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YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating)

It shows rating bars which represents Like/Dislike rating ratio.

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Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 16.11.2019

Not working currently

Browser: Chrome 64bit v78.0.3904.97 Script Manager: Tampermonkey BETA v4.9.6088 OS: Windows 10 v1909 (18363.476)

Posted: 16.11.2019

It's okay. Fixed

Posted: 17.11.2019

After all it does not move

Posted: 18.11.2019

Yeah... I know the problem but don't know how to fix it easily. https://twitter.com/kan####ikaku/status/1194505951862091776

(KTPさんの履歴を見る限り日本語でおkそうなので、以下日本語で) 問題は把握しており、YouTube API の使用制限量を超えてしまっているのが原因です。 しかし、制限量を増やす申請フォームがめちゃくちゃ面倒なので、躊躇しています。 https://twitter.com/kan####ikaku/status/1194503012644880384

11/8にGoogleから送られてきた文面は、以下のとおり。 ** Over the last 90 days, the peak daily quota usage that your API Project used to access/use YouTube Data API Service was 36578 quota points per day. Based on this, your quota has been adjusted to 40000 quota points per day. Please note, this is higher than your peak historical usage in the last 90 days.

You don’t need to make any changes unless you need to use more quota than what is allocated to you. In that case, please use the standard quota request form found in the Google Cloud Console. **



いちおう、コード内の const APIKEY = の部分を、ご自身で取得した Google APIキー に書き換えていただくと、ご自身だけの使用量に基づいてデータ取得できるので、まず制限に達することはなくなるかと思います。

Posted: 18.11.2019


Posted: 15.04.2020

It works now with per-user API key (・∀・) try it!!

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