This used to display ratings bar on YouTube thumbnails, but Google has blocked how it gets its data. I'm disabling it for now in case people still have it running.
< Feedback on Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED)
I guess Firefox doesn't feel like supporting the CSS zoom property. Oh well. I'll have to do some Firefox-specific hack like we're in 2010.
EDIT: Oh, the latest versions of the script and the userstyle should take care of overlapping the image, although the font size issue is still there. Personally, I wouldn't use Always On for text; that's just something I added in because of a user request. I think it looks ugly and floods the screen with too much extraneous information.
Thanks! Simplification of vote tallies is a good workaround for me.Moving likes/dislikes close to the Ratings Bar is not a big deal, but requires editing of .textContainer and .textContainer.short height on each script update.
I need to sit down and completely redo the CSS in both the UserScript and the UserStyle in terms of how everything appears on the different browsers. At some point I switched to using "zoom" to shrink the bars and text in the smaller thumbnails, not realizing that Firefox didn't support it. Much of how the bars and text should appear is based on that.
I have figured out a workaround, but implementing it is going to take a lot of testing so that things are consistent on the different browsers in the Top and Bottom modes and all the variations of them. So anyway, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I can't promise when it will be done, but it's next on my to-do list for these scripts.
Font size for displayed likes/dislikes
Can you add option to change font size into UserStyle?I set "Text Visible" to Always and it often breaks into 2 lines, covering big part of image, like here:
Or is there another way to always shrink text into 1 line, close to Ratings Bar, like here:
In last example I changed "font-size" to 8px, but as you can see text is a little far away from the Ratings Bar.