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Newbe: How to make "Install" button work with Scriptish?

Posted: 26.07.2014

Newbe: How to make "Install" button work with Scriptish?

Newbe: How to make "Install" button work with Scriptish?

Posted: 27.08.2014
Edited: 27.08.2014


New to greasyfork (and scriptish btw, I used to use greasemonkey). Same problem: when clicking on 'install', the scripts is displayed and that's it.

I'm using Firefox 31

EDIT: mmmmkay, I read some comments about scriptish being dead, I'm not sure this is true or not, but I'm back with greasemonkey as it properly handles .user.js files :) (scriptish does not seem to have an import functionnality which makes it cumbersome to add/import an existing script, or, did I miss it?)

Posted: 27.08.2014

I'm running Scriptish and wouldn't call it dead (last update a few months ago, last commit a month ago).

Are you sure Scriptish is enabled?!

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