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Better Script Listing
I didn't see the "sort by" until you pointed it out. Thanks. Shame it's not by default the update date to encourage the r###lts of new scripts.
Install srazzano' script and sort it any way you wish.
The front page greasyfork.org should contain popular scripts
The scripts page greasyfork.org/scripts should contain the recently updated scripts by default as TimidScript suggested
It would be similar to userscripts.org
Better Script Listing
Two suggestions:
Everytime I go to scripts front page it always has "YouTube Center" at the top or near top of the list. The list seems to be random listing. Shouldn't the main scripts page be ordered according to date to give new uploaded scripts a chance to get noticed.
Second, shouldn't the script listing be in the front page and now have the current main page in an "About" tab.
Thanks for a great site.