Greasy Fork is available in English.
See the user's most 'Popular' and 'Newest' video pages in a sliding-dropdown preview without even having to leave the video page.
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube View Most Popular and Newest Uploader Videos (2018+) // @namespace YVMUV // @version 23.1 // @description See the user's most 'Popular' and 'Newest' video pages in a sliding-dropdown preview without even having to leave the video page. // @run-at document-start // @include *://* // @include *://*/videos?* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @require // @require[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js // @resource primefix // @resource primefixb // @resource spfremove // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @author drhouse // @contributor Artain [Get me Old Youtube] // ==/UserScript== this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); $(document).ready(function () { eval(GM_getResourceText("spfremove")); //eval(GM_getResourceText("primefix")); eval(GM_getResourceText("primefixb")); if(window.location != window.parent.location){ $('#masthead-positioner').remove(); $('div.branded-page-v2-top-row').remove(); $('#appbar-guide-menu').remove(); $('div#masthead-positioner-height-offset').remove(); var links = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i=0 ; i<links.length ; i++){ links[i].setAttribute('target', '_top'); } } else { //not in frame } var dest = '#watch7-user-header > div > a'; var channel = $(dest).attr('href'); var link = '' + channel + '/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid'; var link2 = "'" + link + "'"; var dest2 = $('#watch8-secondary-actions > div:nth-child(3)'); var linkdd = '' + channel + '/videos?view=0&sort=dd&flow=grid'; var linkdd2 = "'" + linkdd + "'"; $('<button class="yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-has-icon yt-uix-tooltip addto-button" type="button" title="More actions" aria-pressed="false" id="popular" role="button" aria-haspopup="false" data-tooltip-text="Popular videos" aria-labelledby="yt-uix-tooltip93-arialabel"><span class="yt-uix-button-content"><a href="' + link + '"> Most popular videos</a></span></button>').insertAfter(dest2).css('color', '#666') $('<button class="yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-has-icon yt-uix-tooltip addto-button" type="button" title="More actions" aria-pressed="false" id="newest" role="button" aria-haspopup="false" data-tooltip-text="Newest videos" aria-labelledby="yt-uix-tooltip93-arialabel"><span class="yt-uix-button-content"><a href="' + linkdd + '"> Newest videos</a></span></button>').insertAfter(dest2).css('color', '#666'); document.getElementById("popular").addEventListener("click", function(event){ event.preventDefault() }); document.getElementById("newest").addEventListener("click", function(event){ event.preventDefault() }); $("head").append ( '<link ' + 'href="//" ' + 'rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' ); $("head").append ( '<link ' + 'href="//" ' + 'rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' ); +function ($) { // PUSH PLUGIN CLASS DEFINITION // ============================ // variable used to indetify inilitizing of the Push plugin var pushAPI = '[data-toggle="push"]' // Default value is '[data-toggle="push"]' // Main function to get off canvas element and options var Push = function (element, options) { this.element = element this.options = options } // Current version Push.VERSION = '1.0' // Transition duration Push.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150 // Default PUSH plugin settings Push.DEFAULTS = { // Easing method, used for the element when it (opens / closes). easing : 'cubic-bezier(.2,.7,.5,1)', // Default value is 'cubic-bezier(.2,.7,.5,1)' // Duration for an element to (open / close) duration : 1500, // Default value is 300 // Delay before the element (opens / closes) delay : 1000, // Default value is 0 // Distance an element (opens / closes) distance : 250, // Default value is 250 // Enable or disable Anti Scrolling (outside the element) antiScroll : false, // Default value is true // Enable or disable keyboard closing (escape key to close the element) keyboard : true, // Default value is true // Enable or disable a modal like overlay (outside the element). overlay : false, // Default value is true // Canvas element (outside togglable sidebars). canvas : '#body-container' // Default value is '#wrapper' } // Function to check if the canvas element is open Push.prototype.isOpen = function () { // Return if the canvas element has the isOpen class return $(this.options.canvas).hasClass('isOpen') } // Function to toggle (open or close) Push.prototype.toggle = function () { // If canvas is already open if (this.isOpen()) { this.close() // close canvas and hide element } // If canvas isn't open else { // open canvas and reveal element } } // Function to find all fixed elements Push.prototype.findFixed = function () { // Filter all elements with position: fixed var fixed_elements = $('*').filter(function() { return $(this).css("position") === 'fixed'; }).not(this.element) // Skip sidebar element // Return all fixed elements, except the sidebar element return fixed_elements } // Function to disable scrolling outside an element Push.prototype.disableScrolling = function () { // Add overflow hidden to body, to prevent scrolling $(document.body).css('overflow', 'hidden') // On touch devices, overflow: hidden, is ignored. So we specefiy another prevention for touch devices. if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { $(document).on('', function (e) { e.preventDefault() }) } } // Function to enable scrolling outside an element Push.prototype.enableScrolling = function () { // Override the previously added overflow hiddien. To active normal scroll behaviour $(document.body).css('overflow', 'auto') // Turn off the anti touch functionality for touch devices. if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { $(document).off('') } } // Function to disable key press to close an element Push.prototype.disableKeyboard = function () { // Turn off the previously added keybind to close an open sidebar $(window).off('') } // Function to enable key press to close an element Push.prototype.enableKeyboard = function () { // Add functionality to close a sidebar, with a specefied keybind $(window).one('', $.proxy(function (e) { e.which == 13 && this.close() || e.which == 32 && this.close() // default value is: 27 (ESC key) }, this)) } // Function to remove an overlay outside the element Push.prototype.disableOverlay = function () { // Prepare the overlay variable var $overlay = $(".modal-backdrop"); // Remove previously added overlay effect, from the canvas element $overlay.remove(); } // Function to add an overlay outside the element Push.prototype.enableOverlay = function () { // Prepare the overlay variable var $overlay = $('<div class="modal-backdrop in"></div>'); // Add an overlay effect to the canvas element $overlay.appendTo(this.options.canvas); } // Function to open an element = function () { // Set the (that) variable, for easy access, and to avoid conflict. var that = this // Get all fixed elements, except the sidebar elements var fixedElements = this.findFixed() // If options is set to disable scrolling, disable it on opening if (this.options.antiScroll) this.disableScrolling() // If options is set to enable keyboard, enable it on opening if (this.options.keyboard) this.enableKeyboard() // If options is set to activate overlay, activate it on opening if (this.options.overlay) this.enableOverlay() // Reveal the toggled sidebar $(this.element).removeClass('hidden') // Open the canvas elemen $(this.options.canvas) .on('', $.proxy(this.close, this)) // If the user clicks on the canvas element, call the close functionality. .trigger('') // Trigger the open sequence .addClass('isOpen') // adds the isOpen class, to identify that the canvas is open // If browser doesn't support CSS3 transitions & translations if (!$.support.transition) { // Move all specefied fixed elements, when canvas is open fixedElements .css({ 'left': this.options.distance + 'px', 'position': 'relative' }) // Move the actual canvas $(this.options.canvas) .css({ 'left': this.options.distance + 'px', 'position': 'relative' }) .trigger('') // Indicate that the opening sequence is complete return } // Prepare the CSS3 transitioning of the all fixed elements, except for the sidebars fixedElements .css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-transform ' + this.options.duration + 'ms ' + this.options.easing, '-ms-transition': '-ms-transform ' + this.options.duration + 'ms ' + this.options.easing, 'transition': 'transform ' + this.options.duration + 'ms ' + this.options.easing }) // Prepare the CSS3 transitioning of the canvas element $(this.options.canvas) .css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-transform ' + this.options.duration + 'ms ' + this.options.easing, '-ms-transition': '-ms-transform ' + this.options.duration + 'ms ' + this.options.easing, 'transition': 'transform ' + this.options.duration + 'ms ' + this.options.easing }) this.options.canvas.offsetWidth // Force reflow // Move all specefied fixed elements, when the canvas opening sequence is initilised fixedElements .css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translateY(' + this.options.distance + 'px)', '-ms-transform': 'translateY(' + this.options.distance + 'px)', 'transform': 'translateY(' + this.options.distance + 'px)' }) // Move the actual canvas element, when the opening sequence is initialised $(this.options.canvas) .css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translateY(' + this.options.distance + 'px)', '-ms-transform': 'translateY(' + this.options.distance + 'px)', 'transform': 'translateY(' + this.options.distance + 'px)' }) .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () { $(that.options.canvas).trigger('') // Indicate that the opening sequence is complete }) .emulateTransitionEnd(this.options.duration) // Emulate the ending prosedure of the canvas opening } // Function to close an element Push.prototype.close = function () { // Set the (that) variable, for easy access, and to avoid conflict. var that = this // Get all fixed elements, except the sidebar elements var fixedElements = this.findFixed() // If options is set to enable keyboard, disable it on closing if (this.options.keyboard) this.disableKeyboard() // If options is set to activate overlay, deactivate it on closing if (this.options.overlay) this.disableOverlay() // If options is set to disable scrolling, enable it on clsoing if (this.options.antiScroll) this.enableScrolling() // Function to finilize the closing prosedure function complete () { // Hide the toggled sidebar $(that.element).addClass('hidden') // Reset the CSS3 transitioning and translation, of the all fixed elements back to default. fixedElements .css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-ms-transition': '', 'transition': '', '-webkit-transform': '', '-ms-transform': '', 'transform': '' }) // Reset the CSS3 transitioning and translation, of the canvas element back to default. $(that.options.canvas) .removeClass('isOpen') // remove the isOpen class, to identify that the canvas is closed .css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-ms-transition': '', 'transition': '', '-webkit-transform': '', '-ms-transform': '', 'transform': '' }) .trigger('') // Indicate that the closing sequence is complete } // If browser doesn't support CSS3 transitions & translations if (!$.support.transition) { // Move back all specefied fixed elements to default. fixedElements .css({ 'left': '', 'position': '' }) // Move back the canvas element to default. $(this.options.canvas) .trigger('') // Trigger the close sequence .css({ 'left': '', 'position': '' }) .off('') // Turn off the click indicator for the canvas element // Initilise the final closing functionality return complete() } // Remove the CSS3 trasform values for all fixed elements fixedElements .css({ '-webkit-transform': 'none', '-ms-transform': 'none', 'transform': 'none' }) // Remove the CSS3 transform values for the canvas element $(this.options.canvas) .trigger('') // Trigger the close sequence .off('') // Turn off the click indicator for the canvas element .css({ '-webkit-transform': 'none', '-ms-transform': 'none', 'transform': 'none' }) .one('bsTransitionEnd', complete) // // Initilize the complete function, to finilise the closing .emulateTransitionEnd(this.options.duration) // Emulate the ending prosedure of the canvas closing } // PUSH PLUGIN DEFINITION // ====================== // Function to initlise the push Plugin function Plugin(option) { // Begin initilising of the push plugin, for every indicator clicked return this.each(function () { // Prepare a variable, containing the designated element var $this = $(this) // Prepare a variable, containing the data-attributes var data = $'bs.push') // Prepare the plugin options var options = $.extend( { // extentions... }, Push.DEFAULTS, // Initilise default plugin values $, // Get the extending options from the plugin indicator typeof option == 'object' && option // Setup an object with the designated options ) // If the push indicatore doesn't contain any data atributes. Use the default values if (!data) $'bs.push', (data = new Push(this, options))) // If the push indicator has a data attribute, containing a string if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]() // Setup the option }) } var old = $.fn.push $.fn.push = Plugin $.fn.push.Constructor = Push // PUSH AVOID CONFLICT // ==================== $.fn.push.noConflict = function () { $.fn.push = old return this } // PUSH DATA-API // ============= // When clicked on a push data API indicator, initilise the plugin $(document).on('click', pushAPI, function () { // Get all the data options var options = $(this).data() // Get the designated data-target (sidebar element) var $target = $(this.getAttribute('data-target')) // If no designated data-target is spcefied, use default value if (!$'bs.push')) { $target.push(options) // Get all the other data options } // Toggle the designated data-target (sidebar ) $target.push('toggle') }) }(jQuery); //---------------------------------------------------------------- channel = $('#popular > span > a').attr('href'); var channeln = $('#newest > span > a').attr('href'); var channel2 = channel + '#browse-items-primary'; var channel2n = channeln + '#browse-items-primary'; var ifrm; ifrm = document.createElement("iframe"); ifrm.setAttribute("src", channel2); ifrm.setAttribute("id", "ifrmz"); = 1500+"px"; = 548+"px"; var ifrm2; ifrm2 = document.createElement("iframe"); ifrm2.setAttribute("src", channel2n); ifrm2.setAttribute("id", "ifrmz2"); = 1500+"px"; = 548+"px"; $('<nav class="push-sidebar hidden" id="sidebar-left"></nav>').insertBefore('#body-container'); $('<nav class="push-sidebar hidden" id="sidebar-left2"></nav>').insertBefore('#body-container'); $( "#body-container" ).wrap( '<section class="canvas" id="canvas"></section>' ); function newload(){ $('nav#sidebar-left').append(ifrm); } function newload2(){ $('nav#sidebar-left2').append(ifrm2); } $( "#newest" ).attr({ 'class': "yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default", 'data-toggle': "push", 'data-target': "#sidebar-left2", 'data-distance': "500" }); $( "#newest" ).click(function(e) { newload2(); }); $( "#popular" ).attr({ 'class': "yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default", 'data-toggle': "push", 'data-target': "#sidebar-left", 'data-distance': "500" }); $( "#popular" ).click(function(e) { newload(); }); });