Posted: 27.03.2014
Edited: 27.03.2014


There was a new post in the discussion on userscripts.org last night that had a new file for GoogleMonkeyR that fixed the current issues that the script was having. The userscripts.org site has been down all day for me, so I can't update my work computer with the fixed script,. Does anyone happen to have it in FireFox and could paste it here? I'd be ever so grateful. Thank you!

Posted: 27.03.2014
Edited: 27.03.2014


or contact the author from http://monkeyr.com/
and ask him to submit his scripts to Greasy Fork ;)

I got the fix - the original author did not fix it. It seems as if the original author is AWOL. Here's a link to the script though: https://db.tt/zcLYfvZo

Posted: 04.04.2014
Edited: 04.04.2014

A temporary fix
for GoogleMonkeyR userscript - http://jurnsearch.wordpress.com/2014/03/12/googlemonkeyr-temporary-fix/

This fix works for me but there's another issue I hope someone knows how to solve:

It's not compatible with evernote-web-clipper addon.

The addon's "related r###lts" (r###lts from the Evernote account) are hidden by google's info box.

Posted: 29.08.2014

Is this script officialy dead? There has been no updates since Nov 2013, and a only temporary fix in April 2014. This temp fix worked for me until today, when all my search r###lt began appearing all cropped into the left third of my screen. Pity, that was such a great script! Any1 has a fix for this latest problem?

Posted: 29.08.2014
Edited: 29.08.2014

Yeah it seems that original developer abandoned it

Find latest fix here https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/1293/google-css-update#latest

This has gone on the fritz again as of 07/22/2015. Would anyone care to update it? Columns are no longer displaying.

Posted: 23.07.2015
Edited: 23.07.2015

The fix.

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