收藏 by Ghis1964
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YouTube CenterJS-YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
YouTube LinksJS-Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
Youtube HDJS-Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
Select text inside a link like OperaJS-Disable link dragging and select text.
Google Images direct linkJS-NOTE: Since July 2016 this script is unmaintained. It is here just for historical purposes and to let other people fork it. Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search
Bigger TwitchJS-Removes the left nav bar entirely and stretches the twitch player to use as much space as possible.
Hide Recommendations on FacebookJS-Removes "People you may know", "Recommended Pages" and similar on Facebook.
Google Search Extra ButtonsJS-Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
Google Tools Button ClickerJS-在Google搜索结果的页面上自动单击工具按钮。
General URL CleanerJS-Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Download YouTube CaptionsJS-Download subtitles / captions from YouTube in several formats
Resize YT To Window SizeJS-Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
One Click YouTube Subscription Feed DeleteJS-Add a delete button to items on the YouTube Subscription Feed.
Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED)JS-This used to display ratings bar on YouTube thumbnails, but Google has blocked how it gets its data. I'm disabling it for now in case people still have it running.
Add YouTube to Google Search BarJS-Adds back the missing YouTube link in the new Google Search Bar
YouTube Hide "Recommended for you" from related videosJS-Hides videos marked as "Recommended for you" from the related videos on YouTube video pages.
YouTubeDepopulatorJS-Hides Youtube <li> elements, or sections on the homepage, with an <span.shelf-title-annotation>, or section subtitle, that contains the text "Popular ", "#", or "Trending "
YouTube Default to My SubscriptionsJS-Makes YouTube automatically redirect you to your Subscription page if signed in.
Google Searches Exactly What You TypeJS-Google searches for exactly what you type in by inserting nfpr=1 into the url.
Remove Google R###lts RedirectJS-9 lines of code to remove all link redirection on Google Search R###lts. Prevents tracking and helps load times!
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36JS-Download Subtitles
General URL CleanerJS-Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
9gag.com video controls on hoverJS-Show video controls on mouse hover
Google Images direct linksJS-Add direct links to the picture and the page link to the Google Image Search r###lts.
Google DWIMagesJS-Direct links to images and pages on Google Images
This Ain't A PhoneJS-Automatically redirect from mobile webpages to the non-mobile equivalent
Google Image Info (Size + Url)JS-Show image sizes and target URL's directly on all Google Images.
Google Search restore URLs (undo breadcrumbs)JS-Brings back the full URLs in r###lts.
Show Youtube Videos' Publishing DateJS-Fix hidden video's publishing date
Google Search restore URLs (undo breadcrumbs)JS-Brings back the full URLs in r###lts.
Facebook delete Fbclid LinkJS-Automatically detect and remove #### Fbclid links when scrolling
Kill YouTube Channel Video AutoplayJS-Kill autoplay on YouTube channel and user pages
Youtube Loudness CorrectionJS-Amplifies any youtube video with loudness lower than 0dB
Clean fbclid from Facebook linksJS-Removes the fbclid(= Facebook Click ID) parameter and Facebook redirect - (l.facebook.com?u=...) from all links in Facebook when scrolling.
Google Image Search - Show Image DimensionsJS-Displays image dimensions (eg. "1920 × 1080") for each thumbnail on the Google Image Search r###lts page.
Twitter DirectJS-Remove t.co tracking links from Twitter
Play Youtube playlist in reverse orderJS-Adds button for loading the previous video in a YT playlist
Instagram video player with basic control of volume and skipping.JS-try to take over the world!