
Tinychat Enhancement Suite (TES)

Fixes some Tinychat room shortcomings and adds useful features.

< Feedback on Tinychat Enhancement Suite (TES)


Posted: 31.10.2019

Tinychat now requires Pro to view all cams

As of Tinychats latest update on 31th october, users now need an active "Pro"-subscription in order to view more than one camera stream.

Any workarounds possible regarding this? The blur effects seems to mainly be css and i asume - timetriggered via javascript.


Posted: 31.10.2019
Edited: 31.10.2019

If it's that simple, then probably. But it won't really solve much, because they're also blocking and kicking out all non-account users after a few minutes. Without new users, the site will die.

And if they're already willing to go this far, I assume they'll also start trying to block userscripts. This may well be the end of Tinychat.

Posted: 31.10.2019

Actually, they already have measures against it. Any CSS edits to the blocks are automatically undone almost instantly. But we'll see.

Posted: 01.11.2019
Edited: 01.11.2019

Theres a fix for this already

Posted: 01.11.2019

Yes, I saw that. It destroys performance by running every 20ms and may cause them to start blocking userscripts.

Like I said, it doesn't solve the root issue: Tinychat now requires an account. That's not what the internet is and I'm not interested in catering to a site that would stoop so low. In fact, it completely defeats the point of a site that was founded on the principle of "instant rooms".

Until they remove that login wall, TES development is officially on hold. No point in wasting time on a dying site.

Posted: 01.11.2019

they also have it now where you can only be in 1 room at a time and if you pay even then only 2 haha ... On tes what line is the white border tho? so i can remove it

Posted: 01.11.2019

Id like to think they are going to lose more in AD revenue then they will gain in subs tho

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