Breaks the original link out of StumbleUpon frames and rewrites YouTube embed URLs to their proper video pages.
// ==UserScript== // @name StumbleOut // @version 2.3 // @author raina // @namespace raina // @description Breaks the original link out of StumbleUpon frames and rewrites YouTube embed URLs to their proper video pages. // @license // @include* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; var ready = function() { if ("complete" === document.readyState) { observe(); } }; var observe = function() { var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if ("class" === mutation.attributeName) { if ("undefined" === typeof iframe || !iframe) { iframe = document.querySelector('.stumble-frame'); } if ("undefined" !== typeof iframe && iframe) { if (/youtube\.com\/embed/.test(iframe.src)) { var video = iframe.src.replace(/(embed\/)([\w\d-]+)(\?.*$)/, "watch?v=$2"); var timestamp; if (timestamp = iframe.src.match(/t=\d+m\d+s/)) { video += "&" + timestamp[0]; } window.location.href = video; } else { window.location.href = iframe.src; } observer.disconnect(); } } }); }); var config = {attributes: true}; observer.observe(document.body, config); } if (window.self === { var iframe; document.addEventListener("readystatechange", ready, false); } }());