MAM Site Store Fix JS - Updates Ratio, FL, & Bonus Points in Store header after purchase (6/10/22)
MAM User Page Re-title JS - Re-title MAM user tabs to make it easier to distinguish them from others
MAM Request Page Re-title JS - Re-title MAM request tab and use arrows to indicate filled status
MAM Banner Shrink JS - (6/9/22) Makes it easier to scroll past banner with out removing it.
MAM Forum Page Re-title JS - 12/14/23 Re-title MAM Forum tab to make it easier to see the topic title
MAM Banner Swap JS - Wait a few seconds, then substitute a favorite banner 8/25/22
MAM Total Torrents JS - 1/1/24 Shows the total number of torrents on all clients, and the change in number of torrents for each client
MAM Max User Gift JS - 3/21/23 Maximizes the default gift value for old and new members
MAM User Menu JS - Custom menu with links for MAM
MAM Guide Re-title JS - 11/16/23 Re-title MAM Guide tab to put the guide name first
Copy Magnet Links to Clipboard JS - Copy all links on the current page that start with magnet to the clipboard.
Hide non-PF JS - 1/23/24 Adds a button to hide all non PF torrents from Snatched views (like Not Seeding - Satisfied)
Remove Seeding JS - 2/18/24 Adds a button to remove seeding torrents from Search views (Handy to zip the rest for download)
Hide Unsafe Direct Download Links JS - 9/3/24 Hide Unsafe Direct Download Links