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< Feedback on ppixiv for Pixiv
Can you press F12 to open devtools and see if there are any errors?
Sorry for the wait, this is what's in the console when i load the page
InstallTrigger è deprecato e verrà rimosso in futuro. constants.js:50:14
The InstallTrigger has been shimmed for compatibility reasons. See for details. bug1774005-installtrigger-shim.js:13:9
/* pixiv Bug Bounty Program */ 103922199:8:17
We have a bug bounty program on HackerOne.
If you find a vulnerability in our scope, please report it to us. 103922199:9:13 103922199:10:13
InstallTrigger è deprecato e verrà rimosso in futuro. 2 constants.js:50:14
ppixiv is running in Greasemonkey 4.11 ppixiv for Pixiv:47835:13
ppixiv setup app-startup.js:62:17
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0 app-startup.js:63:17
Error freezing [object HTMLDocument]: TypeError: can't prevent extensions on this proxy object app-startup.js:473:25
Caricamento non riuscito per lo script con sorgente “”. 103922199:7:1
Launching app app-startup.js:113:17
ppixiv controller setup app.js:39:17
Fetching illust:103922199-0 media-cache.js:253:17
Showing screen: illust, data source: illust, cause: initialization, media ID: illust:103922199-0 app.js:466:17
Then, this adds when i scroll (or change page with arrows)
Loading the next page of r###lts: 1 data-source.js:658:17
Load page 1 for: illust navigation data-source.js:165:17
No data on page 1 data-source.js:183:21
Finishing navigation after data load data-source.js:674:17
Reached the end of the list screen-illust.js:662:21
Cancelling async navigation screen-illust.js:517:17
Reached the end of the list screen-illust.js:662:21
Cancelling async navigation screen-illust.js:517:17
Reached the end of the list
reached end of the list happens when i try to go to the first page, cancelling async happens when i try to go to the next one.
I also noticed that even if i input manually the page number nothing changes, and as soon as i scroll it goes back to page 2.
Should be fixed in r199.
Thanks, can confirm it works now.
V197 and v198 have an issue with multipages works. I open them, scroll but the picture wont change. The link would change correclty at firts, adding the usual ppixiv?page=2 ath the end of the link, then it stucks at page 2, still displaying the first page. Scrolling back triggers the left side arrow animation, but that's it. I'm using greasemonkey 4.11 on firefox 108.0.1.