Is there a Converter to Convert CSS to User Script?
I think I've seen one a long time ago but there is another way which is quite usable for the existing styles on disable Stylish and open a style page on, the install button will offer to install the style as a cross-browser userscript - the example.
As you can see the conversion itself is utterly simple and you can use the above userscript as a template for any CSS - remove all linebreaks and comments from your css, replace all double quotes with single quotes and put the r###lt into css = ""
Then do the @include
CSS | userscript |
@-moz-document domain("") | @include* and/or @include* |
@-moz-document url-prefix("http://urlprefix") | @include http://urlprefix* |
@-moz-document url("http://someurl") | @include http://someurl |
@-moz-document regexp("some\\reg\\exp") | @include /some\reg\exp/ (replace \\ with \) |
Does it really need to be converted, or can you just bulk inject it into the page using DOM methods:
var my_css = 'body{background:#ccc; /* et cetera */}'; var new_sty = document.createElement("style"); new_sty.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); new_sty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(my_css)); document.body.appendChild(new_sty);
I think I've seen one a long time ago but there is another way which is quite usable for the existing styles on disable Stylish and open a style page on, the install button will offer to install the style as a cross-browser userscript - the example.
As you can see the conversion itself is utterly simple and you can use the above userscript as a template for any CSS - remove all linebreaks and comments from your css, replace all double quotes with single quotes and put the r###lt into css = "".
Then do the @include lines:
CSS userscript @-moz-document domain("") @include*
and/or @include* @-moz-document url-prefix("http://urlprefix") @include http://urlprefix* @-moz-document url("http://someurl") @include http://someurl @-moz-document regexp("some\\reg\\exp") @include /some\reg\exp/
(replace \\ with \)
Hi, wOxxOm. Thanks for the reply. I'll be looking into it. Thanks man.
Hey, wOxxOm.
Thanks man!!!!!
@koolxx, that's something you should do yourself I guess.
@koolxx, that's something you should do yourself I guess.
But how? Where in the code specifically do I tweak this?
1. this is offtopic here 2. by learning CSS I suppose.
1. this is offtopic here 2. by learning CSS I suppose.
Ok, thanks man.
I use :
Marti / GM_setStyle [OpenUserJS)
Alternative to using GM_addStyle with validation and "pretty" simple formatting"
Here an example of script using it (by me, with all the help of Marty):
UserScripts WideScreen Dark/Grey
The core is to publish your css on Pastebin (without special formatting!).
And add in your script something like that (from my script):
// @require
// @resource css
// @grant GM_getResourceText
Hey guys! I hope I'm not too late, but I took a shot at making a converter for making userscripts out of CSS. I have tested the generated scripts on Chrome with TamperMonkey and it seems to work pretty well. I hope this would be useful.
@Stanley Lim
This is awesome! Do you know if there's a way to reverse this process as well? To take a userscript containing CSS and convert it to CSS?
Thanks , good idea !
Work on Firefox 40.0.
I test it from an userstyles i build :
We need to remove all the specific stuff for userstyles if we want the script work .
Can be done directly (Userstyles > Usercript) by your program and converting the namespace(s) used in it ?
A minor request :
Can you add a "Copy the script" button ?
I'm glad to see that the program was useful. I'll probably work on it and add some new features in the future. I may also create a project page when there is enough interest.
Hello @decembre I see what you mean now. I'll see if I could create to modes (Chrome and Mozilla). I just need to figure out how to format for GreaseMonkey first.
shall be great !
Sorry for the delay folks! The updated version should be coming out soon.
UPDATE: I will be moving the topic of the converter to a new post.
The new version is out now. Check it out in the new thread:
Is there a Converter to Convert CSS to User Script?
Is there a converter that can convert CSS to user script?