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The recheck similar scripts function in Script's Derivatives tab does not work
THX, the page showed a notice Similarity check will be completed in a few minutes.
, and it worked!
I see dozens of "Very similar" scripts, but all of them have nothing in common: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407284-imdb-scout-mod/derivatives
When previous old version not even listed https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3967-imdb-scout
I read that it's an "error" in javasript, but for some reason it works in userscripts.
As I remember I couldn't find a working substitute for it, to stop script's execution.
When I clicked the "Recheck now" button in my script's Derivatives tab, the page jumped to a new page but failed with
.No only in one script, but all the script have this problem.