现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Memrise Timer ControlsJS-Adds buttons that let you configure the timing of watering sessions
Memrise Forum SearchJS-Adds a search field to Memrise's forum pages
Memrise LaTeX IntegrationJS-This will convert any text that looks like LaTeX inline math (beginning and ending with $) into an image of a well-formatted math expression
Memrise: Make Me TypeJS-This script converts Memrise multiple-choice questions to typing
Memrise Hello 日常 AudioJS-Automatically plays available audio from JapanesePod101 for Memrise's Hello 日常 course
Memrise - Change word definitionJS-Change original word definition to your own. Some words have weird definitions, sometimes you want to translate definition from english to your own language.
Forvo Audio in the Memrise Level EditorJS-Adds a column to the Memrise level/database editor with buttons to check for Forvo audio
Memrise - DemoJS-Demo of adding a button to nav bar
Memrise "Hack"JS-Personal use for the Memrise course completion bar.
Noto Japanese Font for MemriseJS-Force the Memrise website to use Google's Noto Japanese Font
[Japanese] Memrise Kana DetectionJS-Warns whether to answer in Hiragana or Katakana on Japanese kana tests
Memrise - Extend useJS-Memrise extend use of
Memrise - Change word definitionJS-Change original word definition to your own. Some words have weird definitions, sometimes you want to translate definition from english to your own language.
Memrise Dynamic Font for Kanji v3JS-Force the Memrise website to change font dynamicly in choice boxes.
MEMRISE KANJAX with KOOHI v3JS-Adds scripts to find Kanji on website page and makes them interactive with Kanji Koohi data + kanji strokes.
Memrise Term EditorJS-Allow editing words without being a course owner.
MEMRISE / add a link in the navigation barJS-Click on the memrise's logo in the navigation bar to add a new link
Memrise Easy Quiz InputJS-Select special characters for Memrise quizzes using keyboard shortcuts 1 to 0.
Memrise Full Markdown (multimedia level)JS-Enables full Markdown support for multimedia levels on Memrise.com
Memrise Timer ToggleJS-Adds a button to toggle the timer on/off. You can also click on the timer to pause/unpause the timer.
Memrise (CSS) Dashboard Condensed ViewJS-Personal CSS preferences for Dashboard, display in Cards
Memrise Course SpreadsheetJS-Allows to see all words of a course / selected levels and to export them in CSV format
Memrise Preview WordJS-Allows to Preview one specific Word
Memrise Audio ProviderJS-Automatically generates Audio for items you're learning. Configure in left panel.
Memrise User progressbarJS-Display the User level (with progressbar) on User pages
Memrise Audio UploaderJS-Automatically generates and uploads Audio from Google TTS (for the first column)
Memrise Multimedia PreviewJS-Preview Markdown during edition
Add accesskey shortcut to pause button and "star word" for memriseJS-Adds accesskey+p shortcut for accessing pause button and accesskey+a shortcut for accessing "star word for later review" in memrise sessions
Memrise Review SelectionJS-Review the words you select (for a given level)
Memrise, click answer by pressing key numberJS-Select the right answer by simply clicking Number key