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Foodclub Better GreasyforkJS-Foodclub Better
Neopets - Custom Active Pet SayingsJS-Make your active pet occasionally talk, just like in the old layout.
Neopets Auto-hagglerJS-Neopets autohaggler
Neopets - DailiesJS-Collect all dailies on one page for easy usage
Sakhmet Solitaire AutoplayerJS-Sakhmet Solitaire autoplayer - original by sLAUGHTER
Neopets Random Lottery LinksJS-Button to generate 20 random lottery ticket links on neopets
Neopets Lottery AutobuyerJS-Autobuys 20 random lottery ticket links on neopets
Neopets Buried Treasure - Random Ticket ButtonJS-Adds button to pick random ticket on buried treasure page
SSW Shop AutopricerJS-Automatically prices shop to 1 np less than lowest on SSW
Neopets Active Pet SwitcherJS-Adds neopets active pet switcher under active pet name
Neopets old shop toolbarJS-Changes shops links to old shop toolbar
NeoQuest II TrainerJS-Automatically battles and moves left and right for you.
NeoQuest II Remote ControlJS-Automatically moves character based on user defined path. (1=north, 2=south, 3=west, 4=east, 5=northwest, 6=southwest, 7=northeast, 8=southeast
Neopets Sidebar QuicklinksJS-Adds a bunch of quicklinks to the left sidebar on NeoPets.com for your convenience.
Neopets bad word checkerJS-Notifies you when you enter a "bad" word on the neoboards.
Neopets - Neoboard EnhancementsJS-Adds some useful icons to the neoboards
Neopets - Highlight Item Names In Shop Upon HoverJS-Highlights the Item Name in your shop when you hover over them
Neopets - Sticky REsJS-Puts REs at the top of the page for a few seconds.
Neopets - Add Shop TillJS-Adds amount of np in shop till to top of page
Neopets - Turn Off Shop CodeJS-Removes user code from shops.
Neopets: Vending MachineJS-Plays vending machine if you have nerkmids.
Neopets - Cliffhanger AutoplayerJS-Autoplays Cliffhanger
Neopets - Cliffhanger AutoplayerJS-Autoplays Cliffhanger
Neoboard User TaggerJS-Local user tags for the neoboards
Lunar TempleJS-try to take over the world!
Neopets - Old Shop BarJS-Changes shops links to old Shop Bar
Neopets - Magma pool helperJS-Refreshes the page every five minutes until the guard is asleep, then prints the current time
破产把手_1JS-try to take over the world!
破產把手_2JS-try to take over the world!
Grumpy Old King - Blumaroo Court JesterJS-try to take over the world!
Wise Old KingJS-try to take over the world!
Tyranu Evavu Player [T]JS-Autoplays Tyranu Evavu remembering which cards have been played, based on "Neopets: Tyranu Evavu Smart Player" but more clear and with no dependencies.
StaffTournamentAutoJS-This script will automatically redeem your points at the Altador Cup Staff Tournament Prize Shop.
Neopets - Cellblock HelperJS-This tool is designed to help you NOT make the BAD moves and DO make the GOOD moves! by ko_neo
Neopets - Random Shops ButtonJS-Makes the "Shops" button on the Neopets nav bar link to a random shop instead of Neopia Central.
Neopets - Empty ShopJS-Puts something in the unused shop IDs
Neopets - Active Pet ShuffleJS-Shuffles which pet appears in the sidebar.
Neopets - Side Account ProtectorJS-Stops you from going any farther on non-side-account pages.
Neopets - Clock Always VisibleJS-Will make the NST Clock visible when you scroll down.
Neopets BotBotJS-Login to Neopets and go to http://www.neopets.com/index.phtml to see the magic!!!
Grumpy Wise King autofillJS-Auto selects the avatar question in Grumpy King
Dice-A-Roo AutoplayerJS-Dice a ####ing Roo. #### J03.
Chocolate AvyJS-Automatically highlights items r90+ for the avatar.
Shenkuu Lunar Temple SolverJS-Auto solver
Potato CounterJS-Fills in the correct answer (does not auto-submit)
Neopets Beta - Community to NeoboardsJS-Go directly to the neoboards instead of the community page
Icy Snowball AutobuyerJS-Autobuys Icy Snowball from the Healing Springs every 30-32 mins
Neopets - Auto PIN fillerJS-Supports multiple accounts!
Training School ToolsJS-Faster navigation on training pages
Neolodge - send all petsJS-Because you can never be too lazy. Sends all your neopets to the lodge with just one click!
Food Club FCNC linkJS-Finds a foodclub.neocities.org string on a petpage and links you to it.
Neopets - Bank improvements for BetaJS-Various improvements to shop till and bank, including a bank interest calculator.
Neopets - Premium Toolbar (Beta)JS-Click the Premium icon to display your bankroll stats
Neopets: Swift BarJS-Swiftly navigate Neopets based on personal preference. Adds customizable links to the bottom of the page.
Cooking PotJS-Faster recipe testing
Neopets Beta Navigation BarJS-Life is full of pain and sadness
Bank Interest CollectorJS-Automatically collect daily interest when visiting bank. For updated site layout
Go! Go! Go! AutoplayerJS-Automatically plays Go! Go! Go!
Neoboard Quick User LinksJS-Adds some icons on message form that make it easier to get your links
Shop Wizard Beta RefreshJS-You'll never want to use it without the script after this
Lottery Ticket GeneratorJS-Generates 6 random numbers
Auto fishingJS-Fish with all your pets in one click
Stamp album helperJS-Adds an info menu about your missing stamps
Trudy's Surprise auto-collectJS-Auto collect without waiting for the ####ing wheel to stop spinning
Neggsweeper solverJS-win at neggsweeper (neo-legal)
Neopets: Auto-Copy Shop StockJS-Automatically copy your source code when you go to a shop stock page. Also provides a convenient link the JellyNeo's shop stock checker.
Kad TimekeeperJS-Kad timekeeper
Neopets: Neoboards - Copy UsernameJS-Sick of trying to copy a username and visiting a lookup? Me too! This script adds a mention action that copies the username to your clipboard. Simply paste and away you go.
Snow Wars AutoplayerJS-Play Snow Wars automatically
Neopets autofillJS-Auto selects multi-choice options for Wise King, Grumpy King, Symol Hole, Turmaculus, and Meteor. Forked from EatWoolooAsMuttonTiny's Grumpy Wise King autofill
Neopets QuicklinksJS-Adds quick links to Neopets. Works on both the old and new layout. Forked from Eckankar's Neopets Sidebar Quicklinks.
Neopets: Tarla's Treasure checkerJS-Checks to see if Tarla is around. Forked from Cody Woolaver's Magma Pool Checker
Neopets: skip NF-only auctionsJS-Ignores Neofriend-only auctions by default
Neopets: Filter auctionsJS-Filter out auctions by item names, owners, and price range
Neopets: Stocks enhancerJS-Show only the stocks you want, and adds columns for monthly highs and lows
Neopets: Books ChecklistJS-Adds a button to check which books still need to be read. Includes both Book Club and Booktastic Books.
Neopets: Gourmet food checklistJS-Adds a button to check which gourmet foods still need to be eaten.
Neopets: Food Club bet page enhancerJS-Automatically selects the arena if a pirate is selected, and autofills the bet amount with the maximum NP.
Neopets: Safety deposit box price checkJS-Adds a button to automatically check the prices of that page
Neopets: Shop stock price checkJS-Adds a button to automatically check the prices of that page
Neopets: Closet price checkJS-Adds a button to automatically check the prices of that page
Neopets - Classic Site ButtonJS-Allows the classic version of a page to load with one click. (Does not work with all pages.)
Neopets - LottomaticJS-Generate lotto numbers with minimal overlap
Neopets: Neocola machine selectorJS-Selects the Neotoken machine values that you want
Neopets: Empty shop tillJS-Withdraws the full amount in your shop till
Neopets - Pet Lookup / Quick Ref Post-Flash FixJS-Replaces that annoying end-of-Flash-support tombstone with the pet image
Neopets: Till checkerJS-Checks to see if you have money in your shop till, and sends a pop-up alert if you do.
Negg Cave SolverJS-Adds a button to automatically copy page source, and open solution page
TCG Album HelperJS-Adds info menu about missing TCG cards.
Handy ButtonsJS-Adds a button to automatically copy page source, and open various helpful pages that need the source HTML
Mysterious Symol Hole ForeverJS-Plays Mysterious Symol Hole
Neopets - Lab Ray - Safety FirstJS-Hide specific pets from the lab ray page so no accidental zapping!
Neopets Links RedirectorJS-Redirects Neopets inventory links to non-beta version, Premium button to Beta premium portal, and NC mall button to the actual mall.
Neopets Neopoints Link FixJS-Clicking on your Neopoints should redirect you to your inventory, not the bank!
Neoboards Preferences + Smilies LinksJS-Adds a link to the Neoboards Preferences and Smilies to the Beta Neoboards.
Neopets: Search Closet and Safety Deposit BoxJS-Checking if you have something in your closet and/or sdb? Simply type the keyword in the search box to open up both and cut down your clicks.
[Neopets] Mysterious Symol Hole Reload ButtonJS-Simple scriptlet that adds a "Try again" button after diving down the hole to reload the page.
[Neopets] New Style Inventory ButtonJS-Adds an inventory button next to bank shortcut on new pages.
[Neopets] Lunar Temple SolverJS-It does the thing. Takes a few seconds.