Greasy Fork is available in English.
inject this script into any page, and right-click on the image you want to view full-size
// ==UserScript== // @name Image Viewer // @namespace // @version 1.6.1 // @description inject this script into any page, and right-click on the image you want to view full-size // @copyright 2014 - 2017, Braden Best // // @match * // ==/UserScript== const firefox = /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent); function mk_node({ name = "span", props = [], styles = [], events = [], extra = null } = {}){ let el = document.createElement(name); props.forEach(function([name, value]){ el[name] = value; }); styles.forEach(function([name, value]){[name] = value; }); events.forEach(function([name, callback]){ el.addEventListener(name, function(ev){ callback(ev, el); }); }); if(extra) extra(el); return el; } function mk_img(url){ return mk_node({ name: "img", props: [ ["src", url], ["className", "img_viewer"], ["draggable", "false"], ["dragging", 0], ["mousepos", [0,0]], ["tabIndex", 0] ], styles: [ ["position", "absolute"], ["left", "0px"], ["top", (80 + document.body.scrollTop) + "px"], ["zIndex", "2147483647"] ], events: [ ["mousedown", function(ev, self){ self.dragging = firefox ? !self.dragging : 1; self.mousepos[0] = (ev.clientX || ev.pageX); self.mousepos[1] = (ev.clientY || ev.pageY); }], ["mouseup", function(unused, self){ if(firefox) return false; self.dragging = 0; }], ["mousemove", function(ev, self){ let curX = (ev.clientX || ev.pageX); let curY = (ev.clientY || ev.pageY); let diffX = curX - self.mousepos[0]; let diffY = curY - self.mousepos[1]; if(!self.dragging || (!diffX && !diffY)) return false; self.mousepos = [curX, curY]; = parseInt( + diffX + "px"; = parseInt( + diffY + "px"; }], ["keydown", function(ev, self){ let dispatch = ({ "ArrowUp": ["height", -10], "ArrowDown": ["height", +10], "ArrowLeft": ["width", -10], "ArrowRight": ["width", +10] })[ev.key] || ["width", 0]; self[dispatch[0]] = +self[dispatch[0]] + dispatch[1]; }] ] }); } function mk_img_helper({img, img_helper_link}){ let el = mk_node({ name: "div", props: [ ["innerHTML", "Click here to close image"], ["className", "img_viewer"] ], styles: [ ["position", "fixed"], ["left", "0px"], ["top", "0px"], ["margin", "0"], ["padding", "5px 0"], ["width", "100%"], ["height", "50px"], ["background", "#fff"], ["borderBottom", "1px solid #ccc"], ["color", "#000"], ["fontSize", "12px"], ["textAlign", "center"], ["zIndex", "2147483647"] ], events: [ ["click", function(unused, unused2){ document.body.removeChild(img); document.body.removeChild(el); document.body.removeChild(img_helper_link); }] ] }); return el; } function mk_img_helper_link(url){ return mk_node({ name: "a", props: [ ["innerHTML", "Direct URL"], ["href", url], ["target", "_blank"], ["className", "img_viewer"] ], styles: [ ["margin", "0"], ["padding", "0"], ["background", "#fff"], ["borderBottom", "1px solid #ccc"], ["display", "block"], ["width", "100%"], ["height", "20px"], ["position", "fixed"], ["left", "0"], ["top", "50px"], ["fontSize", "12px"], ["textAlign", "center"], ["zIndex", "2147483647"] ] }); } function mk_img_group(url){ let img = mk_img(url); let img_helper_link = mk_img_helper_link(url); let img_helper = mk_img_helper({img, img_helper_link}); [img, img_helper, img_helper_link].forEach(function(node){ document.body.appendChild(node); }); return { img, img_helper, img_helper_link }; } function clear(){ [...document.querySelectorAll(".img_viewer")] .forEach(function(viewer){ document.body.removeChild(viewer); }); } function init(){ [...document.querySelectorAll("img")].forEach(function(img){ img.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(ev){ mk_img_group(img.src); ev.preventDefault(); }); }); document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", function(ev){ if(firefox) return false; [...document.querySelectorAll(".img_viewer")] .forEach(function(viewer){ viewer.dragging = 0; }); }); document.body.addEventListener("keydown", function(ev){ let dispatch = ({ "Escape": clear, "Control": init })[ev.key] || (()=>null); dispatch(); }); } init(); console.log("Image Viewer started up."); console.log("Try right-clicking an image");