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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 14.05.2020
Edited: 15.05.2020

Not working or reliable anymore?

I am using the script with the targetRes = "hd1440" parameter. Several weeks ago I noticed already on Youtube that the quality is not 1440p or 1440p60 anymore, but "Automatic (1440p60)" (it was never reverting to "automatic" before). Now, a few days ago, it started to make no difference anymore if the script was loaded or not. I am now getting the default behavior of YT, with the quality set to "Automatic (480p)" or whatever when the video starts playing.

I am running the script as an extension via Adguard 7.4, if that matters.

Posted: 14.05.2020
Edited: 14.05.2020

Thanks for reporting. I like to try to keep compatibility high and hope I can get it working for you.

I installed Adguard on Edge (legacy) since Greasyfork seems to be suggesting you are on Edge, but don't see any option to run userscripts with that extension. As such, I can't reproduce your issue. I need to be able to reproduce it to know how to move forward.

Can you provide the following information for me?

  • Browser, including version (if Edge, are you using the chromium version?)
  • Extension used to run the scripts, including version (can you send me a link to the extension so I can make sure I am getting the right one?)
  • Youtube version (are you using an extension or script to use the old youtube layout?)
  • Youtube HD version, and any configuration changes you have made (is hd1440 the only thing you adjusted?)
  • A list of any other extensions or scripts you have installed that could affect youtube (in case of a compatibility issue)

Any information you have is helpful. But as of right now I can't reproduce it without more information, so I have no way of knowing what the problem is, or if it is even my fault at all.

Posted: 14.05.2020

Hi! I will go through your list:

  • Browser: Edge Chromium Dev Build 84.0.508.0
  • Adguard for Windows 7.4 RC1 - it's not the browser extension, but the desktop app which is a system-wide ad blocker. They have both - extension-based Adblocker and a much more powerful desktop program. The latter can also load user scripts (called 'extension' in Adguard) which are then injected on network-level, thus available in all browsers you have installed:


Actually I haven't found a single user script yet which is not compatible with Adguard. Usually if it's compatible with Tampermonkey, it also works in Adguard. Actually, the full Adguard is a paid program, but a trial is available - I could understand though if you don't want to install such a program just for reproducing this issue :)

  • Latest modern Youtube layout
  • Latest Youtube HD version, I only made the hd1440 change
  • No other scripts which are applied to Youtube

I will try narrowing down the issue from the opposite side by installing Tampermonkey extension and give it a try with your script.

Posted: 14.05.2020

Hi! I will go through your list:

  • Browser: Edge Chromium Dev Build 84.0.508.0
  • Adguard for Windows 7.4 RC1 - it's not the browser extension, but the desktop app which is a system-wide ad blocker. They have both - extension-based Adblocker and a much more powerful desktop program. The latter can also load user scripts (called 'extension' in Adguard) which are then injected on network-level, thus available in all browsers you have installed:


Actually I haven't found a single user script yet which is not compatible with Adguard. Usually if it's compatible with Tampermonkey, it also works in Adguard. Actually, the full Adguard is a paid program, but a trial is available - I could understand though if you don't want to install such a program just for reproducing this issue :)

  • Latest modern Youtube layout
  • Latest Youtube HD version, I only made the hd1440 change
  • No other scripts which are applied to Youtube

I will try narrowing down the issue from the opposite side by installing Tampermonkey extension and give it a try with your script.

Posted: 15.05.2020

Ok, it is not because of your script.

I tested it with Tampermonkey and it's working fine. I'm in touch with Adguard developers, maybe they changed something which might interfere with your script. One of the developers checked your script and confirmed it's working In their latest nightly build. So the problem will be solved when it moves to beta and stable channel.

Sry for the false alarm, I of course removed the negative rating :)

Posted: 15.05.2020

I'm glad to hear the issue will be resolved. I am appreciative for you taking the time to do additional testing for me, as well as for getting in contact with the Adguard developers.

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