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Need a script that unblocks region prohibition of Youtube and any other website

n r
Posted: 25.04.2015

Need a script that unblocks region prohibition of Youtube and any other website

Youtube doesnt show some videos in my country. Google Music doesnt even let us enter the website. I connect to Soundcloud.com with proxy. Most probably lot more websites have region prohibitions. I want a script that prohibits giving right information about my location and ip address and that gives a different fake location and ip information each time. Each time a different country, but first it should select USA and then Canada and then South American countries and then European countries. It shouldnt ever select Asian or African countries.
Note: Turkey, Ukraine and Russia is in Asia not Europe. Americans dont know the real borders. And USA is the only one who ever drew a professional map most probably.

Posted: 25.04.2015

Userscripts can't do such things. There are many browser extensions that do what you describe, use them.

Posted: 26.04.2015

Not being in EU does not place you in Asia, or are you placing Switzerland, Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in Asia too?

Also you should know that Eastern Europe is still Europe too (Europe is a continent for Christ's sake, find some real maps and not some fiction you believe in)

On other hand if you wish to know the borders of EU then just do so. (wikipedia will help) There are a lot of countries in Europe that are not in EU.

I am sorry but if you are geographicly ignorant it is your problem.

Posted: 26.04.2015
Edited: 26.04.2015

P.S. Answering your question you can use TOR it has anonymous IP network and changes your location on each visit also convenient ExitNodes Selector.

You'll just need to Edit your torrc file and write these two lines of code, on second line you can put any number of 2letter Country Codes in {xx} format.


StrictExitNodes 1
ExitNodes {us},{ca},{de},{uk},{it}

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