashElm.numSegments }); } else if(dashElm.mimeType == "audio/mp4" && dashElm.audioSamplingRate >= 44100) { if(map.fmtMap[] == null) { map.fmtMap[] = { res: "Audio" }; } map.fmtUrlList.push({ bitrate: dashElm.bandwidth, filesize: dashElm.len, itag:, quality: "audio", type: dashElm.mimeType + ";+codecs=\"" + dashElm.codecs + "\"", url: dashElm.url }); } }); if(condInsertHdr(me.getInsertPt())) me.createLinks(dom.gE(HDR_LINKS_HTML_ID), map); } // Entry point var me = this; if(!map.dashmpd) { setTimeout(callback, 0); return; } //logMsg(map.dashmpd); if(map.dashmpd.match(/\/s\/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)\//)) { var sig = deobfuscateVideoSig(map.scriptName, RegExp.$1); map.dashmpd = map.dashmpd.replace(/\/s\/[a-zA-Z0-9.]+\//, "/sig/" + sig + "/"); } dom.crossAjax({ url: map.dashmpd, dataType: "xml", success: function(data, status, xhr) { parse(data); callback(); }, error: function(xhr, status) { callback(); }, complete: function(xhr) { } }); }; Links.prototype.checkFmts = function(forceFlag) { var me = this; if(!userConfig.showVideoFormats) return; if(!forceFlag && userConfig.showVideoFormats == "btn") { condRemoveHdr(); if(dom.gE(VID_FMT_BTN_ID)) return; // 'container' is for Material Design var mastH = dom.gE("yt-masthead-signin") || dom.gE("yt-masthead-user") || dom.gE("end") || dom.gE("container"); if(!mastH) return; var btn = dom.cE("button"); dom.attr(btn, "id", VID_FMT_BTN_ID); dom.attr(btn, "class", "yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-default"); btn.innerHTML = "VidFmts"; dom.prepend(mastH, btn); dom.addEvent(btn, "click", function(evt) { me.checkFmts(/*force*/ true); }); return; } if(!loc.href.match(/watch\?(?:.+&)?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)) return false; var videoId = RegExp.$1; var url = loc.protocol + "//" + + "/watch?v=" + videoId; var curVideoUrl = loc.toString(); getVideoInfo(url, function(map) { me.parseDashManifest(map, function() { // Has become stale (eg switch forward/back pages quickly) if(curVideoUrl != loc.toString()) return; me.showLinks(me.getInsertPt(), map); }); }); }; Links.prototype.genUrl = function(map, elm) { var url = elm.url + "&title=" + encodeSafeFname(map.title); if(elm.sig != null) url += "&sig=" + elm.sig; return url; }; Links.prototype.emitLinks = function(map) { function fmtSize(size, units, divisor) { if(!units) { units = fmtSiz###ffix; divisor = fmtSizeUnit; } for(var idx = 0; idx < units.length; ++idx) { size /= divisor; if(size < 10) return Math.round(size * 100) / 100 + units[idx]; if(size < 100) return Math.round(size * 10) / 10 + units[idx]; if(size < 1000 || idx == units.length - 1) return Math.round(size) + units[idx]; } } function fmtBitrate(size) { return fmtSize(size, [ " kbps", " Mbps", " Gbps" ], 1000); } function getFileExt(videoName, elm) { if(videoName == "VP9") return "video.webm"; if(videoName == "VOR") return "audio.webm"; return videoName.toLowerCase(); } // Entry point var me = this; var s = []; var resMap = {}; map.fmtUrlList.sort(cmpUrlList); forEach(map.fmtUrlList, function(idx, elm) { var fmtMap = map.fmtMap[elm.itag]; if(!resMap[fmtMap.res]) { resMap[fmtMap.res] = []; resMap[fmtMap.res].quality = elm.quality; } resMap[fmtMap.res].push(elm); }); for(var res in resMap) { var qFields = []; qFields.push(dom.emitHtml("div", { "class": CSS_PREFIX + "quality " + CSS_PREFIX + resMap[res].quality }, res)); forEach(resMap[res], function(idx, elm) { var fields = []; var fmtMap = map.fmtMap[elm.itag]; var videoName = getVideoName(elm.effType || elm.type); var addMsg = [ elm.itag, elm.type, elm.size || elm.quality ]; if(elm.fps != null) addMsg.push(elm.fps + " fps"); var varMsg = ""; if(elm.bitrate != null) varMsg = fmtBitrate(elm.bitrate); else if(fmtMap.vars != null) varMsg = fmtMap.vars.join(); addMsg.push(varMsg); if(elm.s != null) addMsg.push("sig-" + elm.s.length); if(elm.filesize != null && elm.filesize >= 0) addMsg.push(fmtSize(elm.filesize)); var vidSuffix = ""; if(inArray(elm.itag, [ 82, 83, 84, 100, 101, 102 ]) >= 0) vidSuffix = " (3D)"; else if(elm.fps != null && elm.fps >= HFR_CUTOFF) vidSuffix = " (HFR)"; else if(elm.drc) vidSuffix = " (DRC)"; fields.push(dom.emitHtml("div", { "class": CSS_PREFIX + "video " + CSS_PREFIX + videoName.toLowerCase() }, videoName + vidSuffix)); if(elm.filesize != null) { var filesize = elm.filesize; if((map.isLive || (elm.numSegments || 1) > 1) && filesize == 0) filesize = -1; if(filesize >= 0) { fields.push(dom.emitHtml("div", { "class": CSS_PREFIX + "filesize" }, fmtSize(filesize))); } else { var msg; if(elm.isDrm) msg = "DRM"; else if(elm.s != null) msg = "sig-" + elm.s.length; else if(elm.numSegments > 1) msg = "Frag"; else if(map.isLive) msg = "Live"; else msg = "Err"; fields.push(dom.emitHtml("div", { "class": CSS_PREFIX + "filesize-err" }, msg)); } } var url; if(elm.isDrm) url = elm.conn + "?" +; else url = me.genUrl(map, elm); var fname = cnvSafeFname(map.title); var ext = getFileExt(videoName, elm); if(ext) fname += "." + ext; var ahref = dom.emitHtml("a", { download: fname, ext: ext, href: url, res: res, title: addMsg.join(" | ") }, fields.join("")); qFields.push(ahref); }); s.push(dom.emitHtml("div", { "class": CSS_PREFIX + "group" }, qFields.join(""))); } return s.join(""); }; Links.prototype.createLinks = function(insertNode, map) { function copyToClipboard(text) { var node = dom.cE("textarea"); // Needed to prevent scrolling to top of page = "fixed"; node.value = text; dom.append(document.body, node); node.focus();; var ret = false; try { if(document.execCommand("copy")) ret = true; } catch(e) { } document.body.removeChild(node); return ret; } function addCopyHandler(node) { forEach(dom.gT(node, "a"), function(idx, elm) { dom.addEvent(elm, "click", function(evt) { var me = this; var ext = dom.attr(me, "ext"); var res = dom.attr(me, "res") || ""; // This is the only video that can be downloaded directly if(ext == "mp4" && res.match(/^[a-z]?720[a-z]$/)) return; evt.preventDefault(); var fname = dom.attr(me, "download"); //logMsg(fname); copyToClipboard(fname); var orgCls = dom.attr(me, "class") || ""; dom.attr(me, "class", orgCls + " flash"); setTimeout(function() { dom.attr(me, "class", orgCls + " flash-out"); }, 250); setTimeout(function() { dom.attr(me, "class", orgCls); }, 500); }); }); } // Entry point var me = this; if(insertNode == null) return; /* Emit to tmp node first because in GM 4, <a> event does not fire on nodes already in the DOM. */ var stgNode = dom.cE("div"); dom.html(stgNode, me.emitLinks(map)); if(userConfig.copyToClipboard) addCopyHandler(stgNode); dom.html(insertNode, ""); while(stgNode.childNodes.length > 0) insertNode.appendChild(stgNode.firstChild); }; var INI_SHOW_FILESIZE_DELAY_MS = 500; var SUB_SHOW_FILESIZE_DELAY_MS = 150; var PERIODIC_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS = 3000; Links.prototype.showLinks = function(divId, map) { function updateLinks() { // Has become stale (eg switch forward/back pages quickly) if(curVideoUrl != loc.toString()) return; //!! Hack to update file size var node = dom.gE(HDR_LINKS_HTML_ID); if(node) me.createLinks(node, map); } // Entry point var me = this; // video is not avail if(!map.fmtUrlList) return; //logMsg(JSON.stringify(map)); if(!condInsertHdr(divId)) return; me.createLinks(dom.gE(HDR_LINKS_HTML_ID), map); if(!userConfig.showVideoSize) return; var curVideoUrl = loc.toString(); forEach(map.fmtUrlList, function(idx, elm) { //logMsg(elm.itag + " " + elm.url); // We just fail outright for protected/obfuscated videos if(elm.isDrm || elm.s != null) { elm.filesize = -1; updateLinks(); return; } if(elm.clen != null) { elm.filesize = elm.clen; updateLinks(); return; } setTimeout(function() { // Has become stale (eg switch forward/back pages quickly) if(curVideoUrl != loc.toString()) return; dom.crossAjax({ type: "HEAD", url: me.genUrl(map, elm), success: function(data, status, xhr) { var filesize = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"); if(filesize == null) return; //logMsg(map.title + " " + elm.itag + ": " + filesize); elm.filesize = +filesize; updateLinks(); }, error: function(xhr, status) { //logMsg(map.fmtMap[elm.itag].res + " " + getVideoName(elm.type) + ": " + xhr.status); if(xhr.status != 403 && xhr.status != 404) return; elm.filesize = -1; updateLinks(); }, complete: function(xhr) { //logMsg(map.title + ": " + xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()); } }); }, INI_SHOW_FILESIZE_DELAY_MS + idx * SUB_SHOW_FILESIZE_DELAY_MS); }); }; Links.prototype.tagLinks = function() { var SCANNED = 1; var REQ_INFO = 2; var ADDED_INFO = 3; function prepareTagHtml(node, map) { var elm = me.getPreferredFmt(map); var fmtMap = map.fmtMap[elm.itag]; dom.attr(node, "class", LINKS_HTML_ID + " " + CSS_PREFIX + "quality " + CSS_PREFIX + elm.quality); var label = fmtMap.res; if(elm.fps >= HFR_CUTOFF) label += elm.fps; var tagEvent; if(userConfig.tagLinks == "label") tagEvent = "click"; else tagEvent = "mouseenter"; dom.addEvent(node, tagEvent, function(evt) { //logMsg("mouse enter " + map.videoId); var pos = dom.offset(node); //logMsg("mouse enter: x " + pos.left + ", y " +; var toolTipNode = dom.gE(LINKS_TP_HTML_ID); dom.attr(toolTipNode, "style", "position: absolute; left: " + pos.left + "px; top: " + + "px"); me.createLinks(toolTipNode, map); startChkMouseInPopup(); }); return label; } function addTag(hNode, map) { //logMsg(dom.html(hNode)); //logMsg("hNode " + dom.attr(hNode, "class")); //var img = dom.gT(hNode, "img") [0]; //logMsg(dom.attr(img, "src")); //logMsg(dom.attr(img, "class")); dom.attr(hNode, CSS_PREFIX + "processed", ADDED_INFO); var node = dom.cE("div"); if(map.fmtUrlList && map.fmtUrlList.length > 0) { tagHtml = prepareTagHtml(node, map); } else { dom.attr(node, "class", LINKS_HTML_ID + " " + CSS_PREFIX + "not-avail"); tagHtml = "NA"; } var parentNode; var insNode; var cls = dom.attr(hNode, "class") || ""; var isVideoWallStill = cls.match(/videowall-still/); if(isVideoWallStill) { parentNode = hNode; insNode = hNode.firstChild; } else { parentNode = hNode.parentNode; insNode = hNode; } // Remove existing tags var divNodes = parentNode.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var i = 0; i < divNodes.length; ++i) { var hNode = divNodes[i]; if(me.isTagDiv(hNode)) hNode.parentNode.removeChild(hNode); else ++i; } var parentCssPositionStyle = window.getComputedStyle(parentNode, null).getPropertyValue("position"); if(parentCssPositionStyle != "absolute" && parentCssPositionStyle != "relative") dom.attr(parentNode, "class", dom.attr(parentNode, "class") + " " + CSS_PREFIX + "pos-rel"); parentNode.insertBefore(node, insNode); dom.html(node, tagHtml); } function getFmt(videoId, hNode) { if(videoInfoCache[videoId]) { addTag(hNode, videoInfoCache[videoId]); return; } var url; if(videoId.match(/.+==$/)) url = loc.protocol + "//" + + "/cthru?key=" + videoId; else url = loc.protocol + "//" + + "/watch?v=" + videoId; getVideoInfo(url, function(map) { videoInfoCache[videoId] = map; addTag(hNode, map); }); } // Entry point var me = this; var list = []; forEach(dom.gT("a"), function(idx, hNode) { var href = dom.attr(hNode, "href") || ""; if(!href.match(/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/) && !href.match(/watch_videos.+?&video_ids=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)) return; var videoId = RegExp.$1; var oldHref = dom.attr(hNode, CSS_PREFIX + "href"); if(href == oldHref && dom.attr(hNode, CSS_PREFIX + "processed")) return; if(!dom.inViewport(hNode)) return; dom.attr(hNode, CSS_PREFIX + "processed", SCANNED); dom.attr(hNode, CSS_PREFIX + "href", href); var cls = dom.attr(hNode, "class") || ""; if(!cls.match(/videowall-still/)) { if(cls == "yt-button" || cls.match(/yt-uix-button/)) return; // Material Design if(cls.match(/ytd-playlist-(panel-)?video-renderer/)) return; if(dom.attr(hNode.parentNode, "class") == "video-time") return; if(dom.html(hNode).match(/video-logo/i)) return; var img = dom.gT(hNode, "img"); if(img == null || img.length == 0) return; img = img[0]; // /yts/img/pixel-*.gif is the placeholder image // can be null as well var imgSrc = dom.attr(img, "src") || ""; if(imgSrc.indexOf("") < 0 && !imgSrc.match(/^\/yts\/img\/.*\.gif$/) && imgSrc != "") return; var tnSrc = dom.attr(img, "thumb") || ""; if(imgSrc.match(/.+?\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\/(hq)?default\.jpg$/)) videoId = RegExp.$1; else if(tnSrc.match(/.+?\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\/(hq)?default\.jpg$/)) videoId = RegExp.$1; } //logMsg(idx + " " + href); //logMsg("videoId: " + videoId); list.push({ videoId: videoId, hNode: hNode }); dom.attr(hNode, CSS_PREFIX + "processed", REQ_INFO); }); forLoop({ num: list.length, inc: TAG_LINK_NUM_PER_BATCH, batchIdx: 0 }, function(idx) { var batchIdx = this.batchIdx++; var batchList = list.slice(idx, idx + TAG_LINK_NUM_PER_BATCH); setTimeout(function() { forEach(batchList, function(idx, elm) { //logMsg(batchIdx + " " + idx + " " + elm.hNode.href); getFmt(elm.videoId, elm.hNode); }); }, INI_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS + batchIdx * SUB_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS); }); }; Links.prototype.isTagDiv = function(node) { var cls = dom.attr(node, "class") || ""; return cls.match(new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + RegExp.escape(LINKS_HTML_ID) + "\\s+" + RegExp.escape(CSS_PREFIX + "quality") + "(\\s+|$)")); }; Links.prototype.invalidateTagLinks = function() { var me = this; if(!userConfig.tagLinks) return; forEach(dom.gT("a"), function(idx, hNode) { hNode.removeAttribute(CSS_PREFIX + "processed"); }); var nodes = dom.gT("div"); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ) { var hNode = nodes[i]; if(me.isTagDiv(hNode)) hNode.parentNode.removeChild(hNode); else ++i; } }; Links.prototype.periodicTagLinks = function(delayMs) { function poll() { me.tagLinks(); me.tagLinksTimerId = setTimeout(poll, PERIODIC_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS); } // Entry point if(!userConfig.tagLinks) return; var me = this; delayMs = delayMs || 0; if(me.tagLinksTimerId != null) { clearTimeout(me.tagLinksTimerId); delete me.tagLinksTimerId; } setTimeout(poll, delayMs); }; Links.prototype.getInsertPt = function() { if(dom.gE("page")) return "page"; else if(dom.gE("columns")) // 2017 Material Design return "columns"; else return "top"; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links.prototype.loadSettings = function() { var obj = localStorage[STORE_ID]; if(obj == null) return; obj = JSON.parse(obj); this.lastChkReqTs = +obj.lastChkReqTs; this.lastChkTs = +obj.lastChkTs; this.lastChkVer = +obj.lastChkVer; }; Links.prototype.storeSettings = function() { localStorage[STORE_ID] = JSON.stringify({ lastChkReqTs: this.lastChkReqTs, lastChkTs: this.lastChkTs, lastChkVer: this.lastChkVer }); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var UPDATE_CHK_INTERVAL = 5 * 86400; var FAIL_TO_CHK_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 14 * 86400; Links.prototype.chkVer = function(forceFlag) { if(this.lastChkVer > relInfo.ver) { this.showNewVer({ ver: this.lastChkVer }); return; } var now = timeNowInSec(); //logMsg("lastChkReqTs " + this.lastChkReqTs + ", diff " + (now - this.lastChkReqTs)); //logMsg("lastChkTs " + this.lastChkTs); //logMsg("lastChkVer " + this.lastChkVer); if(this.lastChkReqTs == null || now < this.lastChkReqTs) { this.lastChkReqTs = now; this.storeSettings(); return; } if(now - this.lastChkReqTs < UPDATE_CHK_INTERVAL) return; if(this.lastChkReqTs - this.lastChkTs > FAIL_TO_CHK_UPDATE_INTERVAL) logMsg("Failed to check ver for " + ((this.lastChkReqTs - this.lastChkTs) / 86400) + " days"); this.lastChkReqTs = now; this.storeSettings(); unsafeWin[JSONP_ID] = this; var script = dom.cE("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = SCRIPT_UPDATE_LINK; dom.append(doc.body, script); }; Links.prototype.chkVerCallback = function(data) { delete unsafeWin[JSONP_ID]; this.lastChkTs = timeNowInSec(); this.storeSettings(); //logMsg(JSON.stringify(data)); var latestElm = data[0]; if(latestElm.ver <= relInfo.ver) return; this.showNewVer(latestElm); }; Links.prototype.showNewVer = function(latestElm) { function getVerStr(ver) { var verStr = "" + ver; var majorV = verStr.substr(0, verStr.length - 4) || "0"; var minorV = verStr.substr(verStr.length - 4, 2); return majorV + "." + minorV; } // Entry point this.lastChkVer = latestElm.ver; this.storeSettings(); condInsertUpdateIcon(); var aNode = dom.gE(UPDATE_HTML_ID); aNode.href = SCRIPT_LINK; if(latestElm.desc != null) dom.attr(aNode, "title", latestElm.desc); dom.html(aNode, dom.emitHtml("b", SCRIPT_NAME + " " + getVerStr(relInfo.ver)) + "<br>Click to update to " + getVerStr(latestElm.ver)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var WAIT_FOR_READY_POLL_MS = 300; var SCROLL_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS = 200; var inst; function waitForReady() { function start() { inst = new Links(); inst.init(); inst.loadSettings(); decryptSig.load(); if(!userConfig.useDecUnits) { fmtSiz###ffix = [ " KiB", " MiB", " GiB" ]; fmtSizeUnit = ####; } dom.insertCss(CSS_STYLES); condInsertTooltip(); if(loc.pathname.match(/\/watch/)) inst.checkFmts(); inst.periodicTagLinks(); inst.chkVer(); } // Entry point // 'columns' is for Material Design if(dom.gE("page") || dom.gE("columns") || dom.gE("top")) { start(); return; } if(!dom.gE("top")) setTimeout(waitForReady, WAIT_FOR_READY_POLL_MS); } var scrollTop = win.pageYOffset || doc.documentElement.scrollTop; dom.addEvent(win, "scroll", function(e) { var newScrollTop = win.pageYOffset || doc.documentElement.scrollTop; if(Math.abs(newScrollTop - scrollTop) < 100) return; //logMsg("scroll by " + (newScrollTop - scrollTop)); scrollTop = newScrollTop; if(inst) inst.periodicTagLinks(SCROLL_TAG_LINK_DELAY_MS); }); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var CHK_MOUSE_IN_POPUP_POLL_MS = 1000; var curMousePos = {}; var chkMouseInPopupTimer; function trackMousePos(e) { curMousePos.x = e.pageX; curMousePos.y = e.pageY; } dom.addEvent(window, "mousemove", trackMousePos); function chkMouseInPopup() { chkMouseInPopupTimer = null; var toolTipNode = dom.gE(LINKS_TP_HTML_ID); if(!toolTipNode) return; var pos = dom.offset(toolTipNode); var rect = toolTipNode.getBoundingClientRect(); //logMsg("mouse x " + curMousePos.x + ", y " + curMousePos.y); //logMsg("x " + Math.round(pos.left) + ", y " + Math.round( + ", wd " + Math.round(rect.width) + ", ht " + Math.round(rect.height)); if(curMousePos.x < pos.left || curMousePos.x >= pos.left + rect.width || curMousePos.y < || curMousePos.y >= + rect.height) { dom.attr(toolTipNode, "style", "display: none;"); return; } chkMouseInPopupTimer = setTimeout(chkMouseInPopup, CHK_MOUSE_IN_POPUP_POLL_MS); } function startChkMouseInPopup() { stopChkMouseInPopup(); chkMouseInPopupTimer = setTimeout(chkMouseInPopup, CHK_MOUSE_IN_POPUP_POLL_MS); } function stopChkMouseInPopup() { if(!chkMouseInPopupTimer) return; clearTimeout(chkMouseInPopupTimer); chkMouseInPopupTimer = null; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* YouTube reuses the current page when the user clicks on a new video. We need to detect it and reload the formats. */ (function() { var PERIODIC_CHK_VIDEO_URL_MS = 1000; var NEW_URL_TAG_LINKS_DELAY_MS = 500; var curVideoUrl = loc.toString(); function periodicChkVideoUrl() { var newVideoUrl = loc.toString(); if(curVideoUrl != newVideoUrl && inst) { //logMsg(curVideoUrl + " -> " + newVideoUrl); curVideoUrl = newVideoUrl; inst.invalidateTagLinks(); inst.periodicTagLinks(NEW_URL_TAG_LINKS_DELAY_MS); if(loc.pathname.match(/\/watch/)) inst.checkFmts(); else condRemoveHdr(); } setTimeout(periodicChkVideoUrl, PERIODIC_CHK_VIDEO_URL_MS); } periodicChkVideoUrl(); }) (); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- waitForReady(); }) ();