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TorrentzJS-Magnet links for Torrentz
Torrentz : The Bobcat add-onJS-Torrentz.eu: Add IMDB ratings, download links, movie plot/actors, and other goodies. Also features an light built-in serie tracker. Torrentz gets so much simpler and efficient! Demo video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QyuIDw0CIw&feature=youtu.be
Asus DownloadMaster Torrent/Magnet DownloaderJS-Downloads torrentz directly with Asus DownloadMaster
Torrentz2 (dot) eu magnet linkJS-Adds direct download links to the pages on https://torrentz2.*. It uses the magnet URI scheme to provide a user friendly, faster way to access your favorite torrents.
Torrent Utils for TorrentzJS-Magnet link Dwonload and Tracker List Copy for Torrentz