AO3: Visible Full-page Index Button JS - Moves or copies (setting is user configurable) the "Full-page index" button to the main work navigation bar for ease of access
AO3: Bookmarks Button on Main Navbar JS - Adds a button called "Bookmarked Fics" to the main navbar (where the search bar is). Inspired by elli-lili-lunch's "Put Bookmarks Button on AO3 Home", which can be found at https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/440048
AO3: Get Current Chapter Word Count JS - Counts and displays the number of words in the current chapter
Worm Story Search: Link AO3 Stories to Work Page JS - Changes the link of the story to go to the work page of the story on AO3 instead of the navigate page
Royal Road: Follow List in Top Nav Bar JS - Add a button to go to your Follow List next to the notification bell in the top navigation bar
Royal Road: Add Word Count to Statistics Section JS - Adds the word count of a fiction (taken from the information tooltip in the Pages statistic) as it's own statistic
Scribble Hub: Display Current Chapter Word Count JS - Adds the word count of the current chapter underneath the chapter statistics
AO3: Add button to Show Bookmark JS - Adds a "Show Bookmark" button before the "Edit Bookmark" button on the page where you view a work's bookmarks
SB/SV/QQ: Threadmark Word Counter JS - Display the word count of threadmarked forum posts in the header area of the post
Worm Story Search: Change Threadmark page link to Thread page link JS - Remove the `/threadmarks` at the end of all SV/SB/QQ URLs to have them go to the thread page instead of the threadmarks page
Scribble Hub: Display Series Word Count on Series Page JS - Displays the word count of the current series next to the chapter count
Copy Wardle Guesses JS - Copies a list of your Wardle guesses (spoilered for Discord) to your clipboard
AO3: Go To to Latest Chapter JS - Adds a link to the chapter navigation bar to go to the latest chapter of a work. Alternative method is to add `/latest` to the end of an AO3 work URL. e.g. https://archiveofourown.org/works/{AO3_WORK_ID}/chapters/{AO3_CHAPTER_ID}#workskin/latest