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Google Search Extra ButtonsJS-Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
General URL CleanerJS-Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Gmail Favicon Alerts 3JS-Alerts you to the status of your Gmail Inbox through distinct Favicons.
Goodreads PlusJS-Add "Search MAM" button to Goodreads
Trello - Thenow Trello ExtendJS-扩展trello.com看板的功能
Trello - 显示我的JS-trello显示我的
trello Card to ExcelJS-trello Card to Excel suppert custom fields
NYT Search MAMJS-Add "MAM" button to NYT best sellers list
Audible search MAMJS-Add "Search MAM" links to Audible
Amazon search MAMJS-Add "Search MAM" button to Amazon